「 08; Abandoned 」

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Rain pouring, walking down the streets under the night sky. Checking his phone, it was already 1 am. The boy sighs and continued on his way looking for a place to stay.

Alone in the cold atmosphere. It was his decision to move out. He's been looking for some apartments or even motels just to live in. He preferred finding one during the late nights where the public doesn't bother him.

All around him were loud bars, bright convenience stores and some gas stations nearby. He chose not to stay with some friend's home cause he doesn't want to go into their business.

After some time, his eyes were laid in an odd looking building. It looked like a small apartment that was abandoned. Following his instincts, he went inside of it.

It was all empty, hanging lights that were torn apart and walls with some kind of stain.

The boy was still holding his umbrella upwards even if he's indoors afraid that some debris would fall on him.

Glancing at the windows, the dark sky flashed into red ones for a bit. The lights starting to flicker as they were swinging faster.

A windy breeze hitting him, stumbling back. He felt as if there was someone watching. Another blast of air; this time, it was behind him.

He turned around to that direction feeling hands behind his shoulders.

"i just found myself a good one"

The boy now felt a cold breath hovering on his now exposed skin. The unknown man bit his neck causing the other to drop his umbrella, slowly losing himself.

The next thing he knew was collapsing onto the floor, his sight turning dark.

"sleep well my little toy."


Sunghoon shot his eyes open catching his breath after that dream he had. Remembering what happened yesterday, he carefully touched his neck and looking back on his fingers, they were a bit stained with what looks like his own blood.

Rushing to the bathroom, he looked at himself in the mirror. Two deep holes on his skin. Some features of his face also red because of the suffering he went through.

He could finally recall the day before he stayed here through that dream.

And what he was thinking broke him.


── any thoughts of what will happen? :>

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