FORTY | family

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"Well, good morning to me." His tongue darts out to wet his lips. "Is it Christmas already? Because Santa knew exactly what I wanted."

I roll my eyes, insistently tugging on the end of my skirt. "Everything else is at the dry cleaner's, and it's the only thing I could find on short notice."

"Hey." Tony throws his arms to the side. "I am not complaining. Not one bit." His eyes hungrily rake over my exposed figure.

"Would you quit gawking at me like some sort of animal?" I hit him across the shoulder with the back of my hand.

"Come on. We better head up to attend the stupid sensitivity training." His fingertips skim the small of my back. "And is there something wrong with me wanting to enjoy the sight of my beautiful girlfriend?"

Lost in thought, I answer. "I suppose not." And I kiss his cheek.

"Double homicide at Quantico. Marine wives." Gibbs enters the bullpen, blocking our path. "Grab your gear. Sensitivity training's gonna have to wait."

Once his back is turned to us, Tony and I silently high-five at the tragic yet well-timed case.

"Today, people!"

The crime scene. . .horrific, to say the least. Blood is splattered against the couch and the wall behind it. Tony's in charge of pictures, Ziva and McGee check the rest of the house — inside and out. Jimmy and Ducky examine the bodies, and Gibbs waits for an update from them.

I, however, am left with the woman who found the bodies.

And her infant.

"It's alright, kid. I know exactly how you're feeling." I sway my body side to side, her little head pressed against the crook of my neck. "Sometimes you just have to. . .cry it out."

Fortunately, her painful cries have softened to whimpers every so often. Her mother, Yoon Dawson, struggles to find the bottle and formula buried inside a diaper bag.

"Do you mind if I ask you a few. . ." From the other room, I see Tony walking around with his camera. Although, he stops as soon as he sees the baby in my arms.

Mrs. Dawson waves a hand in front of my face. "Agent Giudice?"

"Right." I clear my throat. "Do you mind explaining what happened while making her bottle?"

"N-No." Her voice shakes, continuing her search for the bottle.

I switch from swaying to bouncing up and down.

"We were going into Koreatown shopping. I'm the only one with a car. Sun asked me to come pick them up." Her fingers slip as she tries to open the packet. "If we had been on time. . ."

"Here." I take the packet in one hand and pass her the little girl. "I can make the formula, and you can continue talking."

She takes over with tending to her daughter as I prepare the formula.

"Sun's husband, do you know where he might be?"

Mrs. Dawson shakes her head. "No. He's never here when we come over. I don't think he likes Sun having friends."

I finish making the rest of the bottle, helping Mrs. Dawson with the burping rag before passing her the fresh bottle. Yoon's husband, Mr. Dawson, soon arrives to comfort his traumatized wife.

Ziva finds empty shell casings in a safe in the master bedroom, which leads us to believe Sun's husband is the murderer.

So we bring his drunk body into Interrogation.

"This is gonna be good." Tony hands me a cup of coffee. "Gibbs will rip this guy apart."

I bring the cup to my lips, savoring the dark liquid. "Should be entertaining for however long it takes for him to break."

"You know, you. . .you look good with a baby in your arms."

"Is that a compliment or a suggestion?"

"A compliment." His voice vibrates in a hum. "For now."

My eyes close for a few moments before I turn to him. "We have yet to talk about marriage, and you're already thinking about knocking me up?"

The slight blush spreading up his neck is enough of an explanation.

Gibbs offers Mr. Porter coffee, calmly waiting for him to sober up enough.

"Where's the strong-arming? The intimidation? The psychological bullying? The Gibbs factor?"

"New approach? Maybe Gibbs didn't think he did it."

His brow cocks up, and he snaps his head towards me. "Twenty bucks says he confesses."


Throughout the interrogation, Gibbs grows more and more aggressive. He tosses aside the chair to show he's not messing around.

But he admits she had been abusing him, going as far as to show the black and blue bruises painted across his side and abdomen.

McGee reveals new information. One of the women's husbands, Mr. Dawson, caused a scene at the Quantico Officers' Club, which led to them being banned.

