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Taehyung was busy rearranging his whole month's schedule, canceling some appointments, visiting excavation sites, and attending auction banquets due to the Young Daddy at his place. He wanted to be doubly sure his life wouldn't be in any kind of danger before he stepped away from him, even for a day.

His mobile rang on the desk, grabbing both men's attention. Taehyung answered it on the speaker while his long fingers danced on his keyboard swiftly while typing an email.

There came the butler's voice: [Mr. Kim, President Yang is here to visit you. He is requesting to see the man. I have stopped him as the man is in your bedroom.]

No one is allowed inside his bedroom without his permission, excluding the butler and the housekeeper. There is another exception-young Daddy, who hadn't realized it was Taehyung's bedroom.

'The man.' He stood up to check on 'Little Kitten.' ignoring his uncle for a moment. He shut the laptop and responded to the butler as he grabbed his mobile, "I will be there."

He walked towards the door without looking at his shocked friend. Jin's jaws were again down hearing, 'The man is in your bedroom.'

He sprang to his feet and went behind him, asking his questions, "Hey, who is that man? Did you get yourself a feisty boyfriend? Oh no... Did he seduce you? Caught your attention? Why did you bring him home? Taehyung..."


Jin snorted when Taehyung shut the bedroom door behind him without answering. 'I will ask Uncle In-Ho.' He grunted again and went downstairs.


In Taehyung's bedroom,

Taehyung's eyes fell on the tray that was on the tea table near the couch. He was satisfied to see that Young Daddy had a healthy appetite. When his eyes fell on the bed, it was empty, and his steps ceased.

He sensed the room temperature being low and glanced at the white, translucent drapes fluttering to the wind. His eyebrow propped up, thinking he might have escaped from the balcony. 'Didn't he learn his lesson yet?'

He made his way to the balcony and caught the little white frame, keeping his face against the sun. The rays of dusk painted his pink face orange. The air was taking the liberty to brush his smooth skin and sweep his silky hair away from his face. His long lashes occasionally trembled, and his soft petal-like lips were slightly parted, tempting him to take a peek at his full face without disturbing him.

He was so extravagantly beautiful that he could race any man's heart. There was beauty in his simplicity. He was like warm morning rays of the sun and soothing, colorful rays of dusk that could relax him yet excite him.

He was breathing deep and long, as if enjoying his time at his place. He was a treat to his eyes. He would have enjoyed his sight for a little while if the cold wind hadn't kissed his skin and woke him from the daze.

Shifting his gaze, he caught his bare feet, standing on his toes. His brows tugged tightly and he knocked on the bay window for attention.

Jungkook stood on his feet and turned to the door. His relaxing face morphed into a scowl when he faced him. After eating, he was feeling sleepy more than ever. He exited the bedroom and a maid requested that he go back to bed and sleep. When Jungkook still tried to leave the room, the young maid was reduced to tears and requested that he take a rest or else he would lose the job.

Jungkook knew how hard it was for underprivileged families to make a living. With Taehyung as a dictator of the maid, Jungkook sympathized with the maid and melted instantly.

Returning to the bedroom, he checked out to find an escape but the sleepiness didn't leave him. So he was using the sun rays and cold wind to ease him after spotting the escape path.

"Does the Princess need a lullaby to sleep?" He mocked him for not going to bed.

Anyway, he scowled at him and asked, "What did you add to my food?" After eating, he thought the drug effects would be reduced; indeed, he wasn't dizzy anymore but the sleepiness worsened.

Taehyung observed his little face and noticed that he was sleepy. He stifled a yawn and glared at him accusingly. "I drugged you this time." He scoffed.

Jungkook: "..."

He realized he was overreacting and he did nothing with food. 'Probably I ate a lot. Argh, a full stomach makes the brain dull.' It would be risky to jump to the lower floor out of sleepiness.

"Lend me a car; I need to leave." He asked directly. He had no reason to keep him in the mansion when he wasn't even aware he was the biological father of his son.

Taehyung leaned on the bay window, crossing his arm over his chest. He had learned his lesson and didn't run on his feet. Good. But, "Is that the tone to ask for help?" He questioned him as if he were going to let him leave.

Jungkook pursed his lips. He was never an impolite boy but he couldn't be polite with people who tend to take advantage of kindness. Anyway, hoping he had no reason to bully him, "Could you please lend me a car?"

Taehyung hummed, hearing his pleasant voice tickling his ear but he suddenly started glancing right and left, then inside the room and out. He questioned, continuing to irritate him, "Did you speak to the wall?" He pointed his chin at the wall.

Jungkook glowered at him and said, "Kim Taehyung, you are going too far." He didn't recognize him so how could he just bully an unknown man? He was so infuriating.

His lips curled to a taunting smirk that he craved to wipe off from his arrogant face. He mused, "Don't you think my name flows so smoothly on your lips?" His little kitten stumbled into the little pit he dug for him. He was smart but not shrewd enough to play him or understand his petty tricks.

Jungkook's face stiffened upon hearing him. Why didn't he know he was so cunning? He felt like a little lamb falling on his face. 'Argh, not again. ' At this rate, 'I will end up revealing my identity... Probably he is already digging up my details.' he guessed.

Nevertheless, he didn't leave his bearing and glared at him fiercely while thinking of an alternative plan.

The feisty man wasn't going to be gentle so soon and he wasn't in a hurry to dig into the responses to his questions. He mocked him again for his sweet request: "I didn't know you were craving to die in a road accident."

Jungkook was about to counter but pressed down his anger. 'Who am I arguing with?' He knows he will have his way with everything. He toned his voice and sounded indifferent. "Where is this place?"

