ten | the movie carrie

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Timothee acted cool, calm and collected in public. Most of his fans found him as this smooth, classic Frenchman who didn't give a fuck about anything. He was in fact, like a teenager who never grew up. He had seen Tom kiss me, a dumb move on his part - thanks asshole, and was completely giddy that his conspiracy had come true.

"It meant nothing Timmy don't get excited," I sighed, Tom in a stunned silence and not alleviating the situation at all. Timmy shook his head.

"Nup, a kiss like that isn't nothing Y/N," he said, prompting me to then pull Timothee into a kiss the exact same way Tom had kissed me. Tom was shocked. Timothee was shocked.

"See? No big deal," I said rolling my eyes. "Tom was just being an asshole, and I was trying to prove a point. Same as right now, trying to prove a point to you," I continued. Tom had a stupid look on his face, completely confused that I had kissed Timmy like it was nothing - I'm an actor, it's my job to pretend. Timothee licked his lips.

"Is that your lipgloss or his that tastes like coconut?" He joked, as I walked out of the room shaking my head and Tom telling Timmy to fuck off.

Timmy hit Toms chest in some sort of man to man signal of approval, as we walked down a large marble staircase, the entire party turning to applaud us. It was nerve-wracking knowing that everyone had seen our trailer and were all as excited for the shows release as we were.

I spotted Sam in the crowd, holding my hand over my heart as a gesture of admiration and thanks, him touching his fingertips to his lips and blowing a kiss in response. He had become like a mentor for me, an older brother I never had.

We weaved our way through to him, an abundance of people touching our arms, hugging us and extending their congratulations. Tom began to tell Sam how amazing the trailer was before Timothee interrupted,

"I just saw these two kissing," he blurted out. Tom held his head in his hand as I looked around to see if anyone had heard his loud ass over the music. Sam just chuckled and shook his head.

"And you're surprised by that? I've known they were sleeping together for months, plus you owe me a hundred bucks," he laughed. Timothee turned to Tom and I who were equally as shocked at what Sam had said.

"W-we have definitely not slept together," Tom interjects, Sam glaring at him jokingly.

"You think I'd believe that? Y/N, you're always coincidentally watching his scenes regardless of not even being called to set and Tom, you think I can't hear you whispering all that shit to her on set? My headphones are hooked up to the audio constantly, also I slept next door in Vegas, they had thin walls Tom. Thin. Walls," Sam laughed, surprisingly relaxed with it all. Timothee was like a kid on Christmas, both of his hands pressed to his face in excitement as he listened.

"Wait, why do you owe Sam a hundred dollars?" I asked Timmy, raising my eyebrow. He laughed, saying that they both had a bet on how long it would take before Tom and I would hook up. Sam said before the show stopped filming, Timmy said after we stopped filming.

"Jesus Christ, I need a drink," I muttered, taking a glass of champagne off a waiters tray as they walked past.

I was sitting with one of the other girls in the cast Kara, when Tom and Timothee came over giggling to each other. We knew they were up to something and decided to humour them when they asked us to dance.

"Are we at some high school homecoming or something? Why is there slow music playing at a party?" I asked, knowing the boys had specifically asked for this. Kara on the other hand, oblivious as all hell and who I think had an eye on Tom during filming, spring to her feet with a bit of a drunken wobble, telling Tom she'd love to dance despite him asking me.

Timothee stuck his tongue out with his mouth wide, as I took his hand and laughed at Tom. Kara was a nice girl, she was just a little younger than us and acted like a primadonna when she was only in two episodes.

"Am I about to get a bucket of blood poured on me or something?" I asked Timmy, his arms around my waist as we swayed gently. He cocked his head to the side.

"The movie Carrie? Am I about to get Carrie-d?" I laughed, both of us turning to Tom who had Kara pressed to his chest lovingly and him pulling a face toward us.

"Honestly, I just wanted to see my favourite two humans dance together unscripted," Timmy said laughing.

"I don't believe you at all," I sighed, all of us moderately intoxicated but enjoying ourselves.

Tom interrupted Timmy and I and asked if he could have the next dance, outstretching his hand toward me. I was reluctant, but I took it as we walked into the centre of the room more.

"I swear to god Holland if I get blood on me I'm going to kill you," I said sharply, Tom turning to Timothee alarmingly.

"Carrie," Timmy called out, relieving Tom of his confusion. I shook my head and looked down at my feet when we begin dancing.

"Hey, hey look at me not your feet," he said smiling, pulling me closer.

"I'm uncoordinated Tom you know this, it took me days to choreograph that one scene," I laughed, looking around still confused as to what was happening.

"Maybe dancing, but not elsewhere," he winked. He was still a wanker, but I had definitely grown to tolerate him more when we weren't sleeping around.

The music changed from soft jazz to a song I recognised from TikTok. So this is what the boys were planning; a fucking video like two little nerds. Timmy was filming as Tom moved away from me, mouthing the lyrics of 'I wanna ruin the friendship' to me as I cracking up laughing.

I knew Tom and Timmy loved winding people up on the internet, so this purely would have been to stir up fans. I covered my face as I laughed, sticking my middle fingers up at Tom as he pretended to be heartbroken. Timmy ran up to us after the music changed into its usual house music, and people crowded back into the middle socialising. I hit both of them.

"You guys fucking suck, why didn't you let me in on the video! I would've played into it," I laughed, getting a new drink when the waiter walked past.

It was one or two in the morning when we managed to leave the launch party, Timothee trying to convince Tom and I to come to an after party with him. I don't know how he manages to party so much whilst still be so successful. I stay out late one night and need two extra nights of sleep to recover. We declined his invitation whilst he immediately responded to with wolf whistling.

"I get it, you both want to head home and go at it until the sun comes up," he joked, thrusting into the air and moaning. We were in the middle of the street mind you, this guy just has no shame whatsoever.

I yawned and waited for my car to arrive, Tom waiting with me, his blazer around my shoulders for warmth.

"You um, want to stay at my place? It's closer to here than your house," I suggested, not inviting Tom to my apartment before.

"Yeah, no yeah that sounds great, I'm really tired though I might just pass out," he laughed. "No I um, I don't think I'm up for sex tonight, I kind of just like sleeping next to someone," I said, not realising how lame and soft I sounded. Tom whined and imitated me.

"Oh, I'm Y/N I'm just so used to screwing Tom all the time, I can't fall asleep without him," he mocked, me rolling my eyes and pushing him.

"Fuck off, don't stay over then, catch a long ass trip home" I said sharply, not offended but playing into the banter.

"Fine, I'll stay. But only cos you're kind of sexy when you're angry," he laughed, getting into the car.

"I'm not angr- Ugh whatever, you're impossible to argue with. You're just a child," I sighed, slipping my heels off in the backseat.

"Doesn't that make you a child molester?" He asked.

God fucking damn it Tom Holland, why am I attracted to you?

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