31 | Aim Right Between the Eyes

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"And finally we meet, the woman who single handedly saved my life. I'm glad I can thank you in person, truly it's an honour to know someone in the justice system has my best interest at heart, not many people do," Dad laughed, kissing the back of Y/N's hand as we met my parents at their room before the gala.

Dad insisted on meeting her privately, asking for us to share a quick drink with them and the brothers. The three boys couldn't resist themselves to gawk over her, staring at her lips, tits, ass, legs, everything. They think they're being subtle but I know them all too well.

They're relentless. Even in front of Mum and Dad.

I knocked my glass against my brother Harry's glass across the small coffee table, apologising sarcastically that I was 'daydreaming and looking at things I shouldn't be looking at,' hinting obviously at the fact I caught him staring at Y/N.

"Don't be so modest Dominic, I was only doing my job. You should really be thanking Tom for ranting about Jack Maniscalo every night and annoying me into analysing him," She joked, resting her hand on top of mine.

"Ah yes, I forgot you two were quite cozy even before the case. And even more so now I hear from Nikki... You know boys and their mothers, they tell each other everything. Well, we need a girl like you in The Family, you're a good connection to have. I did some digging and you've gotten a few of my boys better outcomes on their cases, you're a keeper that's for sure," Dad continued, standing up and suggesting we leave to go to the gala event.

"Hear that? You've got Dad's tick of approval," I whispered, kissing her cheek quickly as we all left the penthouse suite my parents were staying in.

"Next is your Mum..." she whispered back. And she had a point, Mum barely said a word in there, she just watched Y/N like a hawk. Mums never liked any of the girls I've brought home. Trust me there's not been a lot, maybe only two in my entire life inclusive of high school. Don't get me wrong I've slept with dozens of women but rarely are they meaningful enough to me to introduce to my parents. Or has it ever been worth the risk to introduce them into The Family.

Exiting the elevator at the ballroom floor where the event was held, I slid my arm around Y/N's waist, making sure that from the get go, everyone knew who she belonged to; that they knew she was mine.

Disguised as a charity gala, many of the attendees were legitimately good people, benefactors of well known companies and charitable organisations. There were a myriad of celebrities and those of high socialite status. There were wealthy businessmen and women, all desperate for an invite to the years most exclusive event. It was compared to the Met Gala last year in GQ. This was no secret event. The only secret about it however, was that it was run by the countries most elite criminals.

Y/N looked jaw dropping tonight, I struggled to even leave our hotel suite because I couldn't keep my hands off her. Her dress was strapless with a sheer mesh looking corset at the top, with structural boning to accentuate her shape and hug her figure. It then connected to a silky long material that draped perfectly down the rest of her body with a high leg slit.

My suit was less detailed. It was expensive yet basic. Giorgio Armani. Black jacket. Black pants. Black belt. White shirt. No tie. Top three buttons undone. Cuff links from Prada. Shoes from Christian Louboutin. Cologne by Tom Ford.

Haz went for a navy look with a classic tie.
He looked good. But I looked better.

Robyn couldn't make it tonight, apparently she got caught up at work or something. Disappointing, she was looking forward to this night since last years event.

"I see you're already rubbing shoulders with the Holland's hm?" Haz said winking at Y/N and insinuating that she was getting well acquainted with my family; which she was. Except Mum.

Bruno Mars was on stage, singing soft jazz as a background musician. This of course was something he wasn't used to, being the main event usually. People barely paid him attention, he loved it. Singing a much better rendition of Sway made popular by the notoriously boring crooner Michael Buble, I asked Y/N to dance with me - which shocked her.

"You seriously want to dance?" She chuckled, turning around to see dozens of people dancing with their partners in the centre of the room.

"Trust me it's fun, plus I get to show you off," I grinned, holding her hand and pulling her onto the dance floor. The song was always a classic sultry piece of music, yet Bruno Mars made it all the more enticing to dance with my girl.

Surprisingly, we were pretty good. The secret to most dances is that one person leads and makes the other person look good. So given that I lead, she just twirled and dipped with my movements.

"Where'd you learn to dance like this?" She said as we stepped closer together in unison, her breath hot against my neck.

"Mafia school 101, learn to shoot a gun and learn to fit in at events. Dad taught one, Mum taught the other," I joked, spinning her away from me before pulling her back.

"I'll admit it's kind of hot you know your rhythm, makes sense why you're so good in bed," she taunted, our lips inches away as the song ended.

"I need a drink," she smiled, sauntering over to the bar as Haz came over and stood next to me. I watched as she ordered a cocktail by the bar, smiling as Dad appeared next to her and started up a conversation. Honestly I'm relieved he likes her, he's not a fun guy to disappoint.

"There had to be at least a hundred people dancing just then but everyone watched you two. You two made that look easy," Haz said chuckling before sipping his drink. He looked kind of bummed that Robyn wasn't here, he was still a social butterfly but you could tell during he dance he wanted to be with his girl.

Making her way back with two drinks, she passed one to me and told me she knew I'd have finished mine by the time she returned; she's brilliant.

"So you're the new Dutchess hm?" A voice said from beside us, causing Y/N to nearly choke on her drink at the man in front of us.

"Dutchess? Is that a Wolf of Wall Street reference? You know, what Leo DiCaprio calls Margot Robbie?" She joked politely, the man laughing and shaking his head at her.

"Well if his street name is Dutch, it only makes sense that his new woman would be the Dutchess," he said tilting his head towards me as if I wasn't standing in the middle of this conversation.

"Dutch?" She asked, turning to me and smiling, sipping her drink gently. Her lipstick marks the cup, it makes me want her to put those same lip prints all down my body later.

"Yeah, cos like, Holland? It's dumb because my whole family have the same last name but you don't get to pick your own street names," I scoff, all the while watching this man stare at Y/N. He didn't even look at me when I spoke. He just watched her.

"I'm so sorry I haven't introduced myself, I'm Daniel. I work with your boy Ricky," he said now turning to me and stretching out his hand to shake mine.

"Tom," I stated back, although he already knew that; he called me Dutch. I shook his hand firmly, asserting my dominance through the most subtle way a man can; through his handshake.

"Do you guys, know each other?" I smiled, raising my eyebrow at him. I didn't look at Y/N, I just watched Daniel in front of me act so casual and calm around us, talking to her like they were best friends. It infuriated me. How dare he act as if I'm just another man to him, as if he didn't break a sweat even introducing himself to me. Most men felt instantly threatened around me, why didn't he?

"We're actually old work colleagues, back in the old days of pencil pushing for the corporates, hey kitten? Remember Donoghue's Tuesday psychology meetings? Ugh, the worst!" He joked, laughing with Y/N.

Kitten? Did he just fucking use a pet name?

My jaw was clenched and my grip around my drink tightened so much I feared it would smash in my hand. Who the fuck is this guy thinking he can come over and act like this in front of me?

"Look, we better keep moving around the room. Lots and people to meet and shake hands with," I joked through gritted teeth and a fake smile.

He shook my hand again, told me it was nice to meet me and then turned to Y/N. He told her they should catch up, he kissed her cheek and told her she looked great.

I'm going to put a fucking bullet right between his eyes if they 'catch up' I swear to god.

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