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      Dinner had ended and Percy had left to his room. Tony wanted to find out everything he could about Percy and Sally. He hated that he never knew them. That he was never there to help them.

      "Boss, it appears Percy is having a nightmare." Tony makes a face and jumps to his feet. "A nightmare?" He rushed to Percy's room and was startled by the screaming. Percy was screaming at the top of his lungs, and Tony hadn't seen something so intense. "Percy! Wake up!" He rushes to his side and tries to shake him awake. "Percy!" Percy's eyes shoot open and he stops screaming. "Percy, are you alright?" Percy pants and rushes past Tony. Tony sits there in shock for a second before rushing after him.

      Percy's nightmare had been the same as it always was. Tartarus. Losing Annabeth, and now his family. Once he woke up and saw Tony he needed to get away. He knows he's unpredictable when he wakes up from that dream. He'd hurt Annabeth once, and he hated himself for it.

      He needed to find water. It always helped clear his head, and it didn't take him long to find the pool in the building. He could feel it's pull. Percy sunk down to the bottom of the pool and closed his eyes.


      Percy opens his eyes and finds that he is no longer in the pool. He takes in his surroundings. He's in water. Somewhere off the coast of New York. "Percy." Percy turns around and his eyes widen. "Dad." Poseidon swims forward and hugs Percy. "I am so sorry for what has happened, my son." Percy pulls away and looks at Poseidon. He sighs and nods, sinking to the sea floor.

      Poseidon looks down at his son and sighs. He sinks down next to him. "If there is anything I can do, please..." Percy nods and looks away. Poseidon puts a hand on Percy's shoulder and they sit together for a long time.

      Tony rushes into the pool and his eyes widen at seeing Percy at the bottom with his eyes closed. "Percy!" Tony runs to jump in but remembers he can't get his arc reactor wet. "FRIDAY! Call Steve!"

      Steve rushes into the pool and Tony points to the water. He wastes no time and dives in after Percy. He brings him to the surface and then to the pool edge. Tony pulls him out. "Kid!" Percy's eyes open and he sits up. Tony sighs in relief. "You scared the hell out of me." Percy makes a face. "What are you talking about?" Tony and Steve share a look of confusion.

      "Kid you were under water for 5 minutes." Percy's eyes widen a bit and he nods. "Yeah, I can hold my breath for a long time." Steve walks off and grabs a towel for himself and Percy. Percy thanks him. "Percy, what were you doing in the water in the first place?" Percy shrugs and uses his hand to shake the water out of his hair. "Water helps me clear my head."

      Tony creases his brows and gives Percy a look. Percy sighs and glances at Tony. "Sorry about running out of my room." Tony sighs and nods at Steve who leaves the room. "It's fine Percy." Percy bites his lip, hoping Tony doesn't ask. "What were you dreaming about?" Percy sighs. He asked. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

      "No." Is Percy's short answer. Tony looks at him concerned, but stands up and offers Percy his hand to help him up. "Come on, I don't think either of us will be able to sleep tonight." Percy smiles and takes Tony's hand.

      The two of them ended up watching movies for the remainder of the night. Percy was grateful that Tony didn't press about his nightmare. He really didn't want to talk about it and Tony could see that. If anyone could understand how terrible nightmares could be, it was Tony.

      In the morning the Avengers are gathered in front of the TV eating their breakfast. "Sir, it appears someone has broken into the building." Tony stands. "What are you talking about FRIDAY?" A security camera appears on a holo screen and Percy smiles at the person as they throw a dagger at the camera.

      Tony summons his blaster to his hand but Percy quickly stops him. "No! Shooting her won't do us any good." Percy steps forward to the staircase door. "Her?" A blonde barges in and sees Percy. A wide smile slides across his face, but then he sees the look in her eyes. Pure anger.

      "You little shit!!" She runs at Percy, who tries and fails to run away. The girl judo flips Percy and glares down at him. "Hello to you too Wise Girl." Annabeth pulls Percy to his feet and gives him a deep kiss. The Avengers watch in shock and confusion. This girl just broke into the tower effortlessly, tried to kill Percy, and was now kissing him.

      "You're so stupid Seaweed Brain! I thought I lost you again! I was this close to marching up to Olympus to beat the shit out of Hera!" Percy laughs. Annabeth helps him to his feet and raises an eyebrow at the people in front of them.

      He turns to the people behind him. "Guys, this is my girlfriend, Annabeth." Tony lowers his blaster. "Your girlfriend just broke into the most secure building in America." Percy smiles proudly and gives Annabeth a kiss on the cheek. "That's my Wise Girl."

      Annabeth looks Percy in the eyes. "Percy..." Percy frowns and nods. "I know." They've been together long enough to know what the other is thinking. Percy glances at Tony who nods. Percy leads Annabeth to his room. Once the door is closed Percy embraces Annabeth and tears stream down from his eyes. Annabeth holds him tight. "Percy."

      After Percy and Annabeth had left the room Tony had FRIDAY run facial recognition. "Annabeth Chase." The others look at the very little information on her. Until a couple years ago she seemed to have disappeared. Tony raises an eyebrow at a particular piece of missing information. "No mother listed." Bruce raises an eyebrow. "Weird."

      Natasha smirks. "Well, she has my respect." They all turn to her and Natasha shrugs. "She broke into the tower without us knowing until the last second. Impressive." Tony scoffs. "And insulting."

      A few hours later, Percy and Annabeth walk into the communal floor. Steve introduces himself to Annabeth and smiles. "You're already a hit around here." Percy smirks and hugs Annabeth to his side. "Anyone who manages to piss off Tony is welcome." Annabeth smiles and shrugs. Percy looks around confused. "Where is he anyways?" Steve walks back to his seat on the sofa and the others introduce themselves to Annabeth.

      "He's in his lab pouting." Percy laughs and Annabeth walks back to his side. "Will you tell Tony we're going out for a bit?" Steve nods and watches the two of them leave. "They're hiding something." Natasha spits out. They all look at her. "How do you know?" Natasha shrugs and returns her attention back to her phone.

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