♠ 33

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"Don't you know I'm Nandini.. I can do anything.. If I can tame this angry monster then I can do anything.."

Both of them moves to their room. While going to their rooms lost in their own thoughts both bumped into each other.

"Manik.." Nandini said shocked.

"Nandini..." Manik is shocked too.

Both just stares at each other trying to hear the unheard words but they can't see anything in each other's eyes except pain and tears. Both of them turn their faces away from each other not able to see each other in pain.

Nandini starts leaving when Manik holds her wrist and pulls her into a tight hug. Nandini for a second got startled by his sudden move but then hugs him back. Both stayed like this in each other's embrace for a couple of minutes when Manik breaks the hug. Manik starts going when Nandini helds her wrist.

"Nandini.. leave my hand.. I have to go" Manik said releasing his hand but Nandini tightens her grip. "Please let me go.. I don't want to talk right now"

Nandini makes him look at her. "No! Not today and atleast not before answering my questions.."

"Nandini I..." Manik couldn't do even complete as Nandini cut him off.

"From the start it was between you and bhai sa then why I suffered Manik? The revenge was between you and bhai sa, then I'm suffering? The misunderstanding is between you too then why I'm suffering? I just want to know that why me Manik? Why it's always me?" Nandini said with tears in her eyes.

"Nandini.. don't cry please.." Manik said holding her hands.

Nandini then holds his collar in anger and pain. "And how dare you! How dare you to say me to choose between you and bhai sa? Don't you just even think for a second that how much.. painful will it be for me? What if I asked you to choose between me and Meera? Tell me! Whom you must have chosen then? Tell na, now why are you silent! Speak up! Just say na!!"

Manik then held her by shoulders to calm her down. "Nandini! Stop it! Calm down.. Relax..." Manik then pulled her into a hug.

After a while Manik tries to break the hug but Nandini didn't let him. He then picked her up in his arms and takes her into their room and makes her lie on the bed.

Nandini keeps her head on his shoulder while he caresses her head with one hand while other was holding her hand.

"Nandini.. See I know it's difficult, not only for you but for me too.. I know you must have doubt on whom to trust and whom to not.. I just want to say you one thing and it's that... Just do what your heart says you to do. Don't overthink.." Manik said giving a small peck on her forehead.

"Manik I trust you and I trust bhai sa too. I don't know what to do.. I'm in a situation where I just can't decide what to do and moreover I was scared..." Nandini said.

"Scared of what?" Manik asked.

"You.. you just shouted on me so badly Manik. I was then scared of you for the first time.. I never saw you in so much anger before..." Nandini said in a low voice.

"I'm sorry. I was in so much anger at that time.." Manik said.

"I hate you Manik.." Nandini said sobbing.

"But I love your hatred too.." Manik said kissing her tears.

"Manik.. I just want to request you a thing.. Please.." Nandini said.

"Don't tell me to release Naman!" He said in cold voice.

"I won't.. I just want you to don't give him death sentence... I mean just not too soon.. First let me clear my doubts, let me know the whole truth and I promise Manik, if I found.. bhai sa guilty I won't ask you to leave him.. I promise.. Please.." Nandini said with hope.

Manik think for a while and then agreed. "Ok but... Not for many days.. Just a few days and if you didn't clear your doubts till then.. I'm not responsibile for what will happen next.."

Nandini weakly smiled at him and hugged him. Manik too hugs her back.
He then kisses her forehead and then corner of her lips.

Manik then moves down to her lips and sucks them. Nandini responds him back. Both kissed each other for few seconds. After breaking the kiss both stares at each other.

"Don't leave me Nandini.." Manik said.

"Never!" Nandini said with a small smile.

Both then slept in each other's embrace.

Next morning, Manik wakes up to see Nandini worshiping the God. He smiles looking at her and then leaves to get ready.

At the table, everyone were present having their food except Nandini.

"Manik, where's Nandini?" Divya asked.

"I don't bhabhi.. I haven't seen her after morning.." Manik said.

