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IT WAS Christmas Eve night. The night of the Yule Ball. Zola's dress fit her perfectly, the mint green fabric complimenting her olive skin. She had asked her relatively nice roommate, Millicent, to do her hair as she was known for her varied yet perfect hairstyles. Jumping at the chance, Millicent happily curled and styled Zola's dark locks into an elegant up-do to show off her shoulders and hand-me-down necklace that had been passed down her mother's bloodline and now finally hers.

It was a simple chain with a golden gem clasped to the middle of it. It was gorgeous and Zola was both thankful to her mother for letting her have at a young age, and to Millicent to picking a hairstyle where she can showcase it.

After thanking her roommate, she made her way towards the Ravenclaw common room where she had agreed to meet Lorelei and Priscilla. The two were waiting outside in matching pale blue dresses. Lorelei's was a silk off-the-shoulder slip-dress that stopped at the floor. Priscilla's dress was a short puffy ball gown that ended just under her knees, showing off her elegant matching heels. Both left their hair down.

Priscilla gasped, clutching onto Lorelei's arm and shaking it slightly whilst nodding in Zola's direction. "Oh my Stars! Look at Z!" She squealed, jumping cutely.

Lorelei's mouth gaped open as she took in her best friend's appearance. "Bloody hell, Montgomery! Who knew you could scrub up so well!"

Zola rolled her eyes, pushing Lorelei's shoulder playfully. "Shove off, Bronski. Now come on, we'll be late."

"No, we-" Priscilla began but Zola had already began walking off, causing her two friends to follow after her.

"She's clearly very eager to dance with Golden Boy Diggory!" Lorelei laughed loudly.

Once again, Zola rolled her eyes yet she still felt a blush rise onto her face.

THE THREE girls made it down to the entrance of the Great Hall to see it mostly packed. Everyone was talking, gossiping and laugh amongst each other, creating a light atmosphere around the castle.

She saw Cedric talking to Fleur and her date, Roger Davies, a sixth year Ravenclaw boy. She excused herself from Lorelei and Priscilla who went to walk into the Great Hall like everyone else.

Cedric spotted Zola coming his way and his felt his jaw drop as he saw how perfect she was. Everything about her was stunning from the tips of her heels to the askew curl on the top of her head. He genuinely believed he had died and gone to heaven in that very moment, and Zola just so happened to be an angel.

Fleur and Roger noticed his look and turned to see Zola walking towards them with a smile. They excused themselves, knowingly.

"Hi," Zola smiled awkwardly once she was face-to-face with Cedric. "I love the dress robes," she gestured to his pristine black suit and cloak. Cedric was still somewhere in his version of heaven and only came back to reality when Zola touched his arm. "Ced? Are you alright?"

Cedric blinked a few times before grinning widely. "Yes, very. You look perfect," he said. Zola's eyes widened. She was only expecting a 'nice', 'lovely' maybe even 'pretty'. Not perfect. She believed that she was far from perfect. Cedric seemed to noticed her small doubt in his words. "I mean it, everything is stunning. Honestly," Zola smiled, chuckling slightly. Cedric raised his brows with a teasing grin. "Do I have to prove myself again?" He asked, referring to their moment in the hospital wing last month.

"Possibly," she smugly spoke. Without hesitation, Cedric grabbed Zola's hand and raised it to his chest to lie over his heart.

"I, Cedric Diggory of Hufflepuff, believe that you, Zola Montgomery of Slytherin, are the most perfect witch that I have ever laid eyes on. Without a doubt," Cedric dramatically spoke causing Zola to snort with a child-like laugh. Like before, his heartbeat remained steady and confident.

Zola blushed. "Noted, Diggory."

Cedric smiled. "You're not very good at taking compliments, Montgomery."

Zola crossed her arms over her chest, stubbornly. "I don't get them very often, so I don't have enough... practice," she said, trying to find the right words.

"Well, then, I'll just have to do it more often then," The brunette boy before her winked before offering her his arm. "Shall we?"

Zola was still stunned but managed to find the will power to link her arm to rest in the crook of his elbow.

The Great Hall's doors were closed, ready to greet the champions and their dates in the most formal way. Fleur and Roger went first, then Viktor and Hermione, then Cedric and Zola, and lastly Harry and Parvati. As the doors opened, it revealed all the students and teachers creating a tunnel for them to walk down, all of them applauding as they passed.

The school march rang through the hall as they made their way towards the dancefloor. Cedric led her to a free spot, holding his hand out to her. "What are we doing?" She whispered but took his hand nonetheless.

"Oh, yeah, I forget to tell you. We're leading the first dance," he smiled.

Zola's eyes widened. "Bloody hell," The orchestra began playing a new song, a slower song. Cedric placed one hand on her waist, the other raising their interlocked ones. Cedric led them around the floor elegantly. "Wow, didn't know you were such a dancer!" Zola whispered quietly with a teasing smile.

Cedric chuckled under his breath. "Would you believe me if I told you this is my first dance?"

"No," Zola exclaimed loudly enough for him to hear but not to disturb the dance. "You're a natural!" Cedric shrugged with a smile. "Well, if that's true, then I'm glad to be taking your dancing virginity."

