𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐯

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chapter iv;
in which we read about
guilt, pre season vocations, and secret crushes

February 28th - March 6th 2022

"DROP THE PHONE, will you Camille?" said Pierre as he took a seat next to her. "We all expected you to make the flight interesting and you didn't look up from your phone ever since we took off." complained the Frenchman as he rested his head on Camille's shoulder.

The group of childhood friends wasn't as close as they were years ago, but they still took a vocation before the season started. It was a tradition, something they did for good luck, so neither of them dared to speak up against it.

This year, Bahamas was the destination they set on, and since Melina was the only one who had been there before, it was up to her to organize the trip. Unfortunately, it consisted of an almost 10 hours flight from London to Nassau.

They all met up in London a few hours ago. Pierre and Charles arrived yesterday from Nice, Max and Camille arrived yesterday too, because they were in the Netherlands, visiting his sister and her newborn, while Melina was in London for the past week. Lewis found out she never actually visited the city, so he made it his mission to take her there and explore the city when they were both free.

That's why the five of them were now on a plane, bored out of their minds. In all honesty, it was a pretty stupid idea to put a group of over-competitive people who didn't really like each other on a small private plane for almost 10 hours.

They used to be close when they were kids. At least as close as competitors could be. They would hang out before and after races, sometimes go out for ice cream or pizza, but that was it.

Of course, when fans found pictures of them as children, they went crazy. Unfortunately, none of them knew that the alleged "friendship" was very short lived.

For example, Max was never really found of other kids, except for Melina. The two of them always seemed to understand each other, which resulted in a friendship that still lasted, even though it didn't seem like that to the media.

When it comes to Charles and Camille, everyone knew they were friends. They were always spending time together, and even driving for the same team. Essentially, they were pretty much the same person, which is probably why they liked each other so much.

Pierre was the only one who was still friendly with everyone. He knew Charles the longest, so that was why they often hanged out together. Cami and Charles were attached to a hip, so Pierre also spent a lot of time with Camille.

He was on good terms with Melina, which also meant that he was on Max's good list. So, to sum it up, Pierre was the most liked in the group.

This may come of as a surprise, but Max was never really found of Camille. Partly because he didn't like how spoiled and entitled she seemed when they were kids, and partly because she was always rude to his best friend, Lina.

It was only when Camille joined Formula 1 that Max actually saw her for who she was, and to his surprise, he actually really liked her.

Lina and Camille never liked each other, but as the time went on they learned to be civil with each other. Or at least one of them did. Camille was never found of the Mercedes driver, and as they grew older the dislike only grew.

There was no particular reason for dislike between the two, and everyone around then knew not to question it.

"Why do I have to be the entertainer? If I remember correctly, it was you who made the last flight fun, you could show us your singing skills again." Camille teased back as she pushed Pierre off of her.

"We agreed not to mention that ever again." he said, trying not to sound embarrassed, which made the rest of the group laugh. Let's just say that none of them would ever forget that one time when Pierre got fired from Red Bull and decided to change his career path and become a singer.

The four drivers then started talking again. Maybe not so much talking, as they were making fun of Pierre. Weirdly, Camille didn't join them. Instead, she got back to reading a news article that popped up on her phone earlier that day.


Camille wasn't a huge fan of Daily Mail, that was for sure. The worst thing is, she wouldn't be too focused on it, if a lot of stuff they wrote wasn't true.

They somehow knew about them being at the same New Years party, even though there were no actual pictures of Lewis being there, and, they were still very keen on the fact that Camille and Lewis first slept together after the British Grand Prix last year.

Now, Camille did a bit of research herself, and realized that most of the true articles were written by the same guy, and she made a mental note to do find out as much as she could about him as quickly as possible.

Camille actually tried to cut all ties with Lewis. She ignored all his texts and calls, so it was safe to say that there was no contact between them in the last 2 months. That's why there wasn't many articles about them in a long time, courtesy of them not talking, but that all changed when Camille got a text from her boss, which contained the link to the latest article.

Fortunately, Camille couldn't think about it any longer because her best friend's voice distracted her. "I personally wouldn't take number 1." Charles said nonchalantly, but Camille already knew Max wouldn't take that so kindly.