"I'll come and check on her.." Gauri said.

"No beta, you have your food.. Maybe she's stressed so she doesn't want to have the food. We will go her after the meal..." Rajeshwari said.

Everyone starts eating. But Manik stood after eating few bites.

"What happened Manik?" Dev asked.

"Nothing Dev.. I'll just come. You all have food.." Manik said and leaves from there.

Manik moves out in search of Nandini but couldn't find her anywhere around. His mind then clicks where she must be and he rans to Meera's room. He enters to see Nandini sitting on the chair and Meera on the bed. He moves a little bit inside to hear their conversation.

"But who are you?" Meera asked.

"I'm Nandini... your bhai sa's wife and your bhabhi" Nandini said with a smile.

"Yes.. Bhai sa told me about how both you are married.." Meera said. "But which kingdom princess are you?"

"I'm Anj.. Anampur princess.." She replied. "Ok now leave it.. Let's have some food"

Nandini said forwarding her the plate. "Have your food.."

"No.. I'm not hungry.." Meera said. "And why are you here? Bhai sa won't allow anyone here.. If he'll get to know that you came here, he'll not leave you.."

"Do you think I'm scared of him?" She said with a smile.

"You aren't?" Meera asked.

"No, why would I be? He's such a nice person. I agree he gets angry at times but he's very good at heart.." Nandini said. "And you know what I have named him monster too.."

"He knows that you call  him monster?" Meera asked.

"Yes, he does.. And I call him monster most probably.." Nandini said with a smile.

"And he won't get angry?" Meera asked.

"No but he himself named me wildcat and you know what I have even slapped your bhai sa.." Nandini said with a whisper which made Meera chuckle. Manik gets so happy on seeing Meera smiling after so long.

"Why did you that?" Meera asked.

"We had some argument and in anger he said something hurtful which I can't take and I slapped him but I asked him a sorry too..." Nandini said.

"I'm too much hungry let's have some food while talking.." Nandini said and both eats the food while talking. Manik smiles seeing them and leaves.

After sometime, Nandini moves to the garden area to spend sometime with Gauri and Divya. They were talking when Gaurav approaches to Nandini. Nandini and Gauri plays with him as Divya leaves as she has some work.

Just then someone hit Nandini's back with a flower. Nandini frowns but couldn't find anyone.

Again after a while she's hit by a flower and she looks here and there to see Manik throwing the flowers at her hiding behind a tree. Nandini glares at him while Manik signals her to come to him.

Nandini then excuses herself from Gauri and Gaurav and moves to Manik.

"What happened? And what were you doing? I'll kill you Manik! What if someone sees you hitting me like that? You always leave me embarrassed.. You could have just simply called me if you..." But she couldn't complete as Manik kept his hand on her mouth.

"Shh.. How much you speak Nandini.." Manik said closing her mouth while she struggled to release herself. Nandini then bites his hand and Manik quickly takes his hand back. "Aah.."

"What's all this? Who calls someone like that? You could send someone call me or yourself approached me.What's with that hitting me?" Nandini asked with a frown.

"Aree.. Ok sorry and thank you.." He said with a smile.

"Thank you?" Nandini asked confused.

"Thank you for making Meera smile after so long.. I haven't seen even a small smile on her face since months and you just made her smile in few minutes.. I don't understand that how she let you sit with her.. She don't like to talk much even with maa and bhabhi after that incident.. And she's talking you like normally.." Manik said.

Nandini smiled at his words. "Manik, no need to thank me.. She's my sister too. And when you can consider Ishaan as your brother then why can't I consider her as my sister?" Nandini then makes him sit on the nearby rock. "And about how she talked normally with me is because I talked her normally.."

Manik is confused by her words. "I didn't understand what are you trying to say?"

