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      Percy and Annabeth ended up in Central Park. They just walked around and talked. Hearing Annabeth's voice always made him feel better. It was better than any therapy money could ever buy.

      "And Tony? What's he like?" Percy shrugs a bit. "He's nosy. I'm sure he's already looked into your life too." Annabeth smirks and shakes her head. Percy puts his arm around her shoulders and they walk on. Annabeth had decided to stay with him in New York until they finished High School, then they were off to New Rome for college. Percy knew Tony wouldn't mind having Annabeth stay at the tower, that wasn't an issue.

      "Percy." Annabeth stops Percy by placing her hand on his chest. Percy looks at her and follows her eyes. His eyes widened. "Oh gods..." 30 feet away stood a person about 8 feet tall. What really looked odd was his yellow teeth and the massive club in his hand. "Laistrygonian." Percy nods. He remembers them. "Percy..." Annabeth whispers as she looks around. Four more Laistrygonians step out, all carrying clubs.

      "Run." Percy and Annabeth start backing up. "Run!" They take each other's hands and turn and run. They hear the pounding footsteps of the giants behind them. "We'll never outrun them!" Percy yells as he glances back. Annabeth's eyes narrow. "No, but we can outsmart them." Annabeth pulls Percy so they take off toward the exit of the part.

      Percy and Annabeth weave in and out of people as they run through the streets of the city. "We need to get a height advantage!" Percy nods and looks around. He knows this neighborhood. "Take a left." They take off down the street and Percy guides Annabeth across the street and into an alley. Percy hooks his hands and Annabeth uses them as a bounce board to grab the fire escape ladder. She climbs it and Percy quickly follows.

      "Just when things are calming down." Annabeth shushes Percy and points down. The Laistrygonians all run into the alley and look around confused. Annabeth and Percy nod at each other and both pull out their weapons. They jump off the fire escape and they both land on a Laistrygonian. Annabeth stabs hers in the neck while Percy takes out his with a swipe of his sword. They land on the ground and duck just as the other three monsters swing their clubs at them.

      Percy rolls away, but Annabeth is hit by one of their clubs and she is sent into the wall of the alley. "Annabeth!" She groans and jumps to her feet. Percy continues to dodge swings and Annabeth climbs onto the dumpster next to her and stabs her dagger through the Laistrygonian in front of her. "Percy! Look out!" Percy dodges a club, but another hits him from the side. He slides across the pavement and groans in pain. "That'll leave a mark." Annabeth rushes to his side and helps him up, noting the blood seeping through his clothes.

      The last two Laistrygonians start walking to them, cornering the two demigods into the alley's dead end. Percy offers Annabeth his hand with a smirk. "Together?" Annabeth smiles and takes Percy's hand. "Together." She confirms. They both charge the Laitrygonians.

      Percy spits blood out of his mouth as gold dust falls around him and Annabeth. "I guess they came back for seconds." Percy laughs, revealing his bloody teeth. He hugs Annabeth who groans in pain. "Looks like they never got em'." Percy rubs his thumb over a cut on Annabeth's forehead. She rolls her eyes and tilts her head to look at the road burn on the right side of Percy's face. She didn't need him to tell her that the road burn ran all the way down the side of his body. The blood seeping through his clothes was enough of a tell.

      "We've got a problem Seaweed Brain." Percy looks at Annabeth confused and she rolls her eyes. "How're we going to explain," She gestures to his face and her back. "This?" Percy makes a face and face palms, but instantly regrets it. Annabeth laughs at him and kisses the road burn. Percy smiles smugly and Annabeth punches his arm. They hold hands as they leave the alley.

      Percy and Annabeth help each other into the communal floor and they stumble to the couches. "Έχω το Νέκταρ και την Αμβροσία στο δωμάτιό μου." Percy whispers to Annabeth in greek. She nods and rushes off to his room and quickly returns with a canteen and baggie. They both eat the Nectar and Ambrosia, and hide it in their pockets just as Tony, Steve and Bruce walk into the room.

      "What happened? FRIDAY said you were hurt." They rush to Annabeth and Percy's side and are shocked by their state. Percy's face looked like road kill and a bruise was creeping up Annabeth's neck and toward her collar bone. "Yeah, I guess you can say we were."

      "We need to get them to the medical room." Tony and Steve try to offer their help, but Annabeth and Percy brush them off, using each other as support. A short elevator ride later they are in the medical room and Bruce is looking them over. "What happened to you two?" Percy and Annabeth share a look, and before Annabeth can tell Percy to keep his mouth shut he says, "We were attacked by cannibalistic Canadians." Annabeth glares at Percy and the others give him looks. The three Avengers look at them in shock.

      Percy laughs. "I'm kidding." He looks to Annabeth and gives her a look, asking her to come up with a better excuse. She glares at him and turns to them. "We were hit by a car." She winces as Bruce gently touches her back. "You were what?!" Percy brushes Tony off and gives him a small smile. "It's okay, it was our fault anyway. We weren't paying attention."

      Tony gives Percy a long hard look. He can tell that isn't exactly what happened, but he doesn't press. "Why didn't you call the police?" Percy gives Tony a smug look and pats his pocket. "No phone." Tony looks appalled. "Why don't two teenagers have phones? What's wrong with you two?" Steve elbows Tony and gives him a stern look. Percy laughs and lifts up his shirt for Bruce to clean his road burn. "It's alright."

      Percy and Annabeth share a smirk. "We've never really needed phones." He shrugs and looks at Tony. "Kinda comes from our time at camp." Tony looks between the two and notes the affection they have for one another. If he didn't know any better, he'd say they were in love. Not your typical run of the mill teenage couple, no these two have been through hell and back together and Tony could see them together forever.

      "Is that where you two met? At that camp?" Percy klutches Annabeth's hand as Bruce douses his side with hydrogen peroxide. "It is." Percy kisses Annabeth's hand and she rolls her eyes, but smiles at him. Percy groans. "How's your back?" Annabeth raises an eyebrow. "Seaweed Brain, your bleeding. Stop worrying about me." Percy grits his teeth as Bruce makes his way up to his face. "Come one Wise Girl, humor the bleeding man."

      "I'm fine, Seaweed Brain. It's just a bruise." She assures.

      Tony raises an eyebrow. "What's with the nicknames?" Percy and Annabeth look to him, then smirk at each other. "It's a long story." Steve and Tony share a look. Bruce steps back from Percy. "Done." Percy nods in thanks and he and Annabeth hop off the medical bed. Percy hugs Annabeth and looks to Tony. "Tony, do you mind if Annabeth stays here?" He smiles at Annabeth. "We want to finish High School together."

      "Of course." Tony smiles at the two and pants Percy's shoulder, but he winces in pain. Tony hit his roadkill shoulder. "Sorry, sorry." Annabeth laughs and Percy pinches the underside of her arm. She yelps and pinches a piece of Percy's skin with her nails and twists. Percy yells in pain and Annabeth stands victorious. "Not cool Wise Girl!"

      Percy and Annabeth retreat to Percy's room to watch TV. A new episode of Property brothers had come out and Annabeth needed to watch it. Percy always let her pick what to watch because he loved to watch her yell at the builders, critiquing them. It was far better than any comedy he could ever watch.

      "No, don't do that! You morons! You're going to screw up the whole plating of the house!" Percy chuckles, and his door opens and Tony peaks his head in. Annabeth's attention doesn't leave the TV. "Hey, I got you two a place in Midtown High. You start in two days." Percy mouths a thank you and Tony nods. He glances at Annabeth shouting at the TV and Percy laughs. "Don't ask."

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