xiii. π‘“π‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘‘ π‘“π‘œπ‘Ÿ π‘™π‘œπ‘£π‘’

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Julia asked Conrad to hand her the keys. Skye felt bad for them and she told her mom not to do this but Julia didn't care Conrad handed her the keys as she went to the car. Skye followed her and tried to talk to her. Samantha buried her hands in her face "This is fucking crazy what now?!" Conrad sighed "I don't know" Everyone walked into the kitchen. They didn't know what to do.

Skye then came apparently she didn't go with her mom and stayed back. Samantha had an idea "You know what... fuck this! If this is gonna be our last memory in this house we gotta make it the best one yet! How about we throw a party?! Drinks and everything"

Belly smiled "Hell yeah! I'm down" Everyone else agreed and was excited. First, they went to go get ready and change into some different clothes and take showers. Belly went with Jeremiah and Conrad to the store to get the drinks and supplies. Alex was with Taylor in the back of the pool "Hey okay so I made this playlist for the party check it out"

He handed Taylor his phone and she looked through and saw a song she liked Party in the USA "Omg wait? I love this song! Me and belly used to do this dance it was crazy and fun! Oh my god, can I teach you?" Alex sighed "I don't know I'm not a good dancer-" Taylor grabbed his hand "Please? It's actually really fun!"

Alex agreed and Taylor smiled grabbing his hand and she started to teach him all the moves. Cam and Skye were up in the room looking for things to use while Steven was with Samantha downstairs in the kitchen.

Samantha looked around "I don't think we have enough food. I'm gonna text Belly that we also need food" Steven then spoke, "Do you wanna be the ig invite to be public or private?" Samantha then said, "Uh private is fine!"

After about 3 hours Belly and the others came back. Belly brought beer into the kitchen Taylor and Samantha helped while Steven was helping Conrad load out the party supplies. Skye then said, "Okay so I part my teeth first and then stick my tongue out?" Belly asked, "What are you guys talking about?"

Samantha then said "Apparently Skyes never kissed someone before" Belly looked and laughed softly "Which is completely normal!!" Taylor then said "Oh Belly the expert here.. Cam, Conrad, Jeremiah" Belly pushed her softly and Taylor laughed.

Skye asked what was it like and Belly explained how it felt kissing all three of them. Samantha found Conrad and Jeremiah out in the garage she walked up to them "What are you guys doing?" Jeremiah showed her the photo book.

Samantha took it from him "Oh my god we look so young. Ew, look at my hair..." Jeremiah sighed "What if it fades from us? Like all our memories of Mom...? Conrad then looked at the book "It won't... when the moving stuff first gets to Boston I'm gonna get our paintings back"

Samantha rolled her eyes smiling and Conrad walked away but he said something "I think a museum will take both of them!" Samantha looked at Jeremiah then put her hand on his shoulder "Don't worry... This will be the best night ever! Our memories will never fade"

Samantha walked away and went back inside as Jeremiah grabbed the box of stuff and Belly went to check it out. Now they were getting ready for the party. Samantha was with Taylor and Belly in the bathroom doing their hair and makeup. Samantha was brushing Belly's hair while she explained everything that was going on between Conrad and Jeremiah.

Taylor sighed "It's so obvious Belly! Conrad hurt you last time and Jeremiah is just so sweet to you!" Belly got up "Yeah but... let's not talk about it anymore. It's party time!" Samantha and Taylor cheered. It was abt 20 minutes later and the house was filled with people everyone was having a good time.

Belly was pouring people's drinks while on roller skates. Conrad called Samantha "Hey Sam over here!!" Samantha went up to him and Conrad then said "Here pose with Steven I'm gonna take a picture!" He took out the camera that he bought and Samantha posed with Steven.

They took about three photos together and they were just having a great time. Finally, everyone was so happy. Belly gathered the little group "Group shots!!" Conrad handed everyone a shot. Then everyone took a shot of the alcohol.

Jeremiah then yelled, "Let's make this the best time ever!!" Everyone cheered in happiness and excitement. Alex grabbed Taylor's hand and went to the dance floor and told everyone to make room for them.

Taylor asked, "What are you doing?" Alex smiled at her "Oh you're not ready for it. Hit the music!!" It started playing party in the USA. Taylor was surprised "No way! You're joking right now?"

Alex smiled "What? come on! Don't make me do it by myself!" Taylor laughed and started to do the dance she taught him everyone was cheering for them. Taylor was having a great time with Alex they were laughing and dancing to the song together. The music still played but Alex walked up to Taylor and told her...

"Look Taylor.. the first time I saw you I swear to god I fell in love with you. You are so beautiful and when I got to know you better.. your personality is also amazing and everytime I'm with you I just... feel happier seeing your smile"

Taylor looked at him and smiled "Really??" Alex nodded and as Taylor was gonna say something she heard a voice it was Milo... Samantha was in the dining room with Steven they were just talking.

