01 | bye bye lydia

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𝘣𝘺𝘦 𝘣𝘺𝘦 𝘭𝘺𝘥𝘪𝘢


Sawyer Bowen slouched in the hospital waiting room chair just outside of Lydia Martin's room while his best friend, Stiles Stilinski, slept on his shoulder with a GET WELL SOON balloon tied around his wrist. His werewolf senses picking up just about everything that bustled in the hospital from hearing the man with pneumonia coughing out his lung two floors up to smelling the scent of the blood of a man who just came in with a shot wound. 

Never in a million years did Sawyer ever think he'd find himself sitting outside Lydia Martin's hospital room just a few nights after she was slashed by the psychopath that was now a dead Peter Hale. The same psychopath that turned Sawyer just to get back at his other best friend, Scott McCall, thinking the bite would kill Sawyer. Little did Peter know that Sawyer was stubborn and wouldn't let something like a werewolf bite kill him.

At the beginning of their sophomore year, Scott had been bitten in the woods one night when he, Stiles and Sawyer went looking for the other half of a dead body. Stiles and Sawyer had been caught by Stiles' father, Noah Stilinski, and Sawyer's older brother, Devin Bowen, who were apart of the squad that searched the woods for the same thing the three boys were. Stiles and Sawyer had been given the biggest lecture of their lives from the sheriff and his second in command. Devin had even grounded Sawyer for a whole week for being out late after curfew and listening in on the police scanner. 

So much for Sawyer's younger brother, Eric Bowen, to vouch for him while he was out. He wasn't sure who had been more pissed off that night. Sawyer because he was caught and grounded - something he really should have been used to - or Eric because he didn't get the forty bucks that Sawyer promised him.

"You owe me forty bucks!" Eric had argued that night when Sawyer came home with a very pissed off Devin who had apologized at least a dozen times to Noah for Sawyer. 

"You didn't even need to vouch for me so you get shit," is what Sawyer's reply had been to his younger brother trying to get money for something he didn't even have to do. Fat chance was Sawyer giving forty bucks to Eric when he did nothing.

Sawyer's sophomore year had gone down hill after when they had to deal with Derek Hale, Peter's nephew, who was a dick. Then the fact that Scott's new girlfriend, Allison Argent, had moved to town. Of course the only downside to that had been the fact that her father, Chris Argent, was a werewolf hunter which didn't bode well for Scott, especially now when they had to hide their relationship.

 Allison's aunt, Kate Argent, had showed up not too long after causing even more problems to rise up since she was the full definition of a bitch. At least, that's what Sawyer thought anytime he had to be around the woman. She was behind the fire at the Hale house, killing most of Derek's family. Sawyer just wished that Peter had died in that fire and not just got the burns on his face, waiting to strike. 

Though, Sawyer had already known about werewolves because his parents were hunters before they died from an ambush of alpha wolves that didn't even give them the chance to turn. Just tore them limb from limb without so much as a second thought. Sawyer had only been two when they died while Eric was one and Devin was ten. They had been shipped off to Beacon Hills to live with their aunt and uncle until Devin was old enough and got onto the police force, getting him, Sawyer and Eric a house for themselves so they wouldn't be intruding on their aunt and uncle any longer. 

Devin didn't even find out that Scott was a werewolf until Sawyer had become one himself and accidentally shifted in front of Devin when he still tried to control his shifts during the full moon. Scott and, surprisingly, Derek had helped him through his shifts. As much as Sawyer found Derek irritating and just wanted to slash him in the throat whenever he saw him, he was just thankful that Derek had helped him out when he did. Plus, Derek killed Peter once Peter had made sure Kate was dead which made him the alpha.

All of this leading to where Sawyer was now. Bored out of his mind while he waited for Melissa McCall to check over Lydia and finally let her go home if she was okay enough. However, this is the one time that Sawyer didn't mind because it allowed him to have a sleeping Stiles on his shoulder as he mumbled in his sleep. His long time hidden love for the spastic brown haired and hazel eyed boy buried deep in his heart for the past fourteen years of their friendship. The only one who knew was Scott because he could hear Sawyer's heart beat any time he was around Stiles.

Something that was unusual for Sawyer because he was always considered this tough guy with a quick witted mouth. A boy whose brother was second in command to Stiles' father on the force and was always getting in trouble for something. The principal knew Sawyer by first name and knew Devin's number by heart at this point. He also may or may not have been brought into the police department twice for a fight. Fights that he didn't even start, thank you very much. 

Jackson Whittemore was just a rich boy who had a very punchable face when it was two inches from Sawyer's provoking him. That shit eating smirk that just yelled privileged just pissed Sawyer off and the more Jackson had pushed and poked at him, the angrier Sawyer had felt and just clocked Jackson in the face until he was pulled off him. The two week grounding Devin gave him for getting into a fight was so worth it.

Sawyer swatted the balloon that floated in front of his face away which resulted in Stiles startling awake at the sound of Sawyer's fist came into contact with the balloon. He sat up and ran a hand over his mouth to get rid of the drool that had begun to dribble down the sides of his mouth. Usually Sawyer would find the sight disgusting on anyone else, but it was oddly adorable on Stiles.

Jesus, this boy was making Sawyer soft.

"How long was I out?" Stiles groggily mumbled.

"Long enough for your balloon to attack me," Sawyer mused and chuckled when Stiles sent him an unamused glare. "Just an hour. Nothing really exciting happened besides two nurses sneaking off to do some not very medical things in a spare room. Times like this I wish I didn't have super hearing."