Gibbs takes me and Tony to the Dawsons' household.

"What happened at the Quantico Officers' Club last month?" Gibbs is quick to get to the point.

"Let me refresh your memory." Tony steps forward. "You got into an altercation with two Marine captains."

He stuffs his hands into his pockets. "Yeah, it was nothing. It was just a misunderstanding. Big enough for a letter of reprimand in your SRB."

"Perhaps we should ask your wife about what happened." I suggest.

"She's had a really rough day. I'd rather not disturb her." He raises his hand, but I start towards the bedroom. "Please. I'd rather not disturb her."

"We're just gonna make sure she's still breathing."

When no one answers from the other end of the locked door, Mr. Dawson breaks open the door and enters the room.

The baby stands in her crib crying, and the rest of the furniture in the room is knocked over and tossed aside. The window is shattered, allowing the cold air to enter.

Mr. Dawson's alibi checks out, but Yoon Dawson is still missing.

The following morning in the squad room, the four of us discuss possible motives behind the killings and now kidnapping.

Gibbs arrives to take Ziva and McGee with him down to Forensics, leaving me and Tony to research everyone on base and the three women themselves. Abby reveals someone calling Yoon's cell from a payphone in Koreatown.

"Think they'll notice us making out?" Tony's hand grazes over my right side.

"Yes, they will." Gibbs reprimands from the other end. "Get back to work, you two."

The specific payphone begins to ring, so McGee starts tracing the number calling and the location of the caller.

I keep a watchful eye while Tony pretends to read through magazines. "Someone's headed towards the payphone, Gibbs. See him?"

"Want us to take him down?"

"Negative. Wait until we trace the call."

Once McGee tracks the caller, he reveals that Yoon Dawson is somewhere on this street. We scan the possible people, all of them on their cellphones.

"Blue wool cap, has her head down." I nod to the woman approaching the payphone.

Suddenly, she pulls out a gun and uses one of the innocent bystanders as a shield. She aims to shoot at the man who answered the phone but runs off when she sees us.

"It's Yoon Dawson, boss." Tony yells out as we chase after her. "She's rabbiting."

"We're cutting her off."

Unfortunately, we lose her in an abandoned alley where she climbs up a fire escape to the roof of a closeby building.

Late into the night, McGee talks to the shop owner who answered the call. The rest of us try to find Yoon but fail. We set up surveillance outside the Dawsons' household and Mr. Sung's supermarket with catering service.

The next day, Ziva and Gibbs visit Mr. Dawson once again. We figure out she's actually a North Korean operative sent to spy on Mr. Sung, the true sleeper in charge of the attack.

I unveil the white sheet covering the extensive bomb. "Now that. . .is a big explosive."

"Now do you believe me?" Yoon stands next to Ziva, who has already handcuffed her.

"Can you disarm it?" Ziva questions.

Gibbs reaches over, lifting the top of the briefcase containing numerous amounts of colorful wires, LEDs, and other components.

"There's a chance I can disable this." I roll up my sleeves, beginning to examine the properties of the bomb. "But I highly suggest standing outside of a five-mile radius."

"I can." Yoon steps forward. "I didn't kill them to maintain my cover, Agent Gibbs. I did it to keep my family. And. . .I failed."

Mr. Sung points a finger in accusation. "She's a North Korean spy!"

"Not anymore. At least let me prevent this."

On Gibbs' orders, McGee leaves with Mr. Sung, and Ziva uncuffs Yoon. He hands her his pocket knife, and the four of us hope for a successful disarm.

Hesitantly, she cuts a few wires that rapidly increase the beeping noise. But not a second later, the main LED dims down, and the beeping comes to a stop.

"It's done. The bomb is no longer armed." Closing back the pocket knife, Yoon hands it back to Gibbs.

Before the FBI can take her into custody, she bids her husband and daughter goodbye. . .for however long that may be.

"You okay?" I step to my left, creating more space in the elevator for Tony. "You looked pretty heartbroken when Yoon reunited with her family."

"Just got me thinking about having a family of my own."

"When the time is right, Tony. . .it'll all fall into place."

"I'm holding you to that."

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