ii. shopping all out

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Some time later Samantha woke up and everyone was in the kitchen Conrad was still drunk from last night. Laurel said good morning to Samantha so did Jeremiah. Steven walked to her "Uh cereal?" Samantha went to sit down while telling him "Yeah thanks."

Steven grabbed her some cereal and handed it to her. Samantha smiled "Thank you" she took a bite and started eating some. Laurel was talking about how they need to pose because Susannah wants to make portraits of all them. Jeremiah handed Conrad a drink so he can get more relaxed. Steven told Jeremiah "Come on I can't be late!!"

As Jeremiah walked by Steven slapped his ass and made an unnecessary joke "Those old country club boomers are gonna tip me so hard they won't know what hit them!" Jeremiah laughed while Laurel rolled her eyes "Steven i swear..." Samantha was kinda grossed out but it was still funny "Literally disgusting"

Jeremiah said "Come on my boys gotta get that bread!" Just then Belly came sleepy and she walked in her mom asked her where she got they bruise from Belly made up a lie saying she ran into someone. Belly sighed and sat next to Samantha while Jeremiah made her some cereal too. Susannah came rushing to the kitchen "Oh my god guys!! Sam and Belly are gonna be debutante! I'm so happy"

Steven surprised "So you decided to do it?" Samantha turned to him "Uh yeah! Why not" Susannah smiled "Okay which one of you will take Belly to the Ball or Samantha?" Conrad and Jeremiah said no for some reason to Belly, Belly spoke "Wow guys stop fighting over me... I'm gonna find my own date!" Samantha thought to ask Steven but what if he wasn't into to that stuff??

Samantha told herself she needs to tell Steven she likes him after four years she thought of doing it today. Susannah was very happy she hugged Samantha and Belly then said "It's gonna be fun especially you guys bring side by side there is uh the tea, the auction the ball of course and the rehearsal I gotta write this down! Wait we need to go shopping for both of you!"

Laurel spoke "It sounds expensive especially for two girls.." Susannah smiled "Get ready! It's all on me it was my idea" Samantha put her cereal in the sink and went upstairs to change. She was ready and did her hair and after time everyone was ready. Susannah, Belly, Laurel and Samantha left to go shopping while Conrad stayed home, and Steven and Jeremiah went to work. While Steven was at work he had his break time and was with Jeremiah and Jeremiah was explaining all the girls and guys he kissed.

Steven laughed "Dude you're such a slut man" Jeremiah rolled his eyes "I just like kissing people!" Jeremiah sighed "I never kissed her though." a girl walked by and it was the girl Steven was walking with yesterday "She's pretty but I'm interested in someone else.." Jeremiah obviously knew who "And that someone is my sister!" Steven hit him softly "Dude shut up but yeah it is your sister." Jeremiah sighed "Whatever I don't care but if you hurt her you know-"

Steven looked at him "I won't!" Jeremiah brushed it off "But hey if she asks you to the deb ball it might screw up your summer." Back with Samantha and the others they went shopping and stuff they went to a store and tried different clothes/colorful dresses. Susannah secretly snuck more clothes for the girls and told the worker to pay for them as she gave her the credit card.

They were having some fun they left and had bags they went to a different store. Susannah spoke "Okay these are called fascinators all the girls will be wearing them!" Samantha looked rolled her eyes she was kinda tired of this they went into the store and bought there hats. Now there was one finally store and that was for the dresses.

They both tried on many different ones but Susannah didn't like them. Samantha tried one on and she looked in the mirror and she felt herself she smiled but of course her mom said no saying it was a little plain it just had some flowers and the top of it was cute.

Laurel looked at Samantha "Do you like it?" Samantha was about to tell her she loves it but her mom interrupted her "No... you have to pick something else come on" Samantha put a fake smile she really liked dress, Laurel was a little confused because shouldn't she be getting what she likes.

The same thing happened to Belly, she saw a dress she really liked and it was just plain with nothing but Susannah said no and explaining these girls go all out. Susannah finally found a dress for both of them and smiled "You guys look like princesses! There perfect let's get them." Samantha and Belly looked at each other knowing they both didn't really like there dress. They went back to the changing room and paid for the dresses.

As they went home Belly and Samantha now had to go to the tea party for the debs. They both put the colorful sun dress they got a the little fascinators. Laurel took them to where they're supposed to go and they made it. Laurel told them "Hey if you text me you wanna get picked up I won't say I told you so.."

Belly sighed "Okay mom" as they were gonna leave Laurel said "Remember our code when you were little?" Belly smiled "Lemon Jelly Belly." She Laurel left in the car while Samantha and Belly started to walk and they saw Jeremiah putting towels away. Belly spoke "Jeremiah!"

He looked and was surprised "Oh my god.. Belly and Sam I didn't even notice you guys!" Belly spoke "Do I look like a foul??" Jeremiah smiled "No but Sam does."

