33 | I've Tasted Freedom and It Is Sweet

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"What the fuck are you wearing Tom?" I whined, my brows furrowed and my mouth turned into a frown as I got out of the shower with my towel wrapped around my body and my hair still drenched.

"What, why are you so upset at my outfit?" Tom said sighing disappointedly when I saw him sitting on the bed ready to go out for dinner.

After I had successfully disabled Tom's ankle monitor, tested it for a few hours to make sure police officers didn't come swarming the building and kicking down doors, I let Tom decide where he wanted to go for dinner for his first night of freedom.

He had answered 'McDonalds' which I scoffed at, telling him that he had ordered a Big Mac through Uber Eats just a few weeks ago when he was ridiculously hungover. Tom never eats McDonalds unless he's hungover. He laughed and then said he wanted to wander around the night markets along the riverside and buy cheap street food from the stalls.

It was a much better idea, something we could both experience together and meant we could spend time outside for the first time in forever. Plus, we could try all different types of cuisines and share mixed plates between the two of us. It was a nice and casual setting.

Hence my surprise to see Tom sitting on the bed wearing tailored pants, a Balmain shirt and fucking Jimmy Choo shoes... To outdoor fucking markets.

"You look like you're ready for date night," I judged, shaking my head and glaring at him.

"Tonight is date night though," he retorted.

"I meant like, fancy restaurant date night, not sitting on the grass with dumplings type of date night," I sighed, jutting out my bottom lip in a pout at the fact I would be severely under dressed compared to him. My hair wouldn't be dry, I didn't have time to do my makeup and I most certainly did not want to wear a fancy outfit to sit on the ground in.

"So what's dumpling attire then? Like, jeans and a jumper? It's kind of cold right? Maybe a coat over the top?" He said springing to his feet and walking into the walk-in closet with me.

I liked that Tom put effort into his style, even when we were at home he liked to wear a t-shirt that somewhat coordinated with him tracksuit pants. I nodded when he pulled out the outfit in his mind, definitely a more toned down look than what he had on.

"What are you wearing then?" He said unbuttoning his shirt and hanging it back on the coat hanger.

"Probably something similar to you, a sweater and jeans maybe? It's down by the water so the breeze might be cold," I shrugged, squealing at Tom tugged at my towel.

As I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms across my chest, I kicked the towel on the floor towards him. He just laughed and pulled me against him, me being naked with dripping wet hair and him shirtless and still in his pants and shoes.

"You should just wear this," he taunted, moving his hands to cup each of my butt cheeks and jiggle them as he laughed at himself.

"You wouldn't be able to cope with all the people staring at me," I said scoffing.

"Oh yeah I'd have to fuck you right here and then to show them who you belong to," he smirked.

"I don't belong to anyone, let's start there shall we? And second of all, you wouldn't let me step two feet outside the front door butt ass naked," I laughed.

He let go and huffed, telling me that I could be wearing a garbage bag with holes cut out of it for my arms and legs and he'd still want to fuck me. How charming. Yet, oddly flattering knowing that he's truly attracted to me naturally.

"Oh! You know what we should do after dinner? We should go visit Haz and Robyn and the little man," Tom said excitedly, grinning from ear to ear.

We hadn't seen them since the baby was born and Tom's house arrest officer had bent the rules for us to go and visit. It had only been a little while but Tom was itching to see his nephew. I know he's not technically related to Haz, but they were basically brothers at this point.

"Why don't we take dinner over to them? I'm sure they haven't left the house lately either," I laughed, slipping a pair of jeans on and buttoning them up.

"I'll call him and see if they're okay with us swinging by, I don't want to burden them. Maybe you and I could look after Oliver downstairs and let Haz and Robyn sleep... Or fuck, I dunno," Tom laughed, leaving the walk in closet once he grabbed a pair of sneakers rather than his original dress shoes.

"I know sex isn't really a priority for most new parents but trust me when I say that Robyn and Haz would have been fucking as soon as her vagina would let her," I said shaking my head with a chuckle.

"Aw man, I can't imagine how much you would be hurting after giving birth... And during the birth... And the whole nine months before... If I could be the one to get pregnant, I'd volunteer to carry the baby for you," Tom laughed.

"Like a seahorse?" I smiled.

"Like a seahorse, exactly," he smiled, outstretching his hand to take mine as I stood up from the bed and sighed at myself in the mirror.

"I look like a drowned rat and you look like you should be on the cover of a magazine," I pouted.

"Aw darling don't say that about yourself. You could easily be on the cover of drowned rat magazine if you wanted to," he taunted, making me hit him across the chest playfully as we left the apartment.

Tom stood in his private garage for possibly three or four minutes in complete silence, with his arms crossed and his hand rubbing his jaw as he contemplated which of his cars to take out. It was a big decision for him, he had only driven once since leaving prison.

"Take the Aston, I need my hair blow dried," I laughed, watching Tom nod and take the keys to the convertible off the key rack.

It was a solid choice to be fair, the Aston Martin DBS was a beast of a car with its V12 engine, and with the top down it would let the wind dry my damp hair. I would however look like chewbacca once I arrived at Haz and Robyn's though.

I'll ask Robyn for a hair brush when I get there.

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