𝖝𝖝. Shape-Shifters

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THE CULLENS AND EVANGELINE ARE IN THE LIVING. They were having an emergency family meeting with Jacob Black because the boy told the rest of his pack that Bella was pregnant, and the pack thought its an abomination.

Now they are unable to go out of the house to hunt, the pack was after them, and they haven't hunted since the newlyweds came home.

"I see them," Evangeline announces. She sees the wolves from the living room window at the tree line baring their teeth at her.

Jasper comes up from behind and puts his hands on her shoulder, "Come on, darlin', let's help Alice and Theodore look for some legends."

Evangeline nods, and they proceed to the library, where they see Alice and Theodore sitting with each other reading a book. Edward is in front of the computer, and she sees the word "Vampire Child." and "Immortal Children."

Edward slams down his hands on the table and dashes out of the library, and the blonde woman sighs and helps the others look for answers.

EVANGELINE IS IN THE KITCHEN, cooking breakfast for the three shape-shifters who are checking their perimeter. It must be hard for them to take their alleged enemy's side, Evangeline thought to herself. Giving them food was the least she could do for them.

Placing the scrambled eggs on the right side of the plate, some bacon on the left, and two cinnamon pancakes at the bottom, taking a glass and pouring some orange juice, placing the three plates and three glasses in a tray to serve.

Jasper was just watching Evangeline with an amused smile, and he knew how nurturing his wife wanted to be.

"Let me help you carry that tray, darlin'," Jasper offers while walking towards her.

"No, no, I can do it, I want them to feel comfortable around me, and you are acting like a bodyguard won't exactly do that," Evangeline tells him with a gentle smile. Jasper just rolls his eyes and shakes his head, and nods at her.

Taking the tray and watching her steps, she can't exactly trip. She ordered Emmet to place a table and chairs outside for the shape-shifters so they could rest. They really aren't comfortable waltzing inside the Cullen residence.

"Breakfast!" Evangeline announces happily while putting the dry on the wooden table.

Seth runs towards her with a wide smile on his baby face, deeply inhaling the smell of morning breakfast, "Smells delicious, Evangeline."

"Eat up, so you guys won't be hungry when you do the morning rounds," Evangeline tells them. Jacob nods at her and takes a seat next to Seth. The blonde immortal looks at Leah, expecting her to sit and eat. However, she rolls her eyes and turns her back on them.

Jacob and Seth gave her an apologetic look while she shook her head and smiled. "I heard your stomach grumbling when I placed the food on the table, so get your pretty face here, sit and eat, don't waste good food."

Leah just huffs and turns around, facing the three. She just muttered something under her breath and took a seat opposite Jacob and Seth, taking a bite of the cinnamon pancakes, trying to silence a moan, keyword: tried.

Evangeline smiles victoriously and walks back to the house to find her husband.

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