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Taehyung was frozen. He wasn't sure if he was astonished or enraged. He couldn't believe the darned man was slapping him after doing nothing to him.

Jungkook recognized he had likely misread Taehyung's behavior. But there was no turning back; it had already passed his bounds, and as Tan's father, he had already given him freedom. He wasn't in the mood to manage the man's ego. Now he was in serious jeopardy.

The small shaking body found power out of nowhere and dragged him out of the bathtub. He dragged him while he tried to dismiss him, "Are you fucking crazy?" He was stepping right out of the bathtub.

Jungkook tightened his teeth and kept pulling him out. They were out of his bedroom.

He attempted to pull him back to stop him. His eyes widened the next second as he utilized his might to his advantage and tossed him to the ground.

Taehyung almost reached for his body to undo the situation when he discovered he was a male. He will die if he responds to his attack. 'Damned guy.' He tightened his teeth and let the anguish to penetrate his body.


He moaned with anguish. He was so skilled at self-defense that his body reacted instinctively to protect itself. He overheard him gasp. His body trembled as he recognized what he had just done. However, Jungkook didn't feel sorry. If he listened to him, he wouldn't have done that.

Will he harbor a grudge? Have I dug a grave?' He swallowed anxiously. He'd traveled so far, so there was no turning back. He grasped his wrist. and began tugging him towards the stairs.

Taehyung tripped when rising up, yanking him easily. His little strength was ineffective against him. He couldn't believe he had that much strength.

Jungkook gasped at the pull, his heart leaping to his throat as his back brushed into his firm chest, and his strong arm twisted around him like an iron prison, leaving no easy way out. He squirmed in his arms, like a mouse in a trap, looking for a way out.

Taehyung waited for him to relax, but something hardened at the touch of his back against his body. 'This dude.' He looked around and noticed a crocheted blanket on an armchair just a few steps away. He was going to threaten him to behave, he stomped his foot with his heel.

'Fuck,' Taehyung clinched his teeth and swallowed the agony silently. A dark red mark developed on his foot as his flesh peeled. The soreness made it difficult to maintain his weight on his right side. His aim on the nerve was flawless.

His leg was numb.

Jungkook fought to pull free from his arms, but they did not relax. 'Why is he that strong?' Since Taehyung's objective wasn't to hurt him, holding him in place wasn't difficult and he wasn't getting momentum to sway him.

He twirled him around and pinned his wrists against the wall with his right hand. He took the knitted blanket, looked at his terrified tiny face, and closed his eyes. His breathing was labored, and he appeared to be waiting for the agony. He assumed that was enough to intimidate him.

Well, he was mistaken. The following second, he felt his leg twitch again. He fled before he could kick him in the balls with a sweep of his leg.

Taehyung says "..."

He couldn't believe how tenacious this small man was, refusing to let up and beg him to let him go. More than that, they weren't even communicating; it was as if he knew him.

He wrapped the mustard yellow blanket over his lower waist, covering his lower half and narrowing his gaze at him. Jungkook was uneasy to see a nude man going past his house, but he didn't express it on his face. He glared at him. He was in his property, and he wasn't going to follow his rules.

His lips progressively titled, finding him comical as he tried to disguise his anxiety under wrath. "Foolish, wild kitten." For some reason, he was no longer irritated and disregarded the agony in his body. He was in the mood to taunt him; he strangely enjoyed this foolish fellow.

For his looks? Nope, he had seen a more attractive man, but he peaked his attention.

Why strive to get rid of him? No, he did not like it.

For being fiery. It may be.

Why not give up? It may be.

For being foolishly courageous? It may be.

For not sobbing in fear? This is definitely a likable feature for him.

Unaware of why he was so interested in him, he grinned with a gorgeous smile. He failed his endeavor. He did not respond.

In any case, he would not leave his house without the hard drive. So his irrational behavior began. "Do you want me to leave?" His voice was deep and husky. He answered his inquiry while keeping a calm expression on his face. "I am not going anywhere." He spoke casually before descending the stairs. He was thirsty.

Jungkook says "..."

He understood that he couldn't talk him out of it. So, how should he be ejected? His eyes gleamed. He'd figured him out in the past. So he came up with a fast answer. He began counting till ten: "One, two, three..."

