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⠀⠀You tucked a strand of your hair as you folded some clothes for the Color War. Someone approached you and tapped the shirts in front of you. "Hey, Roberts."

⠀⠀You took a deep breath and looked up to see the person who bothered you. "Do you need something, Kurt? I can heat some soup for you and dump it over your head."

⠀⠀Kurt pouted. "But Little Miss Perfect wouldn't do that, right?"

⠀⠀You rolled your eyes before turning your back to him and giving some more shirts to other people. Kurt moved to your side and tapped your arm. You stepped away. "I'm busy, Kurt. Go away."

⠀⠀"You were protective towards that Berman girl."

⠀⠀"Nice observation, Sherlock. You made your statement, now move along."

⠀⠀"Did you break up with Nick because of Ziggy Berman?"

⠀⠀You instantly faced Kurt and pointed your finger at him. "Our breakup has nothing to do with Ziggy, asshole. Now stop interfering with other people's lives and do your job."

⠀⠀"Easy, princess. Little Miss Perfect doesn't swear, yeah?"

⠀⠀You took some red shirts and shoved them to Kurt. "Do some work rather than bothering me. And stop calling me that." You walked away and ignored Kurt's calls.

⠀⠀You passed by Ziggy and Cindy Berman who came from Nurse Lane's office and were arguing. Cindy was scolding Ziggy while Ziggy glanced at you as she saw you walking in a different direction.

⠀⠀"Do you hear what I'm saying to you?" Cindy questioned Ziggy causing Ziggy to roll her eyes. "Loud and clear, ma'am."

⠀⠀"Well, you clearly don't because we had this conversation last week and the week before that."

⠀⠀"Yeah and again, I'm not gonna get kicked out."

⠀⠀"That's not what Kurt thinks."

⠀⠀"Yeah, well, Kurt can suck it."

⠀⠀"No!" Cindy stopped Ziggy by grabbing her arm. "Ziggy, no! If you get kicked out, I do too. Mom can't work and take care of you and then how will I pay for college, huh?"

⠀⠀Ziggy stifled a laugh causing Cindy to raise her eyebrows incredulously. "Oh, that's funny to you?"

⠀⠀The younger Beman nodded with a smile. "Yeah, kinda." Ziggy turned away and walked away while Cindy followed her.

⠀⠀"Explain to me what's so funny."

⠀⠀"How dumb you are? No one gets out of this town, not even you who's trying hard to be Miss Perfect. Bet on your way out you get run over by a bus."

⠀⠀"Once in your life, could you just not be so... so mean?"

⠀⠀Ziggy stopped walking and turned around to her older sister. "Could once in your life you just stop pretending?" She picked up a blue shirt and threw it to Cindy. "You're Shadyside, in case you forgot." She walked away as Cindy stood in disbelief.

⠀⠀You stopped in your tracks when you spotted Sheila by the benches with her group of friends. You marched towards her and grabbed her arm before pulling her away from her crew.

⠀⠀"(Y/n), what the hell?" Sheila complained as she tried to tore herself away from you.

⠀⠀You let her go in front of you and looked at her sternly. "What was that stunt all about? You were so ready to kill someone. Are you insane?"

⠀⠀Sheila scoffed. "Why are you siding with her? She's clearly a psychopath like any other Shadysiders out there."

⠀⠀"Sheila, I am tired of stopping you from bullying or harming people around. It's exhausting."

⠀⠀"Then stop," Sheila argued. "Let me and my friends have our fun."

⠀⠀"By what? Harassing and bullying the people from Shadyside?" You questioned. "People from Shadyside are actually nice and for once, think about your actions. Don't you think what you're doing is much worse than the witch herself?"

⠀⠀Sheila pushed you as you almost stumbled backward. "Do not compare me with her."

⠀⠀"Then stop whatever you think is fun because it's not and it's hurting people." You scolded as you stepped closer to her. "I'm getting sick of stopping my stepsister from any dangers she's causing." You turned your back around to see Nick just a few meters away.

⠀⠀You quickly went in a different direction while Nick quickly followed. "(Y/n), wait up!"

⠀⠀Nick grabbed your arm causing you to yank it back. "Can you stop grabbing me? Geez."

⠀⠀"Well, I can't stop you unless I have to grab you," Nick replied before sighing deeply. "I just want to know what went wrong between us?"

⠀⠀You crossed your arms and looked down, avoiding eye contact with your ex-boyfriend. Nick frowned. "Our parents didn't like that we broke up..."

⠀⠀Your head rose up instantly and poked his chest harshly. "See? That's what happened. You care about too much of what other people would think and say. Look, I am tired of impressing people by pretending that I'm a good daughter and a good citizen of Sunnyvale. I'm tired of thinking and caring about what people would think."

⠀⠀"I can change—"

⠀⠀"You can't, Nick." You interrupted. "I've seen you tried but you kept on failing like a hundred times. I thought you were different."

⠀⠀Nick opened his mouth to talk until Keanne intervened and hooked her arm around yours. "Oh, hey, Nicky. Sorry, man. I'm borrowing—no, I'm taking her away from you. So, bye-bye!" Keanne immediately pulled you away from Nick before he could even respond.

⠀⠀When you and Keanne were few feet away, you sighed in relief and smiled at your friend. "You're a lifesaver, Keya."

⠀⠀Keanne shrugged and smirked. "I've saved you a bunch of times from that weird guy. You can call me your personal hero."

⠀⠀You playfully rolled your eyes until you and Keanne heard sirens coming to Camp Nightwing. An ambulance and two police cars stopped by and immediately went to an area where Cindy Berman and her boyfriend, Tommy Slater, are.

⠀⠀Keanne rested her hands on her waist while you leaned against a tree as you watched what was happening. You saw Nurse Lane being taken out of the area and unconscious. From the distance, you saw a police officer interviewing Tommy and Cindy.

⠀⠀"Poor Ziggy." Keanne shook her head. "Nurse Lane is literally her only friend in this shithole."

⠀⠀You turned your head to look for Ziggy and found her watching worriedly for the unconscious woman in the stretcher. You were about to look away until you saw Sheila and her friends making their way towards Ziggy.

⠀⠀"Hey, witch." Sheila mocked as she pushed Ziggy. "So sorry. I know you and Nurse Psycho were close. You can visit her in jail now."

⠀⠀Ziggy glared at Sheila. "Fuck off, Sheila."

⠀⠀Sheila stepped closer intimidatingly before smirking. "By the way, you might want to check your stuff. I think there was an accident in cabin five."

⠀⠀You watched as Ziggy looked at Sheila and her friends in concern before quickly running away to check her stuff. You and Nick glanced at each other when Ziggy left while you heard your stepsister and her friends teasing.

⠀⠀"Look at her!"

⠀⠀"Hurry, witch! Run!"

⠀⠀You tapped Keanne's shoulder making her head turn to you. "Hey, I'm gonna go check on something."

⠀⠀"Okay." Keanne nodded. "Are you gonna eat for dinner? The bell is about to ring."

⠀⠀You shook your head. "I'll pass."

⠀⠀"You won't have any energy for Color War."

⠀⠀"Don't worry about me." You smiled before jogging away to find Ziggy.

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