.ch five

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ROBBY WAS ON THE RUN from the police. Nobody has been able to contact him, and for obvious reasons, he didn't carry a phone on him. He wasn't at the skate park, behind the mall, or at his mom's, places he would usually go when he needed to get away from everyone.

Of course, he wasn't, they were the prominent places people would search for him at. He didn't want to be founded. Who would like to be, especially after running from the authorities?

It was driving Charlie crazy, he was out there, alone, sleeping out in the cold night and probably scared. It was the time of year when it started becoming darker during the afternoon and getting colder at night.

Charlie had run away once when she had a stupid argument with her mom when she was thirteen years old. she didn't even make it a mile away before she returned home could of how cold it was in Chicago at 9 pm. Even though this wasn't the same circumstance, she still remembers the cold. Luckily, Charlie had her mom waiting up for her while he had no one.


Robby couldn't go to his mom, she was in rehab, he couldn't go to his dad, he was at the hospital waiting for Miguel to wake up and he couldn't to his newfound home, Daniel had basically thrown him out after the party fiasco.

Actually, there was probably one place he could go if remembered it, though it was a fifty-fifty chance he was there. The tree house deep in the woods was old but loved by the two kids when they would sneak out from their babysitter when their moms would have a spa day. It wasn't that far from where she used to live but was now. It would take about an hour to get there now, and it was currently three in the afternoon. She could make it before dark and have time to search for him in the light.

Pacing back and forth, she decided she would at least leave a note for him, hoping that he remembers the tree house. She started looking around her room for stuff she could possibly leave for him. A blanket she doesn't use (that was a lie, that was her favorite and warmest one), a gray zip-up jacket, and an umbrella in case it rained. That was all she could spare for right now, any more and her mom would start questioning her.

She stuffed the stuff in a grocery bag and tied it, making sure there was no way for water to ruin the things. Actually, should she put some kind of food in there?


She untied the bag, ripping it in the process.

Might as well put it in a bigger bag.

She made her way to the kitchen, her mom was in there making herself a late lunch. Trying not to be suspicious, she made her way to the open pantry. She could feel eyes on her while she debated between picking a box of lucky charms or canned fruit. She remembered that Robby didn't like lucky charms, so canned fruit it was. She also picked some of her snacks to leave for him. The eyes left her for a few minutes before returning when she walked out of the pantry with an armful of snacks and cans. Her mom cleared her throat getting Charlie's attention.

So much for not being suspicious.

"So, you're in the mood for fruit and jerky tonight?" Liza motions to her arms, "Weird combination—Wait you're not pregnant, are you?"

"What?" Charlie yelled out, "No! I'm just hungry." Her cheeks started to burn, what was her mom thinking? She hadn't even had her first kiss yet.


Liza let out a hm, then eyed her. Something seemed to dawn on her when her face softened as she looked at Charlie fidgeting after she put the food down on the counter. Liza wiped her hand on the apron she had on and put them on Charlie's shoulders. She leaned down to stare into her daughter's eyes.

Charlie was so much like her father before he passed. They both were selfless when helping others, had so much empathy for the world, loved fearlessly, and both had weak hearts. Giving too much to a world that just takes, takes, and takes. That's what made her love them and want to wrap them in plastic bubble wrap to keep them protected.

Growing up, Liza didn't have the greatest life, the only reason she was born was that her parents loved each other and thought they had to have kids to show their love. They were great people but they weren't meant to be parents. They would leave her at home with her nanny for months on end, traveling to different parts of the world to volunteer when disaster struck. She loved her parents but they didn't seem to love her enough to stay. She swore to never fall in love and have kids but life doesn't work that way

When she met Kit Greenfield, she didn't want to fall in love but she did. He was the embodiment of joy, something Charlie inherited, it was a great but short love story, ending with him leaving the world and her, though he did give her the greatest gift he could leave behind. A small version of them combined. Charlie Greenfield.

Every now and then she would let herself imagine the life they could have lived but then she looks into Charlie's eyes and her heart fills with love. They could have had everything but now, she has all she needs.


"Okay, I believe you." Her mom let her arms fall back down from Charlie's shoulders, and walked to the counter. She looked over the stuff Charlie had put down then grabbed some plastic utensils from the drawer, got some zip lock bags and filled them with trail mix, and pulled out a box of capri suns. She got a few more things before she nodded to herself and looked satisfied. Since she was finished making herself lunch after Charlie walked in, she plated her food and slowly walked out of the kitchen to the dining room.

"Be safe," Liza said quietly after taking a bite of her food, "The world is filled with people who wouldn't understand."

Charlie could feel her eyes begin to sting, and looked down at the items. She had the best mom in the world.


