chapter one

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(credit toward the internet )

๐˜š๐˜–๐˜—๐˜๐˜๐˜Œ ๐˜๐˜–๐˜š๐˜›๐˜Œ๐˜™

Sophie Elizabeth Foster awoke to the sound of pots and pans clanging against each other. She rubbed her eyes as she glanced outside her bedroom window. The sun was shining and birds were already singing. Today was a new day, the start of a brand new school year. A better year for all the "popular" kids but not for Sophie. It was a regular day for her. She wasn't popular and didn't have as many friends and were friends with the "nerds" and "weirdos" as the popular kids called them.ย 

Sophie quickly changed into her regular, not special outfit. A grey hoodie, jeans, and a black short-sleeved shirt underneath. It clearly said 'don't talk to me because you're not my friend'. It fit Sophie's personality perfectly. She hurried downstairs, almost bumping into her sister Amy holding a cup of orange juice.ย 

"you-I-me-we-sorry" Sophie stuttered. Sophie had horrible talking skills, she could never go up to the front of the class and present. This was why she didn't fit well with the popular kids. They always made a fool of themselves and people liked it, they weren't embarrassed. They could talk to anyone. It was pretty amazing-for them. "Jeez, you could audition to be a baby in a show and no one would notice" Amy said as she brushed past her. Sophie rolled her eyes in annoyance as she took a red apple and threw it across the room, landing in her water bottle. "what-" Sophie gasped as she stared.ย 

There was no time. She rushed out the door and flew to the bus stop. She couldn't feel her legs as she finally arrived and found herself to a group of kids waiting for the bus as well. And lucky Sophie, they were the popular kids. Fitz Vacker, Biana Vacker, Keefe Sencen, and Maruca Chebota.ย 

Fitz Vacker, A.K.A the king of the school-if Keefe wasn't there. He is one of the hottest single in school and all the girls have a massive crush on either him or Keefe. His dad was a very big producer and always had huge Broadway hits going on. His mom was an owner of a very well-known fashion company. His older brother was an actor who moved to Canada for an upcoming movie.ย 

Biana Vacker, A.K.A the Queen of the school. Everyone knows she has a massive crush on Keefe and always trys to hang out with him,, which fails because he prefers his hair over her. The youngest of the Vacker family- also known as "Fitz's younger sister". She loves fashion and always has all the trendiest All the guys are in love with her but sadly heartbroken because of Keefe.

Keefe Sencen, the King of the school. His parents are high producers and managers on a very big model company call Yogue. Nobody knows why it's called that. Also a model himself, as his big ice blue eyes and beautiful hair. The hottest single in the school, along with Fitz.

Maruca Chebota, known Biana's best friend. Always has a different hairstyle everyday and very unique. Everyone knows her as Biana's friend which may anger her.

Sophie kept a fair distance from them as she pulled out her phone scrolling through daily news, Tiktok room and other important things. She could her Keefe and Fitz joking around. The bus pulled up as Sophie was checking her backpack for her math binder-which was required , which sadly wants there. Sophie didn't have a choice but to go on the bus since her parents had already left for work.

Sophie went to sit in the front, the furthest from the back where the "popular kids" and "popular wannabes" sat. Sophie hated sitting next to them, as much as hearing all the tea-they were pretty loud and annoying. As the bus drove away from the bus stop, Sophie got an Instagram notification.

Bianavacker posted a new photo !!ย 

As much as she hated following the popular kids, if you didn't you'd pretty much get bullied. Not by the guys but by Biana and Maruca. Biana lived for social media followers and her platforms. Sophie sadly had to go like it because she knew Biana would know if one like was missingย 

BIANAVACKER: how was your summer ๐Ÿ˜Š? #fyp #pretty #backtoschool

load comments. . .

user. CUTE !

liked by bianavacker

andrewd28. MARRY ME ๐Ÿ’ย 

โ†ณbianavacker. Sorry love but already taken byย @keefesencen

โ†ณandrewd28. oh ๐Ÿ˜žย 

โ†ณkeefesencen. I'm not, you can take her ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

โ†ณfitzvacker. WHO'S THE GIRL KEEFE

โ†ณkeefesencen. your mom- IM JK,, my hair Duh. It's so cute and beautifulย 

fitzvacker. Ugly ๐Ÿคข

โ†ณbianavacker. F u


user. Imagine if she stole her mom's necklace MISMEIJ

โ†ณuser2. HER MOM READING THIS BE LIKE- ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘

user. r u dating shrek ?

โ†ณkeefesencen. exposed๐Ÿคญ

marucachebota. MY BSF RIGHT HERE !

liked by bianavacker

As Sophie clicked off the app, the bus screeched to a stop and everyone stood up. Except for poor Sophie. She had hit her head on the window and her head hurt. She hated the bus and it was a fact. Sophie hurried off the bus and into the school where she found her friends waiting by her locker like always. Marella Redek and Linh Song. Marella hated nicknames and Linh loved them. Polar opposites but they were best friends.

There was a crowd at the end of the hall so Sophie and her friends decided to check it out. It was mostly Marella's idea because she loved tea, both kinds-the drinking one and the tea tea. They soon found out it was Stina bragging that she had gone to the Vacker's house but she was exposed by Biana who was walking to class.

The bell rang and all the students skittered off, hurrying to their first class of the first day of the first year. Sophie had English first hour, her second favorite class. Her favorite class was social studies which was last. The day went by lightning, each class only 30 minutes each because of the first day. Sophie enjoyed the first day of school. Sadly in her social studies class, Keefe Sencen, Fitz Vacker, and Biana Vacker was in the class which bothered her a little bit.ย 

The class was introducing and just free-time which she spent the time texting her friends because she had nothing to do. As Sophie collected her plain backpack, Keefe Sencen came up to her.ย 

"Hey do you know when the introducing assignment thing is due? The one where you write 10 interesting facts about yourself?" He asked. Sophie stared at him. "Ask your friends." She said coldly. She didn't want to cause or interact with him because he was "unofficially taken" by Biana.

"They don't know either-neither of them listened." Keefe informed her. "And I was in the bathroom" he added. Sophie sighed. "Next monday" She said before brushing past him leaving him alone in the classroom.

why would a popular guy like Keefe talk to a loner like her? ย Sophie wondered before mentally smacking herself. It was easy. Keefe and Sophie used to be friends before he became all hot and model-y. Keefe still wanted to be friends with her but Sophie pushed him away and started paying less attention to popularity. But that was in 4th grade and now they were in their senior year.ย 

She hoped Keefe wouldn't talk to her again.

the best person speaks !

this chapter is confusing-bye.



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