fortysix | the dark room

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Tomorrow is our one year anniversary and I'm here drunk and in a East London bar with the cast of the film. Hiddleston and I get on like a house on fire, our characters are similar to how we are in real life.

In the film I play a young local pick pocket trying to get enough money to pay for University, my parents are poor and can't give me an education. I end up stealing the wallet of the wrong person; Hiddleston, who ends up taking me under his wing and teaching me about the world of mercenaries; because murder for hire is apparently worth a shit tonne of money. Which isn't really the professions either of us have in real life, but he definitely has taken me under his wing here in Europe and treated me like a little sister. He's a cutie.

"I'm convinced he doesn't like me though! How can our own director not like one of his supporting actors?" I whined, holding my glass on the table to prevent myself from knocking it over.

"Guy doesn't like anyone, he just cares about making an Oscar winning movie and that's it. He's brilliant before work, after work but during work but he's an asshole," our other co-star Emma Thompson said, only a few drinks in and moderately sober.

"Darling, listen to me. If you weren't doing a good job, you wouldn't be here. He's notorious for firing actors half way through a shoot, you're doing fabulously," Hiddleston said resting his hand on mine, giving my an endearing smile.

I sighed, hearing him call me darling like Tom always did. It made me miss him even more. I nodded regardless, trying to cheer myself up. Lately as we go into the movie more, I felt like our director was always telling me what was wrong with my acting rather than what was right - it made me feel like shit.

I hadn't told Tom about it, I didn't want him to stress about me. I knew that he would just get worried about me and not be able to help with cheering me up because he was half way across the world.

"You okay Y/N?" Hiddleston asked again, noticing me fidget with my fingers after checking my phone.

"Yeah it's just my anniversary now that it's past midnight. I've never been a big anniversary person but one year seems like a milestone you know?" I shrugged, knowing that Tom would be asleep but we had a FaceTime call scheduled in the morning to open our presents together.

"I didn't think the little asshole had it in him to keep a woman next to him for that long without annoying her to death," Hiddleston joked.

"It's been almost two years since we've been together though, I ask myself the same question every day about how he hasn't annoyed me to death," I laughed, collecting my bag and telling the table I should head home and not get completely wasted.

"Let me walk you out, I don't want you alone on the street waiting for an Uber," Other Tom said, escorting me out the front and letting me walk in front through the bustling bar we were in.

Once the Uber had arrived, he helped me into the backseat, asked me to message him when I got home and reminded me that Guy hates everyone before the door slammed shut. He really was such a genuinely nice man.

I took my shoes off at the front door, mindful that people were probably asleep. I know Haz and Harry had a few friends over but it was just to watch a football game and have some beers; they'd all be gone by now. Tiptoeing through the house, I tried to be as quiet as possible as I made my way to Tom's room that I was using.

A low and behold, in the dark bedroom Tom was in bed, asleep. The best surprise a girl could ask for - a jet lagged boyfriend fast asleep. I smiled to myself, taking off my outfit and changing into a pair of tracksuit pants and a t-shirt to sleep in. Sliding into bed next to him, I propped myself up on my arms, leaning over to softly kiss his neck.

He was shirtless, like he always slept - even in the middle of winter. I peppered his neck with kisses, trying to wake him up by softly grazing my teeth under his earlobe - which worked - he stirred.

"Wake up," I whined, kissing along his collarbone before he suddenly pushed me away.

"Y/N no, no, no, it's Haz, it's Harrison! Please stop oh my god, I'm so sorry I-I have mates staying over in my room and I didn't think you'd come home tonight..." Haz said sitting up and holding my shoulders back.

I jumped back, covering my mouth as I gasped, drunkenly mistaking the man in the bed with minimal light through gaps in the curtains, as my boyfriend and not his best friend.

"Haz I am so sorry, I'm really drunk I thought you were Tom! Oh my god..." I apologised, covering my face as he turned the bedside table lamp on.

I groaned into my hands, screwing my face up in embarrassment. How could I be so stupid to have thought Tom would fly here to surprise me but not at an hour of the day anyone would actually be awake.

"Please don't tell Tom, he won't cope," I mumbled through my hands, closing my eyes to stop myself from crying. I was mortified, drunk, embarrassed, drunk and quite frankly just missing Tom; made worse by being drunk.

"Of course I won't, it was genuinely an acciden- Woah Y/N there's no need to cry, it's just a silly mistake," Haz said resting his hand on my knee as I started to sob.

"It's been two and a half months and I miss seeing him and how he makes me laugh and how he makes me tea before bed and he always chews celery really loudly... And every day at work I feel like nothing I'm doing is right and it's just so lonely," I rambled through tears, avoiding eye contact with Haz who was probably just finding me crazy.

But he just pulled me against him and held my head against his chest, just how Tom did whenever I had an anxiety attack. He stroked my hair and let me cry for what felt like hours, but more likely only minutes.

He didn't speak that much, he just asked me questions about work, letting me de-stress and rant and ramble and worry and let all my emotions out. He listened, he gave advice and he told me Tom would be proud of me and my work every single day I was here.

Tessa had nudged her nose between the crack of the open door, pushing it open and jumping up on the bed. Haz tapped next to me for Tessa to curl up. She was a lot bigger than Arlo of course, but they looked so similar. I smiled, rubbing behind her ears as Haz turned the lamp off.

"Want me to sleep here? I'm more than happy to leave you here, I know it might be weird for you having me next to you in Tom's old bed," Haz shrugged.

"No, please stay. I won't try and kiss you again I promise," I laughed, knowing Tessa was between us and taking up majority of the bed.

"See normally I'd say something cocky about wanting you to but it's not fun saying shit like that when Tom isn't around... You realise I only do that to wind him up right? I'd never actually try and get with you," Haz smiled softly.

"Thankyou Haz, for both not trying to fuck me and also really calming me down just now... Seriously thank you," I smiled, giggling softly.

"You're my best mates girl Y/N, I wouldn't treat you any different to how I treat him... Except I'm a bit gentler with you, I don't hit you in the dick," he laughed.

"Hey, don't damage the goods, it affects me too," I joked, snuggling under the covers and curling up to Tessa.

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