13 | Corruption Pays the Bills

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"I'm going to let go of you now okay? Haz go find something to tie her hands before I do," I said, snapping my fingers at him and keeping eye contact with the fucking traitor in front of me.

So I guess we have a second person in our cul-de-sac who's in Witness Protection. This one though was a fucking cop, or a federal agent, or some type of narc. I can't believe I let this pig into my house, there's nothing I hate more than this countries justice system and this bitch works for them. Disgusting.

Haz came back with cable ties and zipped her hands behind her back. Not to brag but for me, a plastic zip tie around the ankles or wrists are easy to break, but for her they'd be a solid restraint.

"Why is this whole thing just really kinky? The choking, the ties... Whats next? Hot wax? Whips?" She laughed, looking at Haz and smiling at him after he tightened the cable ties.

"Thanks handsome," she winked, chuckling at him before looking back up at me as I let go of her neck finally.

Where is this cocky version of Y/N coming from? She'd never be so casual and comfortable with someone threatening to kill her. The Y/N I knew wouldn't be flirtatious in the eyes of death and she definitely wouldn't be joking around with the men doing it.

The Y/N I knew would be bawling her eyes out and begging for mercy. This is the same girl who jumped at loud sounds in movies and told me to wear socks around the house so I wouldn't catch a cold.

Fuck, was her name even Y/N?

"Speak. Explain yourself now," I said bluntly, staring her down as I had two minds about killing her; I don't know how much she knows about me.

"I should be asking him that," she said nodding towards Haz. "He was in my house the other night," she finished.

I turned to Haz and glared at him, dumbfounded at how fucking stupid he could be.

"I wanted to see the girl you've been seeing and when I saw her put a gun under her sofa I started asking myself questions," he protested.

"Yeah well lots of people have guns Haz, especially cops spying on me," I said turning back to her.

"I'm not a cop Tom. And you can trust me on that because cops legally can't lie about being one. I can pull up my old ID cards, I'll let you stalk through my old photos just trust me that I'm on the same team as you," she said almost exasperated, I assume still out of breath when I choked her.

She was already starting to bruise, fuck. She won't be able to go into public looking like that. And if she really is a cop, she'll have me jailed for it. Fuck.

"And what side is that huh?" I chuckled, still not trusting her despite the amount of times she told me to  bloody trust her.

"Whatever side is against the law," she smirked, before walking to the kitchen bench, nudging the tap open with her nose and dipping her head to the side to drink from it.

Haz motioned to leave the room, I nodded and told him to stay close. I didn't trust Y/N yet, but I trusted my strength over hers. First things first, we needed to leave my kitchen where there were knives readily available.

I told her to go to the living room, I know I had a gun hidden behind the coffee table that I could access if everything turned sour. With her hands still behind her back, she walked in front of me to the couch, flipping down onto it and tucking her legs up like she always did. Still cute. Damn it.

"So if you're not law enforcement, what are you?" I sighed, seemingly disappointed that the girl I actually enjoyed being with wasn't who she said she was.

"A psychologist," she shrugged.

I put my head in my hands and groaned, running my hand through my hair before composing myself. Tom, don't get angry with her because as much as you may want to end her pitiful life, you need your witness protection more.

"Y/N please don't make this more difficult than it needs to be. Now, explain everything and I'll spare you your life okay? I'm not someone you want to be fucking with," I threatened.

"I'm not being difficult! I seriously am a psychologist! I never went to college or anything so technically I'm not accredited but I faked my way into getting my license and got a fake degree. So yeah, I am a psychologist," she said, trying to reason with me and trying to stretch her wrists; Haz did them really tight, I could see purple marks beginning to form from the pack of blood circulation.

"Okay but why is a fake psychologist working at a high school in federal witness protection hm?" I said, trying to maintain my anger. I don't have time for this shit.

Actually, I kind of do. I have a lot of spare time now.

"Cos I'm a criminal psychologist who worked with some of our countries most dangerous people and know way too much information about open cases. Done, happy now? I just exposed my identity to you. Your turn," she said giving me a sassy look.

Y/N hadn't sassed me before. Like I said before, she was sweet and she was nice. She was the type of person to apologise to a bug for stepping on it. I think. But her being sassy right now with her hands tied behind her back was kind of really attractive.

"Yeah I'm not telling you anything about me. You still seem like you work for the feds and I'm not risking my cover for that, no way in hell," I scoffed.

