27 | Various Forms of Punishment

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Robyn is probably one of my closest friends now, especially since she and I could openly talk about the hidden side of our mafia lives. It was hard to have a rant with someone who couldn't understand the very niche and specific perils of being in the mafia. Not everyone could listen to you complain about your boyfriend murdering someone and give constructive criticism.

"Wait, so he didn't even tell you the whole plan? What a little bitch," Robyn huffed, struggling to pull the zipper all the way up her back.

"Yeah, I'm standing there looking like a fucking idiot with some guys brains all on me and he just smiles and goes 'oh good job darling' like what the fuck do you mean good job?!" I whine, helping her with the zipper.

It's funny, I never would have expected to go wedding dress shopping in one of the most boutique stores in the city and be able to talk about murder in front of the staff. But like I keep being reminded, there are more people connected to the mafia than you would think. In fact, the owner of this store is married to one of Haz's guys.

"What do you think?" Robyn asked.

"I mean, I'm kind of over it now but I refused to make him tea as punishment," I shrugged.

"Y/N I meant the dress, what do you think about this one?" She said twirling around before looking at herself in the multiple curved mirrors.

"Oh! Right. No, I think this one hugs your curves a lot better than the previous one. I think this is the perfect dress to be honest with you," I smiled, looking at her fondly.

"This is definitely the one... Wait, why is a cup of tea such a punishment for him? Normally when I'm angry at Harrison I just deny him sex until he begs me for forgiveness," Robyn grinned cheekily, running her hands along the dress in admiration.

"Tea is kind of our thing. I used to make him tea back in witness protection and now he needs a cup before bed and in the morning. Kind of a silent gesture between us to say I love you," I smiled softly.

I helped her unzip the dress as she shimmied out of it, the staff boutique owner helping her step out of it before hanging it back up. We discussed the various options of customising it and making it one of a kind.

As much as I am aware of how much money the mafia has, seeing the price of this wedding dress made me choke on my water as Robyn nodded and handed the designer her Centurion card.

For reference, a Centurion card is an invitation only credit card in which you have to have a net worth of like ten million to even be legible. Which confused me because I don't know how Robyn actually gets her money. She doesn't work for the mafia, she doesn't have a normal job and she doesn't really do anything during the day except socialise.

"Okay, so I'm getting custom Louboutins for the ceremony and a pair of Jimmy Choo's for the reception. Now I just need honeymoon lingerie and I'm set," she laughed, showing me a photo on her phone of the lingerie she was thinking of.

"You're going to spend that much on something Haz will take off in two seconds?" I joked, scrolling down to the price.

"It has Swarovski crystals and hand sewn lace, of course it's that much. Besides, it'll make me feel sexy," she shrugged, getting in the backseat of the car she had hired for the two of us. We strolled around doing a little bit of shopping together in various stores before she had to return home for a dinner date with Haz; so cute.

She dropped me home, thanked me for my help today (which was very minimal) and told me that I should forgive Tom and make his tea again. I smiled and waved to her as the car drove back down our driveway.

Upon opening the front door, I saw our entire foyer covered in my favourite flowers, faint music playing in the background and Tom appearing from the end of the hall with his hands behind his back. And I mean, this place was covered with flowers.

"W-what is all of this?" I said nervously, putting my bag down on the foyer table and walking slowly through the loose flowers on the ground and bouquets set up in pedestals along the walls towards him.

"I was a dickhead for not being open and honest about the plan. And I'm sorry," he said apologetically.

"This is all just to say sorry?" I smiled softly.

"I love you," he smiled.

"I love you too," I smiled back, kissing him gently before pulling away and laughing.

"I thought this was some extravagant proposal when I first came in, I got scared," I laughed, looking around at the obvious fact Tom had hired event stylists to do all of this just to apologise to me.

"Why would getting engaged scare you?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and swaying ever so slightly to the music.

"Just, I don't know. Like the fact that we are young and I only just got initiated into the mafia and you only just became the godfather," I shrugged.

"So? Haven't you ever imagined how strong we would be as the godfather and the godmother?" He chuckled.

"Have you?" I questioned jokingly, assuming it was a rhetorical question.

"All the time, I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else but you," he smiled.

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