𝖝𝖛𝖎. Forks

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AFTER SPENDING A MONTH IN TEXAS, the couple decided to head home and spend time with the family.

Now they are currently in the living room. Alice was bugging Evangeline about renewing their vows, and Jasper told her that they have eternity together and shouldn't be a rush.

Evangeline said that the first wedding was unique enough for her, and it would be a long time until they got married again. The pixie just sighed and reluctantly agreed with them.

Jasper was reading a book, like always, while Evangeline wasn't very fond of reading, but she still enjoyed her time with Jasper and his hobbies.

Currently, Jasper was reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë to Evangeline, which the blonde clearly enjoyed since she was loving Jasper's thick southern accent.

"There was scarcely time to experience a thrill of horror before we saw that little wretch was safe. Heathcliff arrived underneath just at the critical moment; by a natural impulse, he arrested his descent and, setting him on his feet, looked up to discover the author of the accident." Jasper reads out loud while Evangeline is between his legs, lying on his chest.

"You know, I like Jane Austen's books, Persuasion and Emma," Evangeline tells him while looking up at him and pecking his jaw.

"I thought you aren't the reading type," Jasper says as he tilts his head, a smirk plastered on his face.

"When you live for a century, you got to pick up new hobbies," Evangeline says.

Jasper just shakes his head and continues to read out loud. Alice was looking at the couple with a smile, Theodore following behind her like a lost puppy.

Until she gasps, almost losing balance, Theo grabs her shoulders, keeping her from stumbling back.

Alice shakes her head, her eyesight getting clear. She looks at Theo with a worried expression on her face, "Theo, please get my phone now."

Theodore just nods and speeds up to their bedroom, and returns with a phone in his hand, giving it to his mate. Alice quickly dials a number, and after a few rings, it finally answers.

"Bella? Are you alright?" Alice asks, panic lacing on her voice as she bites her nails, which Theo catches on and holds her hand.

"I'm not a hundred percent sure," Bella speaks warily. Her voice was laced with shock, and Jasper could practically tell her emotions just by how she talked.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Alice asked quickly, trying to figure out the problem.

"I just," Bella says as she trails off, not knowing how to explain herself. "Alice's, what did you see?" She changed her first sentence.

"Here's Carlisle," Alice says as she passes the phone to the doctor of the family. He was also worried.

"I don't know. I'm a little worried. Can vampires go into shock?"
Bella asks, and Carlisle's face is morphed into fear for his son.

"Has Edward been harmed?" He calmly asked, not wanting to make the human girl panic more.

"No," Bella answers quickly,
"I know that it's impossible, but I think I'm pregnant," the whole family gasped, and Evangeline's head snapped towards Carlisle. She looked at Jasper, who looked as shocked as she was.

Is she really pregnant? Can vampires procreate? Was it all a lie all this time? Evangeline asks herself.

"Did she really say she's pregnant?" Evangeline whispers to Jasper, and he just nods.

"Is that possible? Can we really procreate?" Evangeline asks Jasper. Hope was filling her body.

Jasper looks at her with a frown, he knows that Evangeline wants to have a child, and he feels sad that he can't give Evangeline what she wants.

"No, darling, we can't," Jasper says to her softly, and Evangeline's smile fades from her face, and she slumps back to the sofa, crossing her arms and looking at the window so nobody can see the venom feeling her eyes.

"I'm sorry," Jasper says quietly, pulling her body towards him and holding her tight.

Evangeline shakes her head. She didn't want Jasper to feel guilty that he couldn't give her child anymore. It wasn't really their choice.

"Don't be. It's okay," Evangeline tells him.

The Cullens look at the married couple, they knew Evangeline was with child when she was changed, and they felt heartbroken for her, especially Rose and Esme. They understood her more than anyone, Rosalie wanted a child, and Esme lost hers, much like Evangeline's.

"So what are we going to do?" Evangeline asks them.

"For now, we need this to be our secret. We don't know how the Volturi would react if they knew that Bella was pregnant," Carlisle tells them, looking at them one by one.

"Edward and Bella will be arriving soon," Alice announces.

Suddenly a phone rang. Rosalie's, her eyebrows furrowed. She looked at them and shook her head, and went outside.

"We need to find more information about what's inside Bella's stomach," Theodore says while scrunching his nose.

"I can ask Kate about this. They lived for a millennium. Surely they knew some of the legends," Evangeline suggests.

"No, you know what happened to them back then? They'll think it's an immortal child," Carlisle quickly objects.

Evangeline nods, understanding Carlisle's opinion, but she still feels something.

Envy? Jealousy? This human could have everything she ever wanted, a husband, a child, a family, immortality. While she didn't even have a choice about what happened to her.

Evangeline stands up from her seat, walking out of the living room and to her and Jasper's bedroom, Jasper following behind her, feeling all of her emotions.

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