"Well, there's a reason nobody offered it to you." Max spat back, which made Camille immediately get up and make her way towards the group. She walked past Charles and squeezed his shoulder slightly before she took a seat next to her boyfriend.

She tried to snuggle up to him, and Max quickly opened his arms and allowed her to lean in, because he knew he would never hear the end of it if he didn't.

"Even if they offered it to me, I would. I just think it's... Tacky." shrugged the Monegasque, which made Camille glare at him. There was no reason for him to start a fight when they were all stuck at 15 thousands meters away from the ground.

Pierre and Lina seemed to know exactly what will happen, which resulted in them both getting up at the same time and walking towards the bar.

"It shows that you have been the best last year, but you wouldn't know, would you?" said Max cynically, and Camille slapped his arm slightly while Charles just scoffed and chuckled in return.

"Stop it." she warned lowly, while she pulled away from her boyfriend, not wanting to be associated with his dickish behavior.

"You're right, I wouldn't know, but what I do know is that I would never allow myself to wear those ugly golden shoes that you plan on wearing." Charles smirked, but luckily Pierre and Lina returned just before Max could speak up.

"I said we won't be able to survive this flight sober, and would you look at that, I was right." Melina said as she handed everyone a glass of champagne. Camille gladly took, but she hesitated on drinking it.

This sure was gonna be a long flight, Camille thought.

Charles and Max were always indifferent to each other. Of course, that all changed when Max and Camille started dating.

It all started when Camille was, in Max's opinion, spending too much time with Charles. He never said it directly, but it was obvious that the Dutchman had a problem with that.

Max Verstappen was a very jealous guy. He knew it, Camille knew it, everyone knew it.

"Everything okay?" he whispered in her ear worriedly. Camille was very uncharacteristically quiet ever since they got on the plane, and he would be lying if he didn't say that worried him a bit. "Yeah, I'm just tired. Don't worry." she whispered back, before she kissed the knuckles of his hand that he just wrapped around her.

"Yes Archer, you pregnant or something?" teased Pierre which earned him a nasty look from Camille.

"Espèce d'idiot, arrête de dire des bêtises!" she yelled as she threw one of the mini pillows at the French man. He laughed in return because he knew about the crazy paranoia Max had about Camille, so he would never miss the chance to tease her about it.

("You idiot, stop saying nonsense!")

"Je plaisantais idiot, arrête d'être dramatique!" Pierre yelled, trying to sound serious and failing miserably because of how much he was laughing.

"(I was joking you dummy, stop being dramatic!")

"Arrête de te tortiller imbécile, tu renverses tout le champagne sur moi!" to Max's surprise Lina then yelled as she took one of the pillows that missed Pierre and hit him with it.

("Stop wiggling you fool, you are spilling all the champagne on me.")

"Pour l'amour de Dieu, arrêtez de crier, vous parlez tous comme des sirènes!" Charles finally lifted his gaze from his phone and yelled, which made the others laugh at him.

("For Goodness sake stop yelling, you all sound like sirens."

"Uhh, I have no idea if you are actually fighting and just being dramatic Frenchies." said Max, who was very confused every time his friends started talking in their native languages.

"You just had to ruin the whole French vibe we had going on, didn't you?" Camille groaned jokingly, which made Max hit her with a pillow slightly.

Charles, Lina and Pierre then continued talking about something, while Camille snuggled up into Max again. Suddenly, she lifted her head and whispered in Max's ear. "I told you you should learn French." she said trying to sound seductive.

When Max gave her a confused look, she continued. "The dirty talk is superior." she added, which made Max bite his lip.

"You're gonna have to wait until we land for that." he whispered back and then teasingly pushed Camille away as he wiggled his way into other's conversation.

"This actually looks nice." Camille said when the group finally entered their vila. The shiny marble floor decorated the huge hallway with white walls, which gave the house a perfect summery look.

"Well I chose it." Lina said in a duh tone as she struggled with her suitcases.

"Thats why I'm surprised." Camille teased which made all the others groan in annoyance. "Alright you two. What are we gonna do today?" Pierre asked. He basically just threw his stuff at the bottom of the stairs and then looked at the rest of the group.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna tan. Wanna join me Charles?" Lina smirked and pulled Charles by his sleeve before he had the chance to answer. Camille just rolled her eyes at that, as she was too tired to throw a snarky remark.

