.ch eleven

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  ROBBY HADN'T SHOWN UP TODAY, it was almost 5 PM, one hour before Sam and Moon arrive to get ready for the party, which starts at 9 PM, at her house. Although he had written to her multiple time to not worry, she couldn't help it.

She wonders if he knew that she was home already and just decided to not come. She understands honestly, but she would have liked to see him.

  And you could say that it was selfish but she did miss him, even though she had just met him again after so many years, she did, miss him, even more than she had before.

  Maybe she should tell Sam that Robby was in contact with her, she was his girlfriend after all but then again, would Sam tell her father?

Telling Mr. Larusso would be a bad idea, she overheard once when she was at Sam's house that he was going to 'help Robby get a deal', whatever that meant, she didn't trust the adults who used kids for their agenda.

Sometimes she wished that she had just forced him to come with her when she moved, his mom had given him the okay but he wanted to stay with her because she was his mom and his mom was everything to him.

Other times she knows he would've hated her if she forced him, because you can't force him to do things he didn't want to do, and if you somehow did, well, just ask little Brian who forced Robby to 'accidentally' push Charlie off the swing set. Little Brian had to transfer classes because he was too traumatized to look either of them in the eyes.


Robby, sweet, protective, and always standing up for the underdog Robby, was hidden, gone.

Robby was the type to be easily influenced by who and what he surrounded himself with, this Robby was a product of his environment. He was forced to grow up fast when the adult in his life failed him and when they did want to help him, it was too late.

He cooked for himself, washed his own clothes, and made most of the money for rent, his mother never questioned him about where he got the money, and learned to not depend on anyone.

Charlie can't imagine going through that, nobody should, Robby shouldn't be. He was a good person, he had accepted her right back into his life, when he had no reason to, and he trust her.

She makes up her mind as she sits in her bed, I won't tell anyone where he is and what he's been doing.

She's not going to betray his trust this time.

"Charlie! Your friends are here," her mom yells out, "I'm sending them to your room."


The soft sound of Taylor Swift plays in the background as the three girls gather in front of Charlie's vanity. Moon decided to go with a purple look, Sam goes with a navy blue and they both help her choose between peach or iridescent eyeshadow.

"I mean you are already wearing that shirt, why not choose the glittery eyeshadow?" Sam gestures to her orange long-sleeved top.

"Sam, that's not peach, it's orange," Moon gently nudged Sam out of the way to stand behind Charlie who was looking at her reflection in the mirror. Moon held the two eyeshadow palettes that had the colors in them parallel to her face and tilted her head. The other two girls followed.

"Should I really be wearing makeup if I'm going to cry it off by the end of the night if I drink?" At the last party, she discovered that she was a gossip and crier when she was drunk.

  "C'mon, it's fine!" Moon said, trying to lift her spirits.

  "Yeah, no. I think Charlie's right. She did cry it off last time. I remember because she cried it off on me." Sam's deadpan face made Charlie crack an embarrassed smile.

Sam smiled back at her, the only reason she brought up that night was to make Charlie smile. She had noticed that lately, Charlie was kind of struggling. Struggling with something that she has told no one about, not that she had to but in Sam's experience it was better to put it out instead of keeping it in until it exploded.

She just wished Robby was here for Charlie. She had seen the connection they had even after being apart for so many years, that connection was still there and it was strong. The night before the disastrous party, Robby had told her all about Charlie (when Sam thought Charlie was a boy but never mind that), about how they protected each other, how they moved in a way that made people think they were one 'soul' split into two bodies.

  At first, she was jealous then she met Charlie. Sam understood Robby, Charlie was a great person. Sam was lucky to have a friend in Charlie, she didn't judge her when she explained what happened with Miguel, or what was happening with Tory. She just listened, and offered advice.

  She understood Robby, maybe even understood his feelings towards the girl even if he didn't realize it yet.

They decided to combine the two eyeshadow since it was taking too long to decide, and it came out pretty.


When they arrived at the 'get together', all three girls stared at the house, well more like a mansion, in awe. The home was bigger that all three of their homes combined.

Charlie leaned towards the two others and whispered, "What did you say his parents did for a living?" She was still looking at the mansion when Moon leaned in closer.

"We didn't but I heard that they started some company and sold it for like a trillion dollars or something," Moon whispered.

"Actually, I think Theo's grandparents were famous or something," Sam, still looking up in awe, said.

"His parents own a cosmetic company, it's pretty popular among the rich," A voice from above said.


No, it was a young tan-skinned boy sitting on the patio of the second floor of the mansion. He had silver hair that made him look a little older than he probably was.