Samantha rolled her eyes "I didn't even do anything this time?" Belly laughed "No don't listen you look great!" Jeremiah nodded "Okay you look good" Samantha smiled and Jeremiah lead them in and once they were in all eyes where on them and it got a little quiet everyone stopped and started talking again. The worker came up to them "Jeremiah where's yours shirt?"

   Jeremiah smiled "Always a pleasure..Pagie" the worker looked at Samantha and Belly. Jeremiah spoke "This is Belly uh I mean Isabel Conklin! And my sister Samantha Fisher." Pagie (worker) looked at them "There both late" Samantha told her "We're really sorry."

She told them "Both of you table four!" Jeremiah said "Are those little cream puffs!" Paige walked away "Those are for the girls!" Jeremiah ran and grabbed one quickly "Just one!" He walked back to Samantha and Belly "Knock 'em dead!"

They both sighed and saw the table.. it was the girl Steven was walking Shayla with and the girl Conrad was kissing. Samantha whispered to Belly was they sat down "Fml..." they sat next to each other Belly was by Shayla and Samantha was by Nicole. Shayla helped Belly with her bruise on her cheek with makeup. Belly looked up and saw someone walk by it was cameron Belly smiled and told Samantha she'll be right back.

   The girls looked at Belly leave then looked at Samantha, some girl asked "Hey I'm Gigi!" Samantha looked up "Oh hey I'm Samantha but you can just call me Sam if you'd like.." Gigi spoke "Sp what's it like living with Jeremiah and Conrad?" Shayla spoke "and Steven??" Samantha spoke "Uh it's normal I guess.. I mean Jeremiah and Conrad annoy me so much I been with them my whole life.. and uh I guess it's fun living with-"

Samantha looked and saw Steven she smiled "Hey Steven!" He looked and smiled and walked to you "Oh hello to you wow you look different.... good way sorry!" Samantha laughed "Thank you!" All the girls looked at her confused and thought she was weird Shayla also gave her a weird look, Steven left and Gigi spoke "Do you know where's your gonna go for college?"

   Samantha looked up as she was gonna take a bite if a cookie "Uh not yet... me and Steven were planning to go to a college together but we don't know yet" one of the other girls spoke "And what about that girl? Belly right?"

  Samantha wished that Belly came back these girls were asking to many questions "Uh she's only a sophomore.. but she'll be a junior soon!" Samantha looked up and saw Belly coming she sighed in relief.

   Belly smiled and looked at Samantha "What I miss?" Samantha turned to her as Paige spoke to the ladies "They asked so much questions about Jeremiah, Conrad, Steven and us."

   Belly was happy "Well cam just asked me on a date" Samantha whispered "Really?? That's great belly! I will help you get ready and everything your growing up so fast oh my gosh"

   After a long the sun is going down. Belly is getting ready for her date as Samantha is helping her Belly put a new outfit she picked her self Samantha helped her with her makeup. Laurel came in "Are you not driving with us?" Susannah spoke "Uh Belly actually has a date!" Laurel looked at Belly she knew her kid was growing up fast... and she let her go.

   Samantha was already changed into an outfit to go with her mom and Laurel. Samantha looks at Belly "Okay you got this just show him who you are! You remember our code right??" Belly smiled "Yes I do thank you Sam" Belly said by to her and Jeremiah even tho he was playing video games with Conrad and Steven. Belly left and went to go to the drive by with Cam.

( I'm skipping the book store part these chapters are long I'm sorry 😭 )

It's not dark out and Belly is still out with Cameron while everyone else is home. Samantha told herself today's the day, she still had a nice outfit and went to Steven's room "Hey it's kinda dark out wanna go to the beach with me..? Just to relax in the sand we can sneak out?"

Steven looked at her and got off his bed "Uh yeah sure let me just out my shoes on.." Samantha smiled and waiting for him she out her sandals on as they were both walking downstairs Laurel asked "Where are you two going?" Steven looked at Samantha then back at his mom "To watch a movie!" She smiled "Okay don't stay up late though" the both snuck out the house and went to the beach.

They made it and say down talking got a while. Samantha sighed "Hey I need to tell you something.." Steven turned to her "What is it??" She took a deep breathe and just spoke "I've liked you... kinda for a while now Belly knew Jere did toon I never told you because I was afraid you wouldn't liked me i've liked you since we were like fourteen.. and I just don't know and I can't keep it a secret anymore-"

Steven grabbed her face and kissed her "I like you too!" Samantha couldn't believe it she smiled hearing those words and kissed him... they ended up making out on the sand.

Samantha was on top of Steven as they were kissing. Samantha pulled away "Hey so.. would you wanna be my partner for the deb ball?" I know it sounds weird especially asking you but it would be nice.." Steven smiled "Uh yeah I would love to" Samantha smiled and took off her shirt as Steven smirked and she kissed him back as they made out at the beach.


HEHE i hoped you guys liked this second chapter steven and samantha?!?! cuties fr though best couple ever???

i heart smantha but anyways thank you guys for reading this a comment + a vote would rlly help but you obv don't have to but i love you all sm ❤️‍🩹


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