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Evelyn had held the wooden figure carved for her by Rue's younger brothers in her hands tightly the whole train ride and dress fitting, hoping to give it to Katniss as some point as a gesture for what she had done for Rue.

Nonetheless, Evelyn sauntered through the elevator door, a round of applause and Capitol viewers screaming her name from above as she entered, to see Finnick talking to Katniss. Her chest exploded with butterflies at the sight of his devilish smirk and flirtatious eyes. He had yet to notice her and continued to talk to the girl on fire, leaving Evelyn to walk past to her own horse-drawn carriage to see Chaff and Mags.

Mags was an old friend, of sorts. She was the oldest alive tribute and had provided Evelyn with much knowledge since her games. She was also a dear friend of her parents and had been since their Victory Tours.

The elderly ladies eyes brightened at the sight of her, limping forward to take her makeup covered face in her soft hands before bringing her into an embrace. Evelyn leaned down to hug her back before pulling apart, keeping her older hands in her own, "Mags, I saw what you did back at the reaping, volunteering for Annie. Thank you, really. Because of you, Annie gets to live her life. If you ever need anything, even in the arena, I'll be there."

Evelyn felt a hand on her lower back and turned abruptly, pushing it away. Yet as soon as she did, she missed the calloused palm and soft touch. She would know those hands anywhere. Eve was not disappointed to see his shirtless attire and faint grin still lingering around, "Evelyn."

"Finnick," she replied turning away to not have to face him. Eve could feel the heat rising to her cheeks and her chest rise and fall quickly; after all those years he still had the safe effect on her. It was a curse and a blessing in disguise.

"I'm pretty sure that the ceremony is about to start, why don't I take Mags back to our carriage?" he questioned the older lady who simply nodded and took the arm that he offered, "I hope to see you soon, Miss Miracle."

"So do I, Mr Odair. We have plenty to talk about," she shot back, climbing into the carriage with the help of Chaff who extended his only hand out to her to take.

"That we do. See you soon, gorgeous," he winked, turning and chatting quietly with Mags as they returned to their carriage.

Chaff looked to his side at the girl, who was now roughly his height thanks to her shoes, and grinned, "You and Finnick have history, do you not?"

She shook her head playfully before the intercom announced that the carriages were about to leave, she looked at Chaff, "Is it that obvious?"

Chaff laughed loudly before his eyes narrowed, "Oh, you were being serious."

She silently groaned before the horses started to move, pulling each chariot in a long line where the sun finally reached her face. As quickly as she could, Evelyn gripped the metal bar and let her face fall from the previous smirk. She had to look like she meant business in the arena; that is what the Capitol wanted and how you got sponsors. Outside the stable area, the carriages were surrounded by loud applause and shouts from the Capitol. Some even went as far as to throw flowers or their hats at them.

But Evelyn couldn't even a fake a smile anymore, where most tributes would smile and wave at the crowds, Evelyn didn't. It wasn't until she met the eyes of Atlas and Elodie that she brought her arm up to wave at everyone, the crowd roaring with excitement which only angered her more. They enjoyed it, she was just a pawn.

Evelyn glared up at President Snow, he now stood a foot away from his throne so he could get a good look at his new tributes, most likely already imaging their deaths in the most horrible way. The chariots were quick to go back to the stable where all the tributes would disband back to their apartments to go over tactics and eat the luxury meals provided. Meals that she could no longer stomach.

Chaff helped Evelyn down, which she was thankful for, before Haymitch Abernathy wrapped her arm in his and pulled her and Chaff to the side. Waiting for Katniss and Peeta to arrive. Eve felt Haymitch lean into her, whispering in her ear softly. All she could smell was whiskey.

"We need to talk," he muttered before pulling away. Evelyn knitted her eyebrows in confusion before it dawned on her. He wanted to discuss the Games and how he could save his darling tributes. Which would probably end up in Evelyn and everyone else having to sacrifice themselves. If she didn't have her daughter to get home to, she would have agreed to the plan. 

Katniss and Peeta neared the corner before their almost smiles were demolished, yet Peeta still looked content to see the younger Miracle. "Nice, way to make friends out there you two," Haymitch teased as he clapped his hands.

"Well, we learned from the best," Katniss remarked back, approaching the trio with her fiance trailing behind her silently.

Haymitch laughed dryly, "I wanted to introduce you two to a few special friends of mine, Evelyn and Chaff. From District 11."

Chaff pulled Katniss in for a kiss on the lips, making both Peeta and Evelyn's eyes go wide with embarrassment. They shared a quick look of confusion before Evelyn spoke up, "Don't expect one from me, lover boy."

Katniss looked just as surprised at the kiss, which made Haymitch laugh, "He is very friendly. Don't invite him over, he'll drink up your liquor. We'll see each other later, let's get some of that makeup off you. Evelyn," Haymitch gave her a quick wink to show that he needed to talk to her soon.

"Wait, Katniss!" Evelyn called, running after the District 12 female. She quickly sauntered over to the elevator just before it could close. Evelyn opened her lips as the doors opened once more and none other than Johanna Mason entered, her doe eyes fluttering at Evelyn with ease.