Stiles snorted and tied the balloon around the arm of his chair so it wouldn't be tied around his wrist any longer. "Glad I'm still a human then. Hey, I'm gonna go grab something from the vending machine, you want?"

Sawyer shrugged and stood up along side Stiles. "I can always go for a Reese's. Sounds like Lydia is going in the shower now anyway. So we have like three hours to kill."

The two boys made their way over to the vending machine that just around the corner and Stiles walked up to the machine while Sawyer leant back against the wall next to it, one foot propped up on the wall behind him. His hands were stuffed into the jean jacket that he wore the blue zip hoodie he wore. He rose an eyebrow in amusement when Stiles put the money in for the Reese's and it got stuck around the ring that kept the candy in their place.

"Wha- come on!" Stiles complained, banging the side of the machine to try and get his chocolate to fall so that he could Sawyer's chocolate next. However, no matter what Stiles did to the machine - from banging it to rocking it back and forward and even trying to lift the machine - it didn't budge the candy an inch. He huffed as he stepped away from the machine breathlessly and shot a glare Sawyer's way who just laughed at his struggles. "You could help, you know!"

Sawyer flashed Stiles a smirked and tilted his head on the wall, shrugging his shoulders lazily. "You seem to be doing just fine, Stilinski."

Stiles poked his tongue into his cheek and tapped his converse covered foot against the white tiled hospital floor. It was clear he suppressed the urge to strangle Sawyer where he stood. "Could you just, like, use your werewolf... something!"

Sawyer rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the wall, walking in front of the machine. He grabbed the end of his jacket sleeve and wrapped it around his hand before he put his fist through the glass of the vending machine, tiny shards of glass raining down from the machine. He shook the tiny glass pieces that clung to his jacket away and fixed the sleeve so it was back in place properly. 

"Saw!" Stiles gasped, watching as Sawyer nonchalantly grabbed two Reese's from the machine and even an extra two chocolates since it was now free anyway. "Dude, I meant use your strength to lift the machine and shake the chocolate free. Not damage property!"

"Next time be more specific," Sawyer simply replied, holding out Stiles' chocolate who reluctantly took it from the brown haired Bowen. 

Though, Stiles and Sawyer apparently wouldn't be enjoying their chocolate because Lydia's scream echoed through Sawyer's head like a siren. The two boys exchanged a glance before they barreled their way to Lydia's room and burst in with Melissa and Mr. Martin right behind them. The shower in the bathroom still ran and flooded up the floor a bit in the bathroom. Sawyer tried to find Lydia anywhere in the hospital with his scent, but he couldn't smell her when he stepped out into the halls of the busy hospital.

Lydia Martin was gone.


Noah and Devin had showed up fairly quickly with two extra deputies to search through the hospital and get out an APB. Sawyer and Stiles had stayed in Lydia's room while Noah and Devin spoke to Melissa and Mr. Martin to see if they had missed anything. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and Sawyer had stuffed Lydia's hospital gown into his jacket pocket, folding it up as small as it could go. 

When Stiles and Sawyer finally left Lydia's room and stopped by the four adults, Noah had ordered for one of the deputies to put out an APB on a redhead teenage girl, possibly naked.

"Actually, she's 5'3, green eyes and her hair is strawberry blonde," Stiles corrected his father, alerting Devin and Noah to their presence. Devin and Noah had told the boys to go home when they arrived, not realizing the boys snuck into Lydia's room while they spoke to Scott's mom and Lydia's dad.

"Is that right?" Noah said and grabbed Stiles by the back of the neck and hauled him away from Melissa and  Mr. Martin while Devin pulled Sawyer by his ear to the side as well.

Sawyer huffed and pushed Devin's hand away from his ear, rubbing the sore spot that Devin had clutched between his fingers. He frowned up at his older brother who had the same dark hair and brown eyes as him. When they were growing up, everyone said if the two boys weren't eight years apart then they could be twins. Even Eric had the same mop of hair and brown eyes as the two older Bowen boys. 

"Sawyer, I told you to go home," Devin's deep and raspy voice sighed, already sounding tired with the conversation he'd have to have with the middle Bowen sibling. It was a reoccurring conversation where Sawyer doesn't do something that Devin asked him to do and then Devin yells at him for not doing the thing. Sawyer pretends to listen to him and promises to try and be a good boy even though they both knew Sawyer would continue to live up to his bad boy image that was well known around Beacon Hills.

"Devin, what kind of friend would I be if I wasn't here for the moral support?"

"You hate Lydia."

"Hate is a very strong word, Dev. I like to say that I find Lydia more irritating some days than others and I can tolerate her. That's not hate, it's selective love," Sawyer remarked.

Devin let out an exasperated exhale and crossed his arms. "Is is a werewolf thing to be arrogant and sarcastic all the time?"

Sawyer flashed an innocent smile at his older brother and rocked back on his Vans covered heels. "I like to think it adds onto my charm."

"Well about how you add on to the occupants of the house while I finish up here? Make sure Eric didn't burn the house down," Devin suggested, pointing a finger in the direction where Stiles waited for him to the side of Noah.

"Fine," Sawyer groaned, throwing his head back as he stalked over to Stiles. Both boys avoiding eye contact with the vending machine repairmen as they walked by, whistling innocently as they went by.


Hi hey hello

WELCOME TO NO SHAME, PEEPS! This chapter was supposed to be the full episode, but then I realized it would probably get a bit long so we'll just enjoy this cute little bit between Sawyer and Stiles to start ourselves off. Get to know my two fave boyfriends before we get into the craziness of Lydia being gone.

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