twentythree | the impromptu call

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It's weird to meet someone's parents via FaceTime when you're both sore and covered in bruises from the rough and intense sex you'd had with their daughter the night before. It's even weirder when your own parents decide to gate crash said call.

I was the first one to interrupt Y/N's call with her Mum and Dad for about five minutes before my own parents rocked up to my apartment. I ran out of the bedroom and told them to be quiet and not say anything embarrassing.

They did the complete opposite.

Mum and Dad insisted they wanted to 'just say hi' to Y/N's parents and ended up joining the call without either her or I saying a full sentence for about ten minutes.

"Oh you know, I'm just so proud of her winning that Emmy award, you both would be the exact same with your boy right?" Her Mum said smiling.

"They're both so talented it doesn't surprise me at all, but the uh, content of the show is a bit risque don't you think?" My Mum said chuckling, all four of our parents now visibly awkward.

Hot tip for parents with actors as kids: Don't use your sons sex scenes in his work to bond with other parents. Especially if their kid is also in the same sex scene.

Y/N and I weren't even in the camera of her phone anymore, my parents had hijacked the entire call. She looked at me with her eyes wide and I raised my fingers to my head to blow my brains out.

"Thank god you mentioned something! I was wondering how you both tolerated it, it feels so private and intrusive to watch our babies, but I don't want to fast forward because they've worked so hard to create this show," Y/N's mum continued, causing her to quickly yell goodbye in the background and pull me into the living room.

"This is the worst thing I have ever encountered," she sighed, throwing herself onto the couch face down and groaning. I sat on her butt and squished her more.

"What about now? Is this any better?" I asked laughing.

"Get off me," she joked with her voice muffled into the pillow before rolling over and pushing me off.

My parents eventually came in and gave Y/N her phone back, smiling and saying they enjoyed meeting her parents. I for one, did not enjoy the whole conversation about our sex scenes but hey, can't do anything now.

"We wanted to come pick up Tess so we we'll be on our way now. Whilst we're here though.. Just um, be careful with the photos you both send okay? We've seen a lot of drama circulating online," Dad said chuckling.

Dad was pretty cool with these things, he didn't care about heavy drug or sex scenes I'd filmed, fake scandals in the media or in this case, real scandals. Mum however, was the frantic one who didn't really cope too well when things came up. I swear she had an alert on her phone every time anyone on the planet said 'Tom Holland' cos she was always the first person to know shit.

"We didn't click on any images or search for anything!" Mum insisted, trying to make the situation better but really just stretching it out longer.

"Oh man, well thanks for stopping by, Tessa was great, Paris was great, your complete impromptu conversation with Y/N's parents was not so great but have a safe drive home and I'll talk to you both soon," I said hurrying them out the door, Y/N giving them a quick wave before they left.

I had just sat down on the couch when Mark called me. Fucking agents man, they never rest. I excused myself to the balcony to take the call; as much as Y/N and I were fine with taking personal calls around each other, we both took work calls separately. Boundaries you know?

He started with the whole nudes scandal, now actually being able to get a hold of me since flying back from France. He wasn't particularly happy with the fact we had completely taken the piss and uploaded satirical photos recreating the leak, but he said there wasn't anything to be done now.

"Tom, I was speaking with the agency management and we all kind of think your relationship with Y/N is a bit strange... You're both very open and the way it's projected to the public is detrimental to your brand. Quite frankly it's ruining your image," Mark said bluntly.

I've always known Mark didn't like Y/N. He didn't really like Zendaya either but tolerated her because she was my co-star and we kept our relationship on the down low. Y/N was my co-star too but she was more outspoken than Daya, she was loud and unfiltered. I liked that about her.

"Okay, so what does that mean? We can pull it back a bit in public if you want us to," I suggested, leaning on the balcony railing and looking at the view.

"We think it's best that you cease relations with her mate. As your agent I'm saying this is the best for your professional image, but as your friend I'm saying she's making you a complete different man, you're coming across careless and self-conceited," he continued.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My agency had always restricted certain aspects of my working career but this was different, this was my personal life. I asked Mark what would happen if I said no, if I continued seeing Y/N and acting the same. What if I did pull it back and keep our relationship more discreet.

"Tom, this isn't an open conversation. This is a contractual demand. You can dispute it all you want but it clearly states if a part of your personal life is of detriment to your professional life, the agency can drop you without compensation," Mark followed.

My stomach dropped as I turned to look inside and watched Y/N smiling at her phone at probably some dumb video on Instagram. I didn't want to leave her but my career is my number one priority. I had to.

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