𝖛. Adjusting

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IT WAS THE MONTH OF JANUARY. Laurent has been staying with the Denali Coven for about two or three months now. He had a hard time adjusting from human blood to animal blood.

Laurent hunted with the rest of the Denalis. They wanted to see if he was getting better at hunting. He spent the day complaining about how different it tasted and how it didn't satisfy his hunger, so they hunted all day.

Kate told Evangeline her opinion on Laurent and his capability of maintaining their lifestyle. She feels as if he is merely curious, not really invested in changing his diet.

Evangeline wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, even if she started on the animal blood diet because of Kate, and she remembered the blonde girl took her out in the village to practice control. A man accidentally scraped his knee, making Evangeline lose her control. Of course, Kate didn't blame her.

After almost being a century and a half of being immortal, she still loses control every decade, and she always blames herself for being weak.

Human Blood is the most intoxicating and addictive scent to every vampire. You can smell the sweetness of one's blood from a mile away, the feeling of the warm liquid coating your tongue, and how it makes you feel alive.

For short, it was like a forbidden drug.

Those months also contained Laurent and Irina being clingy with each other, never leaving one's side. Where the other goes, the other follows.

Irina told Evangeline that Laurent was willing to work with the whole mate situation, and the Hill girl couldn't help but feel happy for her sister.

However, Laurent was being secretive, sneaking out mid-hunt, asking if the Cullens are still residing in Forks, and the rest of the Denalis feel suspicious, well, except Irina, of course.

They told him the Cullens decided to have a vacation, just a simple answer to a simple question so he wouldn't question it more.

They asked Laurent where he goes after or mid-hunt, and he said to them he had met with his old friend. For Laurent, it wasn't exactly a lie, just an honest answer to one question.

It was the beginning of February, and Laurent had been distancing himself from the others, and Irina was extremely worried.

Irina was bothered to say the least, that her mate was constantly gone, but when he came back, the said man acted as if nothing had happened, and Irina did too, which irritated Kate.

Evangeline tried to calm Kate down, telling the blonde that they shouldn't interfere with Irina and Laurent's relationship problems and also assuring her if Irina needed help, she'll ask them.

Now the Denalis, without Laurent, are in the living room just enjoying their day, like the usual, until Irina walks down the stairs with a frown on her face, a note in hand.

"What's the matter, Irina?" Tanya asks her while putting down her book.

Irina looks at them and hands Tanya the note.

The rest of the family, of course, are nosy, like always. Evangeline read the note.

Dearest Irina,

I know this is all sudden, but I would like to apologize for my sudden departure. I had a hard time adjusting to your kind of lifestyle, but believe me, and I want to change. Just give me time to rethink my decisions, and do not question yourself or doubt my love towards you. I love you, Irina. Centuries of being alone, and it paid back when you came into my life. The past few months I spent with you and your family have been wonderful. However, my old friend asked me for a last favor, and I couldn't refuse. I have unfinished business in Forks, and I will return to you, Irina, and live in peace amongst the humans.

Your mate,

Irina sits beside Evangeline on the sofa, putting her head on her sister's lap. While Evangeline combs her hair, she feels sad for her sister. She knows Irina has waited for a long time for a mate to experience the bliss of having one.

Kate, on the other hand, was furious, she was mad that Laurent chose his old friend's favor over being with her sister, and she had this gut feeling that whatever flavor it was, it was bad.

Tanya just hugged her sister, she knew that the soulmate bond was beginning to hurt, and she knew that it was a different kind of hurt that she experienced when Edward chose the human over her.

Carmen and Eleazar held each other close. The two know how much it hurts being separated from their significant other, especially Carmen when Eleazar has to choose his position in the guards or her. Of course, Eleazar will choose his mate.

After hours of silence, Irina decided to follow her instincts, moving her head away from Evangeline's lap. She stands up and goes to her room. Minutes later, she has a bag in her hand.

"Where are you going?" Kate asks, but the blonde already knows where her sister is going.

"I'll go to Laurent, to Forks, and help him with whatever favor his old friend asks of him," Irina answers her sister while she puts her passport in her purse.

"Laurent says he'll come back and needs time for himself," Kate tells her, obviously not wanting her sister to follow the man like a lost puppy like she has been for the past months.

"I know, but I can't rest knowing that he's out there somewhere, alone and lost," Irina answers pursing her lips as she finishes.

"Whatever you feel the need to do, follow your gut. Who knows, the man might do trouble," Evangeline's bubbly voice says with a small smile plastered on her face.

Tanya being the oldest sister and the leader of the coven, was against the idea of Irina leaving. However, she couldn't bear her sister being restless. "Just stay safe. Call us when you arrive. Do you have anything you need?"

Irina nodded and hugged her family members one by one, taking her bag and walking out the front door. They heard the car engine go on and drove away.

Evangeline sighed and looked at Kate. "I hope she comes home soon."

"Hopefully with him," Carmen says, leaning in Eleazar's chest while the man snakes his arms around her waist.

"She'll be home soon. Let's not worry too much. She a big girl," Tanya assures them, but she, herself, was very worried.

"So, who wants to play in the snow?" Evangeline asks while standing up, clapping her hands together, trying to lessen the thick tension in the household.

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