  "Aren't you a little young to be here?" Sam observed the boy, he reminded her of her brother.

  "Aren't you a little old to be putting your hair up in pigtails?" The boy bit back while Sam looked offended.

  "Come down here you little sh—," Sam was cut off by a yelp from the boy.

  "Talk to my friends like that again and I'm telling mom about your 'after-school program," Macy came out from the shadows after she smacked the boy who appeared to be her own brother, "Sorry about him. I'm glad you guys could make it! Just come on in, don't bother knocking."

    The three girls looked at each other before heading toward the door.


  It was so loud. You couldn't hear it from the outside but once you stepped into the house, the music shook everything, the frames on the wall, the tall vases, and their bones. As she thought, it wasn't a 'get-together' but a full raging party. Charlie recognized some students from school but most of the teenagers were unknown, maybe from a different school. The area that Theo lived in was after all in a different school district.

  "Fuck, I can't hear my own thoughts!" Moon tried to yell over the booming music.

  "No, I'm not hot!" Sam responded.

  Since Charlie was in the middle of both girls, she could barely hear what they were saying but it appeared they couldn't hear each other at all. It was amusing seeing them try to communicate with each other.

  As she continued to listen to Sam and Moon's two different conversations, she looked up and saw Carter waving at her, then motioned them to him. She pulled on the girls' shirts and dragged them with her.

  Carter had opened a door to a room that contained about three other people, Macy, her brother, and Theo. Once they all entered, Carter closed the door. You could still hear the music but it now became like background noise.

  "I thought it was going to be just a few people?" Charlie crossed her arms and leaned against Sam. Sam looked a little surprised but quickly went along with it.

  "It is, us four and you three, here in this room with no one else," Macy was technically right but it still didn't make sense.

  "Eh, someone heard about Theo's parents being away and started a rumor that he was throwing a party," Carter explained as he got comfortable on the sofa in the big room."

  "Oh," Charlie uncrosses her arms and looks at Theo, " I'm sorry that happened to you."

  He shrugs and for the first time tonight, said, "It's no big deal." He looks at everything besides her eyes.

It was silent for a few seconds before the sound of a lighter being lit filled the room. Six heads turned to the noise, Carter was lighting up a rolled-up piece of paper that Charlie assumed was full of weed.

He looked up when he felt the eyes in him, and pointed to the blunt, "What some?"


"—and then she said— she said, uhm, what am I saying?" Macy was laying on the ground telling a story. The story was lost to Charlie as her mind was fogged from the one hit she took. She can now say that she was a lightweight in both alcohol and weed.

Sam had suddenly started laughing which cases Carter and Moon to laugh with her, when she asked, "What's so funny?" That prompted them to laugh more.

"Is it normal to feel like I can see in zoom? Cause I can see that acne scar on your nose," Charlie squinted her eyes to try to see the scar Moon was talking about on Carter's face but it was all blurry to her.

"Yes," Someone answered as someone else said, "No."

"Guys! Where's my eye? I can't see my eye!" Sam starts to freak out, frantically looking around the room for her eyes.

"Oh my god, where's mine?" Sam freaking out caused Charlie to freak out too.

Mom is going to be so pissed I lost my eyes.

"I need my eyes, my mom gave them to me!" The two girls looked at each in shock.

"You have my eyes!" Sam pointed at Charlie in betrayal.

"No! You have my eyes!" Charlie shot back.

"Chill out, you have got the same colored eyes. No one is going to notice," Macy pointed out the obvious. At that statement, the two girls sat down in front of each other and just stared into each other eyes.

"You guys are a mess," the youngest of all seven said. Charlie had learned that his name was Jacob from Macy and he was a freshman at their school. He was also the only one who was sober.

  "I'm hungry," Theo, the man with a few words, said. Everyone let out a grunt of agreement as he got up and opened the fridge.


  Rich people are scary.


  When the clock hit 1 AM, Charlie called her mom to let her know she was staying the night at Theo, she had let her know that she was staying with Sam and Moon in the same room and that she was alright. Her mom had heard Carter from the distance so she introduced the whole group to her mom.

  After determining that Charlie was safe with the group, she said goodnight and told Charlie she loved her. Liza decided to tell Charlie the news about Robby when she was sober and was able to think straight.


im back!

heyyyy, so it's been like a month
since ive updated! i think i just
caught a cold but it was the flu
and it was horrible but im back
and ready to start updating
regularly (don't quote me on that)

im going to start updating heart in
a box too, it's my spencer reid fic.
also im kinda into cillian murphy
rn so he's a new fc for my criminal
minds fic and im probably gonna
to start a tommy shelby fic lol

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