Steven knew what he had to do "Hey Sam. I never really got to apologize for what happened when we got into a fight" Samantha looked at him "But you did?" Steven sighed "Yeah but... I just.. miss you I guess? I mean I know everything's been different and I just love you so much... the times we both got into an argument it was my fault"

Samantha looked at him "It wasn't your fault Steven... I completely understand why you got mad I should have stayed in touch with you and I'm sorry..." Steven looked at her in her eyes as Samantha felt her heart racing no matter how many times she looks or kissed Steven she feels her heart beating and even butterflies in her stomach.

They knew what was gonna happen they got closer and we're gonna kiss until... They heard someone yell "Fight!!" They both looked at each other and ran to the dance floor. They saw Alex and Milo arguing Conrad and Jeremiah were already there so was Belly. It got crazy Milo started to argue more with Alex but he wasn't taking it...

Alex pushed him softly "Look you need to leave! No one wants you here!" Milo looked at Taylor "Babe this is for you!" He was gonna punch Alex but luckily he dogged. Taylor spoke, "I don't even want this!?" Steven then yelled, "Kick his ass, Alex!" Conrad and Jeremiah were also rooting for Alex. They started fighting then Alex pushed him to the ground that's when Samantha and Taylor came. Taylor yelled, "Alex get off of him!" Samantha pulled back Alex as Belly helped.

Alex backed up as Milo was gonna kick him but Taylor stopped him "Milo you're embarrassing me right now." Milo sighed "Whatever come on Taylor we don't have to be here with these people"

Taylor didn't follow him "These people are my friends.. do you even know me?" Milo turned around "Yeah you're my girl" Taylor asked him a question "What's my last name?" Milo didn't answer. Taylor then said, "I cant with this right now we're done!" Taylor walked away.

Alex then looked back at Milo "Her last name is Jewel! I haven't even known her for that long and even I know it!?" Alex went to go find Taylor... Milo then left the party. Skye then got a text and told Belly, Conrad, Jeremiah, and Samantha to come outside.

Skye then said "I got a text from my mom saying that the people who rented to house only are using it for vacation! So you guys get to rent the house for one week every summer" Samantha smiled "No way?! That's fucking amazing!" Belly hugged Jeremiah in happiness.

Conrad then said "No. tell your mom thanks but no" Samantha looked at Conrad "Come on Conrad.. at least we can be here still?! Honestly, the least you could do is be happy!" Jeremiah then said "How come you get to make the decision? That's completely unfair me and sam wanna still be at the house you do this all the time you just throw everything away. Like you did with Belly."

Belly looked at Jeremiah confused "What?" Jeremiah yelled, "You fucking begged me for my blessing to be with her!" Belly couldn't believe what she heard "Is that true?" Samantha was also shocked hearing that and Skye just stood there watching them argue. Conrad then said, "Jere that was only between us..." Jeremiah spoke, "When shit got tough he couldn't handle it and dropped you!"

Conrad yelled, "Shut up Jere!" Belly then said, "Don't use me to get against him.. and I don't wanna be a part of this!" She walked away... Samantha then said "Conrad you're being ridiculous right now! This is fucking crazy you can't just tell him to shut up after what you did!"

Conrad argued back with her "Okay how about you shut up Sam! This has nothing to do with you! You try to help but you make it worse! God, you're so fucking annoying." Samantha never thought Conrad would say that to her. Samantha had a soft laugh "Fuck you, Conrad. You're actually the worst brother ever!"

Samantha went back inside the party stress out. She looked for Steven and found him he asked "You okay?" Samantha sighed "Uh yeah I'm all good.. just got some news. So turns out the people who rented the house are only using it for vacation and we get to use it every summer for only a week" Steven smiled "What?! That's amazing oh my god" Samantha nodded "Yeah.. but let's just say I'm not sure yet cause Conrad wants to be a fucking idiot like always!"

Samantha buried her hands in her face groaning "I need a drink." Alex found Taylor sitting down and he sat next to her. He apologized for what she just saw but she didn't care. Alex then said, "Look all the stuff I said earlier." Taylor looked at him "You take it back?" Alex shook his head "Do you want me to? It's your turn to say or do something"

Taylor moved her body towards him "You remembered my last name and I haven't even known you for that long. Alex smiled "Taylor Jewel" They looked at each other and got closer and kissed.

Samantha grabbed a drink and sat down against the wall with Steven. Samantha felt tears coming. She rested her head on Steven "Maybe Conrad was right." Steven was confused "What do you mean?" Samantha had tears down her face "He said I make things worse whenever I try to help. Maybe he is right I fuck up everything all the time. I'm such a fucking idiot" Steven then told Samantha "You're not an idiot and you don't make things worse... you make things better trust me"

Samantha looked at Steven and then rested her head on his shoulder again. She always knew she could count on him.


fucking alex & taylor are so adorable!! steven and samantha could never kiss something always happens 😞😞

anyways thank you guys for reading this a comment + a vote would rlly help but you obv don't have to but i love you all sm β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή


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