20 | But I Know Something You Don't

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Sofia came in through the back door wearing my clothes, wearing my perfume and with freshly dyed hair the same colour as mine. She squealed when she locked the padlock once again, coming into the lounge room where I was reading a two week old newspaper as a source of entertainment.

"I am so excited to see you Y/N, I had such a good day today," she grinned, sitting on the couch next to me and hugging me; a hug in which I did not return.

"Oh yeah me too. I had so much fun. What happened today that was so good for you huh?" I asked back uninterested but knowing that I had to indulge in her twisted attempt at friendship.

"Okay so, I went dress shopping with Robyn for her wedding and she just looked so stunning like, wow. And then we had a double date with Tom and Harrison and Harrison literally said that because you had dumped Tom, that I should be one of a Robyn's bridesmaids!" She squealed excitedly, forgetting the fact that Harrison obviously knew she was a crazy bitch and that he was pretending to like her too.

"That's super exciting," I said sarcastically, opening the plastic takeaway container and eating spoonful of fried rice. Maybe I could keep one of these plastic spoons and melt it down into a knife... There's no proper cutlery here but I know she's forgotten to get the gas company to turn off the gas... If I stole her lighter I could do it.

"Oh! And Tom still won't let me stay at his house but like, he stayed the night at his Mum's place with me and we cuddled in bed and like, showered together which was so cute. He still won't let me fucking touch him but like, ugh he's even hotter than when I dated him at nineteen. Twenty five looks good on him. Those muscles! Girl, how do you not melt when you look at him!" She said, trying to relate to me in a friendly way but about my own fucking partner in front of me. So twisted.

I tried to hit Sofia about a week ago whilst she had her gun a few metres away. I underestimated her fighting ability because she must be trained in martial arts given the retaliation I received back from her. My eye is heavily bruised now and the swelling has only just started to ease. She kicked me once I was on the ground too which left a nice purple bruise on my rib cage.

"Did you uh, did you give Tom the letter?" I asked timidly, not wanting to sound too overbearing in case she thought I had written in clues and decided to not give it to him anymore.

"Yeah, he cried when he read it. Which is like, so cute because he's finally comfortable enough to be vulnerable around me and show his true emotions. I think he's starting to fall for me again," she smiled.

Sure Sofia, he wasn't crying because the love of his life was kidnapped and he finally got communication from her for the first time in about a month. He cried because he's 'comfortable' around you.

Sofia jumped to her feet and told me that we should celebrate the fact she was becoming a bridesmaid and that she was going to come back with some ice cream. Again, I couldn't give a fuck about ice cream or the fact she stole my bridesmaid duties but if she left me at home with the spoon I could hide it for tomorrow.

"Oh man, ice cream sounds so good right now," I smiled, once again indulging in her psychotic delusion of friendship but trying to not be overly enthusiastic and give myself away. After she left the house she locked the door with the padlock again and I heard her car finally leave.

I got one of the plastic spoons and hid it between the sofa cushions, running around to a shopping bag on the kitchen counter to see what she had left here by mistake. Nothing useful.

I had searched this house upside down to try and figure out if she had left anything here that I could use as a weapon, or use to somehow break out of this house. I tried pulling the aircon unit out of the wall to see if I could crawl through, I tried to smash the shower screen and use the glass as a weapon and I even tried to unscrew the taps to use to hit her with.

But nothing.

I laid back on the couch and cried yet again. I cry all the time now, wondering how my life ever got to this point and if I'd ever be allowed out of here. I wish she would just kill me.

And then I realised how I could potentially take out Sofia and escape this fucking place.

When I spent my time in Witness Protection I hid myself a doomsday device. The small tube containing a way out for myself if my attacker ever found my new identity and I needed a way to kill myself before he did.

I sprinted to my bedroom, pushing the top shelf of the wardrobe up and revealing the tiny hole I had chipped into the wall to hide my doomsday device. It was still there, the test tube shape container in the wall containing a single dose of M99 in a syringe.

Rather than kill myself with it, I was going to try and kill Sofia. But how do I get so close to her with a fucking needle in my hand before she shoots me? The gun is always by her side.

Hearing her get back I hid the syringe in the waistband of my tracksuit pants, running back to the lounge room and continuing to eat my fried rice, looking up at her unenthusiastically when she arrived again. She came inside and lit a pillar candle to 'make the room smell nice and not like old Chinese food' and left the lighter next to it.

Note to self, try and steal that lighter.

"I got Salted Caramel and White Chocolate, Pandan Coconut and Tahitian Lime Sorbet and a standard boring Chocolate if you're basic," she smiled, sitting down on the couch next to me and setting the three flavoured tubs across both of our laps.

"Cool I'll uh, I'll have some of that caramel one," I said, my heart racing as I tried to act normal around her. If I acted nice to her she'd know something was up, if I acted to harsh she'd know too.

"Oh my god, do we want to watch the next episode of Love Island?" She suggested excitedly, the show she had forced us to watch every night before she left me to sleep and returned home to the Holland house. I don't know why she even asked if we should watch it, she puts it on every fucking night. There's no other option.

"Yeah, grab the remote," I said shrugging, noticing that the remote was on the side table next to her.

This is the moment.
This is the moment where she's close to me but facing away from me. Pulling the syringe from my waist band quietly, I outstretched my arm quickly and injected it into her neck as she learnt over the side of the couch.

She was unconscious in seconds.
Now for the next step.

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