Swiftly, without me even having a second to realise what was going on, she sprung at me, one of her feet now pressed against my neck and the other in between my legs teetering on the edge of damaging the goods.

At the same time however, I pulled the gun from the coffee table next to me and pointed it at her head.

Do the math Y/N; foot versus gun. Who wins?

"I would reconsider what you're doing right now," I chuckled, cocking the gun so it was ready to fire. She sat back down with a huff, squinting at my gun and asking me where I was hiding it.

A magician never tells darling.

"Yeah I work for the feds but I'm not a part of the feds. I'm as crooked as the next guy. Give me enough cash and I'll rock up to your court hearing, fake analyse you and I'll write you off as not guilty by charge of insanity, you escape jail time and I get rich. It's not that hard to understand Tom; I'm corrupt, like half the fucking system. You already in jail? Get your guys to pay me and I'll bring in anything you want, I'll minimise your sentence and I'll testify to your mental health," she rambled, now finally explaining the reason she was in Witness Protection with me.

It had me start to wonder though, was our whole street filled with people in Witness Protection? Was the old Russian guy next door a spy in the KGB? Were Jeanette and Dave drug smuggling kingpins? Fuck, this was starting to scare me a bit.

"So you're corrupt, big deal so is half the world. Why should I trust you when you say you're on the same side as me? You know nothing about me," I huffed.

"Well from the amount of times you come home late at night splattered in blood from 'boxing' to telling me you work in fucking IT, it just doesn't add up. Plus my court marshal thinks I'm clean and let me know you were moving in. How nice to have a Holland brother as my neighbour," she said smirking, raising her eyebrow at me when I realised she knew who I was this whole time.

"So that's why you enforced the no sex rule. Can't fuck a criminal cos of your job huh?" I scowled, still annoyed that I started to develop some sort of feeling towards her.

"No, I've fucked criminals before. Once in a court house too. I just didn't want to give into you that easily, I wanted to watch you get all desperate being the only people our age in the street. Oh, and the fact that seeing me naked isnt pretty because I have a huge scar from work. That's the main reason I got put into WITSEC, I got attacked during a jail session and then my house was broken into. Fun times... If you untie me I can prove it," she sighed.

This side of Y/N caught me absolutely off guard, I had no idea she had this dark and devious side to her and to be quite frank I was loving it. I still wanted her, maybe even more now.

"Nice try. Where's the scar?" I chuckled, knowing I wasn't going to let her off that easily.

She told me to lift her shirt, which I was hesitant to do before she assured me there was nothing wrong. I lifted the bottom of it, showing a deep scar starting at the side of her ribs and curling down towards her stomach. It wasn't new, but it still had a bit of redness. I ran the tips of my fingers along it, it was a pretty nasty battle wound I must say. It didn't make her less pretty or anything, I don't know why she said that.

"I uh, I was in a therapy session with this guy, you've probably seen him on the news... Benji Mathers? The guy who killed like, all those women he met on Tinder? Yeah anyway, he was one of my cases and over several weeks he convinced himself we were in love and when I started rejecting his romantic advances at work he freaked out and thought I was wearing a wire. Which we never do, because recording therapy sessions isn't allowed. But he had a sharpened piece of metal from a food tray and he slashed my torso to cut the so called 'wire' I wasn't even wearing. Ended up in Intensive Care for two weeks and I haven't worked since," she shrugged.

"Wait yeah, I've heard of him. He would stalk his Tinder dates and kill them if they saw other men right? He was like, so obsessed with them he thought nobody else could have them or something? Jesus fucking Christ, you had to be that guys psych? You're not even a real psychologist!" I said in amazement, glazing over the fact she literally could have died by a serial killer.

"Fuck you, my resume says I'm a psychologist so I am a psychologist! I still know everything I need to know. I just don't have the dumb certificate that says I went to college or whatever. I faked it, taught myself everything in my spare time and learnt the rest on the job," she said before twisting around and asking me to cut the plastic zip ties holding her wrists.

I sighed, shaking my head at myself for giving in and getting a small pocket knife to cut her loose. I must be insane right now, I'm letting her free; but I do have some level of trust in her now, she told me a lot about herself.

"So why all this effort to do such a boring job?" I questioned, still unsure why she faked her way through a degree to work with fucked up people in jail.

"Corruption pays the bills and I needed the money."

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