"You guys look amazing," she grinned, looking Evelyn up and down with a glare that she could not quite make out. "My stylist is such an idiot." She began to pull her hair down and remove her jewellery, "District 7, lumber. Ugh, I'd love to put my axe in her face. So what do you think? Now that the whole world wants to sleep with you?"

"I don't think that the whole world-" Katniss was about to answer, only for Johanna to turn and glare at her.

"I wasn't talking to you," she turned once again and pulled her long hair out of the way for Peeta, "Can you unzip?"

Peeta complied and unzipped her outfit for her, making Katniss give him the dirtiest glare that Evelyn had ever seen on anyone other than President Snow. All Evelyn and Haymitch could do was watch from the sidelines as it all unfolded, trying to keep their laughs in. It was silent as she finally pulled all of her clothing from her body and stood completely naked in front of the four victors, Johanna finally looked to Evelyn and acknowledged her existence.

"Evelyn, how is your brother?" she asked with a fake smile, twirling her ponytail with one hand.

"He is doing much better now, without his distractions. Thanks for asking," she coughed out, keeping her eyes from trailing down.

An audible breath left her lips as the elevator opened and she left, "Let's do it again some time!" she called out before disappearing.

"No, thank you," Haymitch grinned.

"Johanna Mason, District 7," Evelyn informed before Katniss gave her a bored look. Evelyn brandished the wooden figurine, "Rue's younger brothers, they're learning to whittle to bring in some money. They made this for my dau- sister Aeliana but I thought that you could have it, as a thank you for what you had done for Rue in the arena. District 11 will remember it for as long as we stand."

Evelyn passed Katniss the small wooden figure, that she honestly had no idea what it was supposed to be, making the girl tear up. "Thank you, Evelyn."

"No worries, have a good night," Evelyn chimed before leaving the elevator on her floor, walking into the apartment where Octavius already sat at the dinner table.

Haymitch and Peeta turned to the female. "Do you still think she is a ruthless killer who wants to murder you?" her fiance asked, earning a glare from Katniss before the elevator started to go up once more.

Evelyn had been the first to arrive at the training centre, she had waited for half an hour for someone to come and actually unlock the doors first and waited for the guards to file in and secure the rooms. But as soon as she could, she made her way to the weapon rack and pulled the sword from it, inspecting the hilt and passing it from hand to hand. Evelyn felt her mind take over as she twirled the sword around with ease and made her way to the hologram room. It was certainly more advanced than the training area that she had trained in for her first games.

To start off, Evelyn put the speed at the highest it could go and set it to the maximum attackers. She needed to train now, it wasn't long before they would be left to fend for themselves with no one to help. These tributes weren't children like usual, she was fighting against other victors who were stronger and smarter. She stepped in and let the glass doors slide shut, standing in the centre of the room as orange, hologram attackers started to jump out at her from behind pillars.

She immediately swung her sword at the first one, slicing it in half as he exploded into plenty of orange cubes before the second and third ran her way. A small smile appeared on her face as she sliced at them with the sword, watching it cut through the hologram's torso and met the same fate as the first. Evelyn was currently unaware that Finnick Odair stood outside of the room, admiring how she moved. She always knew when he was around.

Yet her mind was elsewhere, she noticed how every different attacker hologram had a distinct weapon to resemble a tribute; a bow for Katniss, a trident for Finnick, spears and throwing knives for the careers and the list went on and on until one last hologram ran at her. One with a sword. Evelyn sliced at the head of the attacker after thrusting her won sword at its chest, turning when Finnick slowly clapped at her.

She shook her head and exited the room, "Well, you really haven't changed a bit have you, darling."

"You are one to talk, you're the same arrogant bastard," she grinned at him, which he reciprocated with a chuckle. She gasped as he wrapped his arms around her and snuggled into her smaller body ever so slightly. A part of her wanted to hide her head in the crook of his neck, wrap her arms around his torso like she used to. But she didn't. "What was that for?"

"How is she?"

"Our daughter? Well, she is just like you in every way possible; feisty, self-assured and somewhat humorous at times," Evelyn replied as they walked back to the main room where the other tributes trained, trying to show the others up.

"She is perfect."

Evelyn mounted the sword back up on the rack and turned to him. "Yes, she is," she snapped loudly, earning a glare from Katniss and Mags who started to teach the District 12 victor how to make a fishhook.

Finnick narrowed his eyes at her, "Is this about me not being there?"

She laughed loudly before her voice became much quieter, "You think? I had to raise our daughter alone for six fucking years Finnick. The games left me broken and you were no where to be found. I had to watch as everyone around me was a parent to Aeliana because I couldn't be there for her in case Snow found out and used it against me. I had to leave her for eight months every year to be in the Capitol and had no connection with her at all! And all you did was get public about your relationship with Annie and send a letter every so often."

Finnick was speechless, he stepped back and had no idea what to say at all. A loud scoff left Evelyn's lips as she turned and marched away from him, tears threatening to spill over her meltdown.

But that wasn't the case for Finnick, he wanted to be there for Evelyn and Aeliana. To build the family that they so desperately wanted to all those years ago. To get married. But they couldn't, not whilst they belonged to the Capitol. Not whilst the games occurred. 


The story is starting to bring itself together now and you will soon be able to see the relationships and how they were made and broke

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