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— september 1996 —

CEDRIC AND Zola remained at the top of the hill for a little while longer, basking in the night sky and the muffled celebration before them.

It was so peaceful.

Until the once joyful cheers turned into horrified screams. They saw the lights in the campsite vanish, basking the site in darkness. Cedric scrambled up from spot, holding his hand out to Zola. Together, they rushed towards the site. They soon realised that the Death Eaters were attacking the camp. "I'm gonna drop you back off at the Weasleys then I'm gonna go find my dad, yeah?"

Zola was panicked to say the least. Everyone was panicked. Screams, sobs and shouts pushed through her ears, rattling around in her brain causing her body to grow dizzier and dizzier. But she had to get back to her friends or else who knows what would happen to her. Eventually, Cedric spotted a group of tall and short gingers and rushed over to them, his hand clasping desperately to Zola.

"Fred! George!" Zola shouted, hugging them briefly.

"Zola, Fred, George," Arthur spoke, grabbing their attention. "Ginny is your responsibility. We need to get to the Portkey now!" Arthur ordered, rushing off. Zola watched as Cedric slipped through the crowd to find his father. The Slytherin girl grabbed the younger Gryffindor girl's hand tightly and ran back in the direction she came from with Fred and George leading the way. Harry, Ron and Hermione followed after them.

Fire was the only source of light, the angry flames licking at the dark sky. The large crowd was in a frenzy. The group of students found it difficult to keep together. Zola resorted to looping her arm around Ginny's shoulders tightly, keeping her securely by her side. George linked his hand with Ginny's and his other arm was linked with Fred's. Zola heard Hermione scream for Harry so she whipped her head to see no sign of the boy. She also saw Ron and Hermione had split up.

"Fred, George! Take Ginny!" She gently shoved the ginger girl between her two brothers, each of them securing her between them.

Zola caught sight of Hermione first, and latching her hand on her hand, dragging the younger girl closer to her side. "Where's Harry?" She yelled over to the noise so Hermione could hear her.

"I don't know!" Hermione nearly cried. Zola nodded, spotting Ron close by and making her way towards him. She grabbed his arm, her grip like steel in order to not lose either Gryffindors.

"It's alright. Harry knows where to go. He'll find us, don't worry."

But he didn't. They had been hiding at the Portkey for an hour now with the Diggorys, and there was still no sign of Harry. Everyone had left by now, leaving the campsite in ruin. Most of the fires had burnt out, leaving a fog to flood the area.

"We have to go look for him!" Hermione begged. "He can't be dead!"

Zola nodded. "He's got to be out there. I bet he probably got knocked over in the rush and banged his head or something."

Arthur shook his head. "It's too risky. There's still Death Eaters out there."

Ron and Hermione shared a look and sneaked off when Arthur wasn't looking. Cedric looked at Zola who was hugging a scared Ginny to her chest, the smallest of smiles graced his face at the sight, yet his heart broke when he saw the panic and terror present in her eyes.

Arthur quickly realised that Ron and Hermione had disappeared. He cursed to himself and ran off towards the campsite in search of them, leaving Amos to watch over Fred, George, Ginny, Cedric and Zola.

Not long after they left, they came back, thankfully with Harry beside them.

Then they could leave, with slightly lighter hearts.

IT WAS now the start of the new school year. Word had reached all corners of the Wizarding World of the attack at the Quidditch Cup.

Zola was sat in her usual cabin with her close friends. Lorelei Bronski, a Ravenclaw girl and her closest friend. Troy Jones, a Hufflepuff boy and a mutual friend linking Zola and Cedric. Jesse Krueger, a Ravenclaw boy and Lorelei's childhood friend.

Lorelei and Zola were in a deep discussion about Muggle Studies, while Jesse and Troy were playing around with some of the test products that Fred and George had bought for Troy's birthday last week.

There was a knock at the door, causing all of them to stop what they were doing and look towards the glass door, seeing the grinning ginger twins. They slid the door open, taking the seats beside Lorelei and Jesse.

"Hello, kids!" Fred began.

"It's the Triwizard Tournament this year," George continued.

Lorelei looked up from her parchment paper that Zola had lent her to shoot the twins a questioning look. "And?"

The twins grinned and spoke in unison. "That means we can enter it!"

Zola snorted, leaning her head backwards on the glass window. "You have to 17 to put your name in the Goblet. You two are 16," It was a new rule that her father, who was in the Ministry, had spoke about to her mother and she just so happened to overhear. She had hence told her friends the news.

Fred and George looked offended briefly before brushing it off. "That, Z, is where you come in-" Fred began until Zola held her hand up.

"If the next words to come out of either of your mouths are 'can you put our names in for us?' the answers no," Zola deadpanned. She was the oldest in the group, being born on the 2nd of October 1977 - she would be 17 before the time the Goblet Ceremony takes place, giving her enough time to enter her name in the Goblet. "And before you ask. No, I'm not entering my name in the Goblet either or anyone else who asks."

Fred and George slumped in their seats with a groan. "You're no fun, Z!" George declared.

Zola smiled perkily. "I know, it's my speciality."

THE TRAIN pulled into the station and all the students travelled to the castle to see a small Pegasus-drawn carriage flying over Hogwarts and a ship emerging from the water. All the students rushed over to watch the unusual sight.

Troy, Jesse, Lorelei, Zola and the Twins managed to squeeze to the front of the crowd to gawked at the sight. "There's something you don't see everyday!" Fred and George gushed.

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