CH#29: ~Veil Of Secrets~

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Fade's Pov:

"How are you feeling now?" He asked me as I wiped my tears away with the back of my hand. "Better," I whispered back as I sat in his office. I had ate some really effective pain killers that helped to reduce the pain a lot as the doctor had already suggested.

"What happened to Valentine?" I croaked out as Stefan's face turned from concerned to an angry expression as he clenched his jaw.

"I am not going to lie to you, she got away. Apparently the guards said she told them that I wanted to meet her. So they let her in and nobody suspected anything," he replied his eyes turning sweet like honey. I smiled at him putting my head on his shoulder. He sighed as he took my one of my hand in his.

"Is everything alright?" I asked him. "I am fine baby. I have to talk to Derek and see what he can come up with," He told me as he stared at me and I smiled weakly.

"And Fade, stay here, Okay?" He said at the end and I nodded while giggling at his protectiveness. He left the room while I sat looking out the huge window into the vast city sighing as snow had already begun. I closed my eyes falling into a dreamless sleep.

A while later, Stefan came in putting some files on his desk as I looked at him rubbing my eyes.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" He asked came over to me. I smiled sighing as I sat up. "Not really, I was about to wake up."

"It's already evening," I shrieked as I stared at the clock. "Well we have a lot of time left. You wanna do something?" He asked me huskily grabbing my waist. "Nice try but let's just go home," I spoke as he just shook his head hiding a grin.

"Alright baby," he said spanking my ass a little making me gasp in disbelief.

We went outside the door as Stefan locked it securing my hand in his while I smiled. Again many people gave us weird looks which made me feel really awkward. Why do people stare like can't you just do your own work for once?

Fast forward to arriving back at the mansion. We both got out the car and I went straight to my room to change. After changing I put my hair in a bun as Stefan entered my room. "Cute," he said looking at me as I blushed looking away.

He wore his normal clothes, a black hoodie with grey sweat pants underneath and his hair messy.

"I wanna show you something," he spoke taking my hand. "What?" I asked his totally confused. "Come on," he said again clearly not wanting to tell me.

We made our way to a different section of the mansion, yeah like his mansion was super big. We entered a huge library that I hadn't expected to be this astounding as it's golden colored walls made it truly look like a castle room.

"Wow this is pretty," I spoke admiring the room. "Yeah, come on let's sit by the fire place," he spoke lightning up the fire.

I sat infront of him as he wrapped his arms around me. The library didn't have much light passing through as there was only one window here so it was kind of dark which made the room look cozy. I was sitting in his lap with him behind me as I had put my head on his chest.

"You know I've always wanted to tell someone this,"  he spoke as I could feel his vibration against my head.


"My mother Yasmina died at child birth and my dad remarried after 17 years," he said sighing, clearly distressed.

"Oh I am so sorry," I spoke gently taking his hand in mine. "It's okay Princess. My sister is my step sister. My dad married a prostitute, her name was Lorelei. She was pretty young and she only married him for his money," he spoke chuckling a little again. I felt bad for him now.

"So when I turned 18, my father died in a car crash which made me the next CEO of his company. Well Lorelei didn't like that. She wanted my money and sued me for it. Well you know what I did?" He asked grabbing my waist from behind me before whispering "I shot her," he spoke while I froze.

"Wait really?!", I whisper yelled looking at him as he smiled nodding his head. "That was the only way."

"In that same year I met Valentine," he continued.  "We got into a relationship after a few months," I felt really jealous at the last line.

"Hey don't worry about her okay? I left her because she cheated on me," he spoke grabbing my chin crashing his lips to mine.

I gasped as he turned me around and placing me in his lap. My arms went around his neck as his hands were planted firmly on my butt. Our tongue's tangled together but just before his hands were inside my shirt, someone knocked at the door.

We pulled away, our faces clearly flushed. I fixed myself pulling myself off of Stefan.

The door opened and it was Derek. "What?" Stefan asked annoyed. "Sorry to interrupt your moment, but I have some news," by the look on his face it didn't sound good.

Stefan's Pov: 

This man had to ruin what we were doing as I sighed. But he had to say something.

"Stefan can we talk alone?" He asked me as I shook my head. "It's okay, it's only Fade," he nodded as we all sat to the nearby table.

"So remember when you asked me to get everything about Fade's past? I found every single detail from her uncle," I felt Fade tense a bit beside me as he talked about her uncle. Well this is going to be bad.

"So I found out Valentine is Fade's step sister," he told us making my eyes widen in ambiguity.

"What?" Fade asked as her eyes widened.

"Yes well you see, Seth is your actual father and the story goes back in year 1997, when first your father married Valentine's birth mother Marie, she died during childbirth of Valentine," he spoke as we both listened intently. I knew Fade didn't like this but we had to listen.

"Seth remarried a year later. When you turned exactly 3, your birth mother Cristine had a huge fight with your father about business shares which resulted in Cristine leaving Seth with you and Valentine. Valentine never liked you because they both think you were the reason for splitting of thier happy marriage," Derek sighed as I realised Fade had been crying and her silent tears rolled down her cheek. I grabbed her hand but she didn't look at me for once.

"After your parents split Seth gave you to Huygen, your uncle. No one got to know that it was Seth because he changed his last name," He explained as Fade wiped her tears. "So am I the reason for everything bad happening in my life?" She asked whispering looking downwards in her lap, her tears smearing her face.

"I am sorry," Derek said as he got up from the floor.

He nodded towards me as he left the room while I grabbed Fade's small form and adjusted her in my lap. "Hey it's okay," I spoke trying to comfort her as Fade sniffled snuggling into me.

"Do you remember 2013 and a huge party that was held at your home?" I asked her as my smile didn't leave my face. I felt her shaking her head as I sighed.

"That was the first time I ever saw you. I can't believe we met again Fade," I told her as she looked up smiling at me.

"I don't remember," she mumbled and I just chuckled.

"Alright Stefan, go and mingle with other people. And I don't want any excuses," Dad scolded me making me sigh and roll my eyes.

I decided to talk to random people around.

"So Stefan, are you dating anyone?" This girl named Cindy asked as I looked at her weirdly.

"No and none of your business," I told her looking away, sipping on my wine.

She started talking with me but then someone caught my eye. She was a beautiful girl with a long blue dress on.

She was so pretty and she looked really shy. Her blue eyes were staring at the floor as she stood beside some other girl.

I was about to excuse myself and go to see her but someone came and took her away. She looked like her aunt. That was the last time I saw her, but her beauty stayed with me.

I smiled at the memory and I can't believe I have her in my arms. I kissed her forehead lingering the kiss a little. "I love you," she spoke and my world stopped. "I am sorry, I know you don't want to say it but I had to-," I cut her off by capturing her lips in mine as I tasted her salty tears on her lips.


Well I posted again. And this was a long ass chapter as compared to what I normally write.

Ik the stories going a little fast and well that is because I have to finish it as soon as possible so yeah:)

Also I am about to reach 1k views! Thank you for reading!



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