CH#14: ~Paranoia~

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Fade's Pov:

I never wanted to go with him, never but I was too afraid to tell him how I feel about all this. I was sitting in his SUV while he was driving. I wonder where he lives though. We hadn't spoke since he had started driving to his house.

Around 15 minutes later we arrived at his house. No wait- a fricking mansion just like Herberson's but a lot larger and more beautiful. My car door suddenly opened and I realised that Stefan had gotten out the car. I carefully came out the car and he gently took my hand to stable me. I was really embarrassed of myself that I had to stay here with him rather then going back home or running away.

"Why are we here?" I asked softly while he locked the car. He looked at me and tilted his head a little before saying, "You don't have a home do you? Where will you even go?" He spoke sarcastically and I just looked on the floor gulping hard.

He took my hand and guided me into his mansion. And let me tell you this mansion was amazing. There was a garden with different beautiful flowers and a large fountain in between.

When we entered, my nose was was filled with a spectacular aura that calmed my nerves when it shouldn't. Suddenly a tiny girl came across the main door and  hugged Stefan to his legs because she was small in size. She was so short that he had picked her up to see her better and kissed her on the cheek. She was a cute blonde curly haired girl with chubby cheeks and pink lips.

"This is my sister, princess. Bailey meet Fade." He spoke looking at me and then Bailey. Bailey shook my hand and smiled at me. "Okay enough meeting, go to Julie alright Bailey, I'll come by the kitchen okay?" He spoke sweetly towards his sister and she went back to the kitchen I guess. "Come on, I'll show you your room." He spoke to me intently and smiling a little showing his perfect dimples.

We walked for a while and then to an elevator and up the mansion. When we arrived I was met with a beautiful marble floor with different patterns glided across the strawberry colored walls. Stefan opened the bedroom door for me and there was this beautiful room with a king sized bed in the middle. The walls were painted pink and white with a stone wallpaper behind the bed.

"Here is your room, feel free to use the bathroom and the closet in here." he spoke while I admired the room. "Thank you," I retorted. He smiled and those gorgeous dimples showed up and I blushed a little. "Princess if you need anything, you can call me from that telephone connected here or if you remember the path you can come to my office room on the 4th floor, okay?" I nodded my head and he went out the room. So he isn't that bad? Maybe he will show his true colors later on...

I opened the closet door expecting a few clothes but I was met with beautiful dresses and shoes. It was maybe his mother's or girlfriend? I didn't see his mother though but who cares. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and go to sleep because I was really tired. The bathroom gave me deja vu. It was the same as Herberson's.

Suddenly I started hearing noises from all around me. I saw someone standinf beside the bed and it was Massie? Wait how is she here?

"Maisie?" I asked while she or whoever it was was staring at me.

"Why are you here?"The person asked.

"How are you here Mase?"

"You're a whore,"

When she said that my eyes widened. But how is this possible?

"You're a whore, you can't do anything yourself. When he sees your scars he will also kick you out of here."

No No No this can't be true.

"Go away", I mumbled while my head started feeling drowsy and I slipped down the cold floor with the wall behind me. The voices got louder and louder. "NO STOP IT, GO AWAY. STOP!!" I screamed while someone grabbed my hands.

"LET ME GO, STOP GO AWAY. DON'T DO IT, LET ME GO" I screamed and thrashed against the person's grip. "Fade!" Maisie spoke angrily.

"Fade!" The voice got deeper and I realised it was Stefan's it wasn't Maisie. "Fade?!" He looked at me concerned. I looked around and there was no one other than us. I looked at him and he looked confused. He was holding onto my cheek and he asked me, "What happened? Why are you crying?" I also didn't realise I was crying and a lot. So it was just a vision?

He grabbed my by waist to yank me up but I flinched away cowering from him. "Hey, I won't hurt you. Come on go to bed, you'll feel better if you sleep." I got off the floor and made my way to the bed with Stefan by my side. I got into the covers.

"Here, take your medicine. The doctor said drink it with milk because you haven't ate anything." I gulped the medicine and drank the milk.

I put my head on the soft pillow and then I was out like light while Stefan turned on my side lamp and went out the door.


This chapter was short but I updated a while later.

So what do you think of Bailey?

Anyways cya in next update.



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