"Manik.. Whenever you all talk to her, you show sympathy towards her which makes her feel low and guilty on herself.. Your sympathy makes her feel like she's burden on you. Don't take me wrong Manik but if you have treated her normally after that incident.. she would be out of that shell long time back.." She then takes a breath. "I just want to tell you that don't show her any sympathy. Just talk to her like you always used to.. Don't treat her like different person. I just talked normally and that's why she talked to me... When you meet her, don't ask her, how's she? How's she doing? Just sit with her, share your old memories, make her smile and everything will get better itself..."

Manik smiled at her. "You know Nandini, I just can't understand you sometime.."

"Why?" She asked.

"You act like a small kid at a moment and then turns so mature the other moment.. How you do it?" Manik asked.

"Don't you know I'm Nandini.. I can do anything.. If I can tame this angry monster then I can do anything.." She said and let out a small laugh. Manik too chuckle at her words.

Just then Gaurav approaches them. "Chacha.. you go from here. I was playing with her.. You always disturb me whenever I play with her. Go and do your work.." Gaurav said dragging Nandini away from him.

"Gaurav.. I'm talking to her na.. She'll come in a while.. Till then you play with Gauri. She'll be your chachi too soon.." Manik said with a smile.

"No, I want both with me.. You go.. Otherwise I'll tell chachi that you were with Ishita didi few minutes back.." Gaurav said making Nandini glare at Manik while Manik glared at Gaurav.

"Stop glaring at him and tell me what were you doing with that lizard?" She asked glaring at him.

"I can explain Nandini.." Manik said in a low voice.

"Haww chacha.. you are scared of chachi that means now.. chachi is more strong.." Gaurav said which makes Gauri chuckle.

"You meet me later I'll see you then.." Manik said to Gaurav. "You are getting naughtier day by day..."

"Before you see him, I'll see you.." She said glaring at him. "You meet in the room after your court I'll tell you then.."

Nandini then leaves with Gaurav and Gauri. Manik again hits Nandini's back with a flower. Nandini glares at him but Manik winks at her and then leaves, leaving a smiling Nandini behind.

Nandini then after playing with Gaurav is going to the practice area when she bumps into Iravati.

"Sorry..." Nandini said and starts leaving.

"Nandini.." Iravati calls her out and Nandini turns to her.

"So, you asked Manik right? I wasn't lieing, I told you.. And wait, whom you have chosen? Manik Or Naman? According to me, you should choose Naman because you have to leave Manik one day or the other.. So it's better if you choose your brother over him.." Iravati said with a smirk.

Nandini smiled at her. "Thank you so much choti maa.. you just solved my problem. Thank you.."

"Don't need to thank me! It's good that you accepted my decision!" Iravati said.

"You were expecting this answer from me right? Like always I just agreed to you but not now!" Nandini smirked at her. "And you don't need to worry about me.. It's my decision whom to choose and it's better if you keep your advice and suger coated words to yourself because I don't need.. I'm already really thankful to you for destroying my childhood but now I don't need it.."

"Nandini you..." Iravati said but Nandini cuts her off.

"I haven't finished yet!" Nandini said in a cold voice. "So, about Manik leaving me.. He will not. I know him more than you.. he won't let me go easily and even if he does.. I won't leave him. And if it's written in our fate then I hope you know me very well in these years.. You know I'm stubborn enough to not to leave whom I love. So you just don't take tension, we will not be seperated.. And about choosing between the two, if bhai sa is innocent I won't let a scratch on him but if I found him guilty then I myself ask Manik to give him a death sentence.. So you just stay away from my matters choti maa.."

"Nandini, how dare you talk..."

"Manik..." Nandini said.

Iravati quickly turns back and apologizes but when she lifts her head Manik wasn't there. Iravati turns to Nandini to see her smirking at her.

"Good to see that atleast there's someone, whom you are afraid of choti maa..." Nandini then winked at her and leaves from there while Iravati stood there fuming in anger.

Here's another update! Ps: I know it's a small and boring update but pease bear it! *🙊*

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How will Nandini found out the truth?

What do you want Nandini to do with Manik knowing he was with Ishita? 😜

Few words for Manan?

Few words for Manik?

Few words for Nandini?

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