On the way to the woods, Sam had called her. They had traded numbers the day they meet, just before the party. Since Charlie was connected to the car bluetooth, Sam's voice blasted through the speakers.

"Hey, it's Sam. Have you had any luck with finding Robby?" Sam must have been finally alone at the hospital. After Tory had cut her, the Larussos had rushed her to the hospital, the same hospital Miguel was at.

For a moment Charlie considered telling Sam about the tree house but didn't. Sam would tell her dad since he is also looking for him. Right now she just needs to know that Robby is safe then they, being Charlie and Robby, could talk about what to do.

"No, every single spot I think of, its already been searched." She lied while turning on the signal light to turn. The sound had caught Sam's attention.

"Are you sure? Where are you?" The question came out in a hurry, catching Charlie off guard. It makes sense since technically, Sam and Robby are still a couple, of course, Sam was worried. Although, why did it make Charlie uncomfortable to tell Sam about stuff from their childhood?

"Yeah, no my mom is making me drop some stuff off at the school. Something about English and homework?" She forced out a laugh which made her cringe at how fake it sounded. The sound of the turn signal went silent after she made her turn. She was about fifteen minutes away from the area.

"Oh. I'll go now, let me know if you remember anything that would help." She hung up and Charlie let out a huge sigh of relief. Lying was so hard for her. She never wants to do it again.


After arriving, muscle memory kicked in. After five minutes of walking straight, once you pass the only tree with heart-shaped leaves, make a right onto a little path people normally bypass then walk for about four more minutes then you'll arrive at a little pond and turn left, after passing a few trees till you get to a small clearing with one big tree in the middle.


The tree house looked the same, just more aged. She was actually surprised it was still there, she honestly expected it to be torn down and gone. It seemed like someone took care of it after she left. Was it Robby?

Looking down at the rolling carrier with the food and items, and looking back at how high the house was, Charlie closed her eyes, putting one hand flat on her forehead and then the other hand on her hip.

Why didn't I think about that?

This is going to be a pain.

It took a lot of tears and sweat but Charlie hauled the heavy carrier up the tree and once she finally stepped into the house after pushing the stuff in first, she sat on the relatively clean short stool.

Looking around, she spotted old relics from before. The drawing Robby drew of them standing on top of the world with the tree house on top (it made sense then) and she stopped. In the middle of the room was the teddy bear they shared, Robby had had it last. It was mostly intact, the ear was ripped off due to a game of tug of war they had trying to decide who got the bear for the night. Her question of who kept the tree house nice and clean was answered.

It was Robby.

The house looked like it had been lived in, especially recently. The top Robby was wearing on the first day of school was folded on top of the little dresser so he had definitely stopped by here at least. It looks like she is going to have to wait.


When she had gotten there it was almost four o'clock, now it was almost 5:30 PM. It had been a little over an hour and a half when she heard the sound of leaves crackling outside. Someone was coming, she tried to make not as much sound as possible moving toward the little window to look out of. It looked like Robby, a scruffed-up Robby.

Wow, his hair was getting long. Maybe it was because she hadn't seen him for some time but was he taller? He was just in a shirt and jeans but the shirt's sleeves looked like they were stretching, was he bigger?

Was she checking him out?

No. She was searching him for any bruises, or wounds. Definitely not checking him out at a time like this.

He had stopped at the base of the tree and started to climb. The closer he got, the faster her heart raced. What if he ran after he saw her, or just dropped fifteen to twenty feet down in surprise and snapped his neck? Maybe waiting here wasn't a good idea but it was too late to leave due to Robby opening the door, and walking in like he knew she was going to be there.

"Your car is parked where everyone entering the woods could see it," He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and answered the question he knew she was trying to form before she could ask, "What are your doing here?" he asked a little peeved.

Okay, maybe he was still a little annoyed with her not telling him about Miguel and Sam but still willing to hear her out now.

"I remembered this place, a place only you and I know about so don't worry, no one knows you or I am here," She rushed out, then continued, "And because I was worried so I brought stuff you might need."

They both looked at the big carrier she gestured toward. Robby's expression on his face became dumbfounded. The 5'1" girl who never worked out a day in her life just looked at him confused.

"What?" She thinks back to when she was crying, "Like it was hard." She exaggerated each word and lied.


sorry for the late update
but i wasn't feeling well.
i hope the chapter was
good! also since these
next few chapters are filler,
since i'm trying to make
a story between rarlie(?),
they are going to be about
2k-2.5k words, so shorter
than episode chapters.

i'll probably write about two
more then get into season
three which is still part of
act one since the amount of
robby scenes is small but
charlie will be making
appearances in some
scenes of s3 bc she was
created to be a character
in cobra kai not just a love interest for robby.

don't forget to vote
and comment, i love hearing
your thoughts on 'roses are red'!

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