Taehyung could guess he was asking to escape on his feet and to confirm if he needed a vehicle to flee. He promptly responded, "Hill Valley." He saw his face lose its color in disappointment.

Hill Valley was the most prestigious regency on the outskirts of the city. Without permission, no one was allowed inside, excluding the residents or permitted people. The monthly security and maintenance costs of each house cost his yearly income. Calling them rich was an understatement.

So hailing a taxi or getting a private vehicle into the regency was just a dream. Unless somebody pities him on the road and gives him a ride to the city, even if he manages to walk away, he will have to walk for hours to get out of the regency.

'If I need to leave on my feet, I should get rid of sleepiness. Argh... And I need better clothes, too. I will just steal from his wardrobe.'

He tried to be smart... "Since you saved me, I won't pursue you for breaking into my house..."

Taehyung cut him off. "Interesting way to escape."

Should I kick him in the balls again?' He clenched his teeth to be seen through before he could even finish.

He tried again to outsmart him. His head dropped and he started sulking as if he were going to burst into tears.

Taehyung: "..."

He could see his clenching teeth, probably gritting too. However, his sullen face somehow worked to put his arrogance at bay. His voice was magnetic and calm when he took a step and tugged him inside. "Take a nap; we will talk later." He had a lot to ask about the situation at his work and Jackson.

Jungkook already learned that his body should be in good condition to fight him and the weather. So he was willing to listen to him. But he didn't like him touching him or holding him again and again.

Arguing with the stone wall is better than him. So he obediently followed him and saw him lift the duvet and turn to him. He was silently commanding him to get on the bed.

His actions reminded him of his father. His father used to drag him to the bed so that he could catch some sleep instead of staring into the screen all night, while he used to repeat, 'Five minutes, Dad, I will sleep.'

He suddenly missed those days. Care-free, spoiled, irresponsible days. Now he has a little one to take care of and be a good father, a lovely friend to his son and a partner in crime.

He got into the bed, pulled the duvet but sat up in a jerk and said, "I need to make a call."

Taehyung recalled his son: "Your son?" Then he briefed me on what was going on in the city: "It's not safe for both of you. Jackson's men are tracking every detail about you... Where are your son and parents right now? I will arrange for their stay." He genuinely wanted to make sure they were safe for her sake.

Only Jungkook knew how his heart shuddered for a second hearing 'Your son.' By his expression, he knew he was normally mentioning it. Being relaxed, "You know I have a son and he is with my parents. You didn't mention a husband so you are also aware of my marital status." He patiently elaborated so that he couldn't bring up an excuse and then questioned, "Then why don't you know my name?"

Taehyung looked outside without answering his question. When Yeong-Su was orally giving the details to Taehyung, Yeong mentioned 'Young daddy,' He didn't bother asking his name so he knew those details except his name. He realized he was also noticing his words and behavior, just like him.

Jungkook continued, "If you are..."

He cut him off. "Keep speaking; I won't lend you a car."

Jungkook pouted. He would still get to know his motives once he got out of his place. So he slid under the duvet and mumbled the response to his question about his son and parents: "I sent them to a safe place yesterday." Only his father was aware of the risk he was taking, so he pretended to tell his mother about planning a trip and left quickly.

Taehyung couldn't understand why he was hiding himself from him. He wasn't saying his name or about the family. He felt like an idiot for not checking his name. "They could be traced." He tried to scare him.

He heard his faint voice coming under the duvet: "I erased all the traces." He sensed the confidence in his tone.

Since he was so sure, he didn't comment more. "Don't you think you got too comfortable in a man's bedroom on his bed?" He loomed over him, pressing his palms on either side of him.

He was expecting him to fluster. Anyway, he saw him fold his leg, lifting her knees under the duvet. He reminded him of how he kicked him sometime back and warned him to stay away.

He wasn't annoyed seeing him comfortable; he was curious and tried to dig another pit but he jumped. He pulled the duvet to his nose and opened his eyes to make sure he understood him. He awkwardly coughed to clear his throat as he raised his hands, showing he wouldn't do anything to him. "Rest." His voice was unexpectedly assuring and calming.

Despite indicating that he will knee him, he somewhat trusts him that he might bully him but he won't do anything to hurt him.

How does it matter if he rests there or in a in a different room when the whole mansion belongs to him?

He woke up on his bed so acting as if it were a sin would be a little overboard. More than that, he had confidence in himself. He will just break his third leg and flee.

With a determination to escape, he was closing his eyes when he helped him with the duvet to avoid suffocating. Then he closed the bay window, pressed a button to cover all the blindfolds, and then he turned on the faint lights in the room.

His eyes followed him involuntarily. He remarked in a low voice, "You are surprisingly good at taking care of others." It was a genuine compliment.

Five years ago, he was the worst at caring about anyone, including himself. He used to make him solve computer software problems without letting him grab lunch. He always had to get water or juice for them to stay hydrated. Even to bring those, he was using the restroom as an excuse. The insensitive jerk wasn't even noticing that he was replacing empty bottles with new ones.

Taehyung turned to him, hearing his voice. Well, not just his actions around him; he was also surprised by himself. Nevertheless, he kept it in his own way: "A curator knows how to treasure his precious." And he was an expert curator.

He glanced at him again. He wasn't sure why he was fond of him to the extent that he was willing to get his hands dirty and put himself in danger. Internally sighing, he left to meet In-Ho.

Unromantic, inexperienced Jeon Jungkook was grumpy. 'Do I look like a painting to you? A lifeless, ugly doll in a museum? You are a short-tempered, insensitive, heartless jerk who should be kept in a museum. Hmph.'


Happy Reading

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