Cedric stifled a belly laugh which resulted in a loud snort, only audible to those around us but majority drowned out by the music, thankfully, in Cedric's case. "I'm glad you're taking it too."

AS THE night progressed, the funnier it got. Eventually, the orchestra left and was quickly replaced by a famous wizarding band, the Weird Sisters. All the students had created a sort of mosh pit, where everyone was jumping, laughing and screaming along to the lyrics. Cedric and Zola had been dancing the entire night, only resting between every 3 or 4 songs for a drink and a catch up with their friends.

It was the best night of her life and she never wanted it to end. She saw Hermione and Viktor leave the group to get drinks but saw the girl sit next to a depressed looking Harry and Ron, and an even more depressed Padma. She watched curiously as Hermione's grin dropped and stormed away.

She slid out from under Cedric's arm, holding onto it for a little longer before saying. "I'm just gonna check what's got Harry and Ron's wands in knots," she joked.

Cedric laughed with a nod. "Alright, I'll be right here," he pointed to where he stood with all of our friends. Zola nodded, slipping through the crowd until she was free from the mosh pit.

She practically skipped over to the trio and knelt in front of them. "What's with the long faces?" She asked Harry, Ron and Padma. "And why did I watch Hermione storm away from you?"

Ron rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms, slouching further into his chair. "Why not ask Krum?" He sneered out, taking Zola off guard.

"Ah, someone's jealous," she smirked.

"No! I'm not!" Ron declared, angrily.

Zola raised her hands in surrender. "Alright, pal, whatever you say. But you both seemed to forgot that you both came to the ball with dates. Two beautiful girls who didn't need to go with either of you and if I were them, I would've ditch you by now," Zola turned to Padma. "Padma, do you want to come and dance with me and my friends. There's a lad without a date and I'm sure he'd be glad if you danced with him."

Padma grinned with a nod. "Thanks, Zola!" She jumped up and stood behind Zola.

"You two," She pointed between Harry and Ron. "Get your wand out of your arses and learn how to enjoy yourselves instead of focusing on someone else's happiness, yeah?" Harry begrudgingly nodded, but Ron rolled his eyes again with a scoff. Zola hit the side of his head. "Got it?" She asked more towards Ron with a stern look. Ron sighed and nodded.

Zola stood and grabbed Padma's hand, dragging her back towards where her friends where. She found Lee Jordan and pushed Padma towards him. "Lee! This is Padma. I believe that she'd love a dance with you?"

Lee smiled with a nod, taking Padma's hand and the two began to dance energetically.

Zola found her way back to Cedric. His arm automatically looped over her shoulders as they continued where they left off. "You're brilliant, Zola."

A blush rose on her face thanks to his countless and seemingly endless compliments.

THE BALL was coming to an end. Nearly everyone had left the hall leaving only a few love struck couples behind. All of Cedric and Zola's friends had left, leaving them still dancing away on the dance floor. Currently, Cedric had his hands secured on Zola's waist, while Zola's arms were looped around his neck, as they swayed ever so gently. Her head was lazily propped on his shoulder, his resting on the top of hers. Her ear was pressed up to his heartbeat; the steady, deep thumps sending her into a more fatigued state as if it were a lullaby.

Cedric was softly humming to the slow, quiet music that was playing from the orchestra, sending vibrations into Zola's head.

The teachers began to ushering the few students who remained to go back to their dorms. Cedric gently removed his head from hers causing her to raise her tired gaze back up to lock eyes. The sandy-haired boy smiled softly. "I'll go drop you off at your common room, okay?"

Zola whined tiredly, her arms lopping tighter around his neck. "I like it here."

Cedric grinned widely, his heart fluttering at the feeling. "C'mon, Captain. Enough of that. You'll be knackered enough tomorrow. Plus, it's Christmas tomorrow. It'll be a busy day."

Zola whined once more but nodded. "Okay, Captain."

All the way back to the Slytherin common room, Cedric kept his arm secured around her waist as she was still rather tired and nearly falling asleep as she walked. "Here we are," Cedric said, a trace of sadness evident in his tone.

"Thanks, Ced. I've really, really, really enjoyed myself."

Cedric smiled. "I hope so, considering you'd hardly let me have a break from dancing. I feel like my feet are about to drop off-"

Cedric was cut off when Zola lent up onto her tiptoes, her hands balancing her against his chest. Her lips pressed to his in a sweet yet inexperienced kiss. Both had kissed other people before, but never someone they felt a strong connection with. So it was a rather awkward beginning but then Cedric's closed his eyes, his shock leaving his system as his arms looped around her waist, bringing her closer to his chest. Zola sighed happily into the kiss, a smile creeping onto her lips.

Cedric felt it and began smiling too. They both quickly became two smiling messes, to the point where they were hardly kissing anymore. Instead, they were just smiling against each other. Zola pulled away first, slipping out of his grasp. "Goodnight, Captain."

She slipped through the Slytherin Common Room Entrance. "Goodnight," Cedric whispered, his fingers gently touching his lips with a love struck smile.

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