Epilogue | Method to Our Madness

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Although the story of both Thomas and Y/N's relationship was a rocky one, it proved that their love reigned supreme over the danger and peril in their ever terrifying lifestyles. Whether they were plotting a blood chilling hit against someone or someone was plotting one against them, there was always the beckoning fear following them from being in a mafia family.

However, that fear dissipated when they were together. Their time apart only made them come to terms with loving the parts of them that were brought out by the other; the strength, the passion, the security. It killed them to be apart but evidently it drove them back to one another.

As Tom started his story by cooperating with the federal police in order to protect his father Dominic, Y/N was recovering from a traumatic near death experience after being stabbed in prison. Tom never once came to consider the fact his quiet cul-de-sac could have potentially housed others in Witness Protection, albeit it being rare. Most criminals are situated in similar areas but never the same street.

Except Y/N wasn't a criminal to the police; she was a citizen in dire need of protection and rehabilitation. She noticed Tom the first day he moved in, baking from her kitchen as she often did when she was lonely. Yet it took him a few days to notice her. The first things he thought inside his head when he saw her were those of misogynistic views; looking at her like a cut of meat or his next eligible shag. It's funny to look at how much Tom's view on women has changed, although it took a few arguments and ultimately a break up for those lessons to be learnt.

From ex-work partners to ex-girlfriends, Y/N and Tom had been dealt the worst hand from the deck. All of their cards were practically unplayable and they had to play the game as it was laid out. With her mind blowing connections in the federal and local police precincts, as well as her wild depth of knowledge in psychology, Y/N managed to free Tom's father from prison. She blossomed into more of a powerful woman once she decided to be initiated into The Family, not only killing Sofia Maniscalo, but Jack Maniscalo as well.

When Tom stepped down as The Godfather, he made it his mission to spend more quality time with Y/N making memories and experiencing a 'proper' life with her. They started by planning a month long trip around Europe, travelling together and indulging in some of life's finest luxuries. Upon return they set up fortnightly date nights that they'd alternate in planning.

It had only gotten to date number 4 until Y/N ran out of ideas and pleaded for Tom to stay on the couch with her and order Italian food from a few blocks away. They decided to dress up regardless, because it was still date night; even if it was just to eat spaghetti on their sofa and watch a movie they'd already seen before.

Y/N and Tom thought that the next milestone they should conquer would be to purchase a home together. Yes, they had lived together twice now, but both times were when Y/N moved in with Tom in his existing house. This time, it was equally theirs, equal parts 'home'.

During the final inspection, the real estate agent had finally given up on prying into their personal life, assuming they weren't remotely interested in having children. Every house that she showed them before this, she would insinutate that different rooms could be turned into a nursery, or a child's bedroom. When Y/N and Tom would shake their heads and say they weren't thinking about kids for a long time, she would look disappointed and say 'one day'.

That one day came on the final inspection, where Y/N excused herself to the bathroom in rush. When Tom followed her worriedly, he rubbed her back as she sat limply next to the toilet bowl with sweat on her forehead and feeling nausea from hell.

"You know, if you want any contacts for baby proofing the house, let me know," she winked at Tom as he came out of the bathroom after consoling his partner. She knew what morning sickness looked like and Y/N was obviously experiencing it. That very same day, Tom signed the contract of sale and started thinking of baby names quietly.

When Y/N's pregnancy was properly confirmed by four seperate at home urine tests and two different doctors, Tom proposed legitimately. It wasn't as extravagant as Y/N had assumed he would plan out but she liked it more that it felt low key. She knew that it meant more to him since he had consciously tried to tone down the occasion for her. He wanted her to focus on the words he was saying rather than the glitz and glamour around them.

In saying that, he did propose on a luxury super yacht in Greece...

To not disappoint Nikki and her occasional old school mafia mentality, they decided to quickly get married before Y/N's belly started showing. This was to lead people to believe the baby wasn't conceived out of wedlock. It was strange, Nikki wasn't conservative in the slightest but this was important to her for some reason. She also did not know they had fallen pregnant, nor that they had planned to keep it.

The ceremony was intimate unlike Harrison and Robyn. It was held on a private estate on the outskirts of London and beautifully styled. Haz brought his nanny made new girlfriend Grace to the event with his son Oliver. It was adorable, Oliver had a custom made Gucci suit with little brown shoes that didn't have any shoelaces. He was only just starting to walk so the knees of the suit were dusty from his falls and crawls.

Now, with the birth of their daughter occurring any minute, Tom insisted that they needed to make sure she would never sleep with Oliver. Y/N who was in an intense labour and focusing on anything except their kids future sex life, told him that they wouldn't be able to control that anyway. When their 'daughter' was born a boy however, Tom altered his initial statement:

"He better not sleep with Oliver," he sighed, holding the tiny boy in his arms quickly before the nurses would take him away to clean. Tom scoffed, questioning how their doctor had mistaken the ultrasound for a girl instead of a boy.

He was secretly happier now that it was a boy though.

Y/N had spent weeks decorating the babies room and buying baby clothes ready for their daughter, which the doctor had confirmed. Luckily for her, she hadn't bought gender normative colours and instead had a pretty unisex style for the Bub.

They named him Theodore Dominic Holland, or just Theo for short. Baby T and Daddy T.

As much as Y/N wanted to return to work and do her usual mafia jobs, Tom had told her he did t want her doing anything that physically demanding until Theo was a little older and she was stronger. She decided to then start her own segment off the mafia, recruiting mercenaries and pay for hire workers similarly to how Priya had hired her.

She could work from home whilst resting and spending quality time with her son whilst making money alongside her husband Tom.

They were equals in the mafia. Tom controlled the more traditional sides of things; the crime syndicates and money laundering, the imports and exports as well as the strip club PlayHaus.

Y/N dealt with a more modern side of the mafia, creating a niche agency of men and women who could execute deals and jobs for people confidentially and with high calibre. She was Priya but better.

Harrison and Grace were married when Oliver turned five, falling pregnant shortly after and giving birth to their daughter Charlotte. Tom was quick to suggest a second child for him and Y/N, although they soon decided against it when Tom was initiated as Godfather once again, leaving Y/N at home more frequently.

As Oliver and Theo grew older together, they became the best of friends, doing everything side by side. They even drank their first beers together at the grand old age of 8 when Haz had offered them a splash each. Oli was popular, confident and suave with women. He would beg for Haz to take him on mafia jobs and show him what it was like. Theo kept on the quieter side, socialising with a select few friends and focusing mostly on his studies. At first Tom was a little upset he didn't show as much interest in their mafia lifestyle as much as Oliver did, yet he was supportive of his son regardless.

They eventually graduated high school together, Oliver going on to shadow his father in mafia jobs and learn valuable tricks of the trade. At the age of 18, he was initiated. Theo on the other hand, vowed that he wouldn't initiate into The Family without a university degree first, pleasing his mother by honouring the psychology degree she never got. In university however, Theo became quite the bachelor; bringing home a different girl each month.

Tom was quietly proud.
Y/N just wanted him to stay respectful to the women and not develop a bad reputation.

And as Tom reigned as the Godfather once more, Y/N became the Godmother from Nikki - this time at a more mature and appropriate age.

They knew that the term 'happily ever after' was something that only appeared in fairytales but they sure as hell felt confident they were going to live happy for as long as they lived.

A/N: Wow! After three books, this trilogy is now finished and I have no words. Which is rare for me, I usually have words all the fucking time lmao. I hope you guys enjoyed! I love you all xoxox

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