𝖝𝖛𝖎𝖎. Acceptance

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HAVE YOU EVER FELT AS IF LIFE WAS TRULY UNFAIR? Evangeline has been feeling those emotions since Bella and Edward came home from their honeymoon two weeks ago.

A human who suddenly barged into the supernatural world, knowing how dangerous it is, with countless possibilities of being put into harm's way, Bella still stayed, even when Edward left her for a long time, which Evangeline thought was foolish. However, love conquers all, right?

The blonde immortal was currently sitting on the stairs, looking at a now pale and unwell Bella with a bump that looked ready to pop out any day now.

Evangeline had heard Edward talking to Carlisle about taking out the thing inside Bella's stomach, which made Evangeline furious. How ungrateful is he? he was lucky that he could have a child of their own, which many vampires want with their mates, including her and Rosalie, Evangeline thought to herself, which Edward had heard with his ability to read minds. He didn't pay attention to her opinions about his wife.

"Evangeline," Rosalie calls out to the blonde, snapping her out of her thoughts, "Sit with Bella and me. You look uncomfortable there."

Rosalie and Evangeline bonded for the past few days, opening up to each other about what happened in their human life, and sharing the same sentiment on being immortal, having the same opinion of Bella keeping the baby.

Evangeline stands up from her place, walking towards Bella and Rosalie, sitting at the side of her fellow blonde.

Bella looks at her with a tired smile, her hand on her pregnancy bump, "We haven't really had a conversation since Edward and I came home."

Evangeline gives her an apologetic look and puts her hand on top of Bella's hand, "I was clearing and gathering my thoughts about everything."

"I understand. I thought you hate me," Bella says to her with a tight lip smile.

"Hate is a strong word, Bella. I was just feeling something that I thought had passed for a long time."

"Hey, it's okay to feel those types of things. Emotions are normal," Bella tells her, gently squeezing Evangeline's hand.

Evangeline looks at her and smiles, "I promise that I support you and your baby, no matter what" Rosalie gratefully looks at her, standing up from the sofa and giving the two some privacy.

"I know you always wanted a child. You were pregnant before you were turned, right?" Bella asks her carefully, not wanting to offend the blonde who just promised her and her unborn child's safety.

Evangeline noticed and gently rubbed her thumb on Bella's bump, "I had a century and a half to accept the fact that I will never have kids. My past emotions just resurfaced when I saw you pregnant."

"I'm sorry for what happened to you, Evangeline," Bella tells the immortal woman.

"It's not your fault Bella. You weren't even born at that time," Evangeline giggles. The brunette looks behind her. Evangeline followed her gaze and saw Jasper leaning on the doorframe with crossed arms and a disappointed look.

Evangeline and Jasper had been arguing since Bella and Edward came home, not sharing the same views about Bella's pregnancy. Jasper wants the thing eliminated. He considered it as a threat to his family, especially to Evangeline. When the news of Bella being pregnant reach the Volturi, it will be a problem that can risk Evangeline's safety, and he doesn't want that.

Evangeline tried to explain to the stubborn curly blonde man that a baby could never cause such chaos. However, the southern man was not open to discussions.

Evangeline sighed and looked back at Bella, now showing a crestfallen appearance.

"Don't mind him, he's just being stubborn as ever, wouldn't even listen to what I'm about to say" Evangeline glances at Jasper and rolls her eyes, "He'll come around soon."

"Why don't you rest? And I'll make you lunch that's good for you and my nephew," Evangeline offers, happy at the thought that she'll be an aunt. It was a title she was excited to take. At least she will get the opportunity to take care of a baby.

"Thank you, Evangeline, you're the best," Bella tells her.

"Of course I am, but don't tell Rosalie that," Evangeline says with a wink. She was about to head to the kitchen when she heard a loud engine of a motorcycle pulling up from the driveway. Were they expecting visitors? She asks herself.

Then a scent lingered through her senses, a smell of a dog and wet grass, and she knew immediately who that was, Jacob.

Rosalie had told her about the boy and how in love he had been with Bella since they were kids and that he couldn't even attend the wedding because of how mad and hurt he was. Rosalie has also expressed to her how disgusted she is about the shifter.

Evangeline didn't need Alice's ability to know that this boy would cause major problems for their family.

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