Taehyung stood in the living room, looking at a photograph of Jungkook and his kid. His gaze was on him. He looked more like he was wearing those lovely pajamas beside his baby. 'Who snaps photos in pajamas?' he wondered.

His gaze wandered to another picture. It was his solitary photo. He was pouting, inflating his cheeks, shutting his eyes, and holding his two pigtails to the side. He had lengthy hair. 'Interesting.'

When he heard his heels clicking, he looked towards the stairs. He glanced at him with horror-filled eyes, as if he had seen a ghost.

Taehyung :"..."

He was OK a few seconds ago.

He screamed aloud, "Help... Help..."

"What the fuck!" He dashed after him instantly. He can't allow him cause a scene and let anyone see him. He walked outside the house and glanced around. The fall cool air stroked his honey-tinted skin as he urgently searched for him. The scream had ceased, and he didn't see him.

He felt someone move behind him and turned around to see him slipping inside, carrying his heels in his hand. "You..."

He kicked away from the door.


His strike to his leg hardly moved him, leaving Taehyung dumbfounded at the entrance. He wasn't sure if he was upset or not. He could not believe his idiotic scheme had worked, so he tossed him out of the home.

Inside, Jungkook quickly changed the passcode on his door and sank on the floor. "Ahhhh.... Why did you come back into my life?" He sobbed to himself.

He'd helped him before because he liked him. Today, he wanted to repent assisting him only because he was the father of his beloved son.

"You Bastardo!!"

He froze when he heard the snarl at the door.

"Open the damn door." He demanded as though it were his home.

Jungkook snorted, "Die in the cold."

He pulled his weary body upstairs and noticed his shoes lying on the steps. He intended to burn him and his belongings. He collected his belongings, went to the balcony, and declared, "I'm calling the cops. "Get out of here." He issued one more warning before hurriedly entering.

He got his phone out of the bathtub and examined it. He had purchased a waterproof phone because of Tan, and it was operating properly. He chatted with J-Hope while cleaning his bathroom and other areas of the house. He told J-Hope everything, and he was disappointed: "My brave boy, you should have stomped on his dick." He snorted.

J-Hope also understood that getting in trouble with Taehyung or the Kim family was the last thing they wanted to do. His friend would be unable to survive if Taehyung took Tan away by bringing the authorities and such.

Jungkook then persuaded J-Hope to return and enjoy his evening, saying he was weary and would go to bed after a wash.

"Kookie, how about you stay with me tonight?" J-Hope has absolutely no faith in Taehyung. If J-Hope discovered Tan was his son, he intended to do all he could to keep Jungkook and Tan away from Taehyung.

Jungkook wanted to say yes, but remembered the hard disk. He was not permitted to go out and about. If J-Hope comes to him place and if a problem lurks around him, J-Hope will be in trouble. He can't risk his friend's life. "It's alright J-Hope, I will manage. I will call you immediately if anything."

J-Hope reluctantly accepted because persuading his friend to change his mind was difficult. Jungkook went on, "J-Hope, did you get the Pen drive I sent to you?"


"If I disappear..."

"I'll find you, sweetheart. "I'll punch that man in the face and burst his balls."

Jungkook chuckled at his lively, fun-loving bestfriend. He also realized J-Hope was attempting to cheer him up so he could get rid of Taehyung's thoughts.

After bidding him, he dashed inside his study and unlocked a secret block on the wall. He took a little old phone and turned it on. He called a series of numbers and stood at the window, looking out. If Taehyung hadn't interrupted him, she would have called as soon as he entered the house.

A man with a raspy voice welcomed him. [Mr.Jeon.]

Jungkook declared his choice, clear crystal, "I don't want to do this job." His actual employment was not as a secretary.

The voice on the other phone softened, but he attempted to guilt-trip him: [Mr. Jeon, how can you back out at this vital time?]

It didn't work for Jungkook. He said quickly and firmly, "I have never signed myself up for a risky job." He would never put his son or parents' lives at jeopardy for a job. But there he was, oblivious to what may happen to him in the night and how it would effect his family.

With all of this, Taehyung's return to his life was wreaking havoc in his psyche. All he could think of was how to keep Taehyung away from himself and his son.



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