"So, what are the three of us gonna do?" Pierre finally asked after Lina and Charles left the room.

"Well, I don't know about the three of us, but the two of us are gonna go upstairs." Max teased which made Camille giggle. It took Pierre a few moments to realize what Max was talking about, and when he did, he made a grimace.

"You're disgusting." he said, but Max was too busy with pulling Camille upstairs to answer him.

Max didn't want to waste a second, so as soon as soon as he closed the door of his room, he started kissing Camille. Camille returned the kiss for a few moments, before she wiggled her way out of Max's embrace.

"We just got here." she said when she noticed Max's questioning look. When Max still looked at her with a confused look Camille spoke up once again. "I'm kinda tired, can't we just go and chill in the Sun?" she asked, and lightly smiled to herself when she saw Max give in.

For the past few months Camille had been feeling pretty guilty, which in return made her make all sorts of excuses whenever Max wanted to have sex with him. It worked most of the time, but in the last week or so Camille noticed Max started to get ready annoyed by that even though he didn't tell her anything.

"Stop drooling Lina." Max finally said. Him and Melina have been chilling by the side of the pool for about half an hour now, and she had been staring at Charles the whole time.

"I'm not drooling. He's just... nice to look at." the Mercedes driver shrugged while looking at her nails. She then lifted her gaze and save the funny look Max gave her and sighed.

"I'm sure I can get some kind of sexual gratification just from staring at him if I try hard enough." she whined while looking back at Charles again. Him and Camille were currently in the middle of a very intense splashing contest, and Melina couldn't believe she was actually jealous of Camille in this moment.

Just when Max was about to say something, Pierre seemed to appear from thin air. "We are going out tonight, i expect all of you at the door by 10, understood?" he said and walked away, not waiting for an answer.

The first day of the vocation went on pretty calmly. The group spent the whole day laying around the pool, so it was safe to say they had more than enough energy for a night out.

Camille was currently fixing her makeup when Max appeared behind her. "You look amazing." he whispered in her ear which made the brunette girl shiver. She had on a grey-ish mini dress, with a very low cut, so it was obvious that Max would like it.

"Thank you ma chérie." she smilled. Soon enough she was ready, and the group finally met by the door, just like Pierre asked them to do.

"Not gonna lie, I didn't expect all of you to be ready on time." said the Frenchman as he locked the door behind them. "Now let's go! I found a club close enough, we can walk."

"When you said we should go out, I thought you meant go out at a club or something, not out for a walk back to Monaco." Charles complained. They were walking for about half an hour now, and the club was nowhere in sight.

Max and Lina walked at the front so they didn't really hear what the others were talking about. That's why a few seconds later Melina pointed to a sign on the side of the road. "Look, isn't that the club you were talking about."

Pierre seemed to busy with the maps app on his phone, so Camille took it upon herself to study the sign. "Ah yes, legend has it that Pierre meant to take us there" she sassed, to which Pierre just lifted a middle finger her way.

"It says it a kilometer away! I swear to God Gasly I'll kill you." Max then added, but Pierre murmured something in French which in all honesty nobody understood.

The night before had been pretty wild from the group's point of view, so that was why it was almost 5pm when they all started to get up.

Max just made his way downstairs when he heard Pierre complaining. "It's weird, she wanted to have sex with me." he said, talking about a fan he met at the club last night.

"Crazy bitch." Camille said in a monotone voice. She really didn't seem so shocked by Pierre's statement. Instead, she was focused on her phone, but Max got too distracted by the smell coming from the kitchen to think too much about it.

i thought you'd be in switzerland...


can't believe i forgot u are actually going to bahamas


will you drop it already


Apparently, Lewis decided to go on a quick trip to Switzerland, which is why every tabloid in the world seemed to be writing about him going skiing with Camille's dad.

Fortunately, Melina was just finishing a call with her dad. He called her about an hour ago, complaining about the pictures she posted online snd how much attention they were getting. "It was horrible, he called me young lady." she complained to Charles who just followed her into the room.

"Oh I hate it when my father does that." Max sassed while trying to sound serious which earned him a chuckle from everyone in the room.

📍Bahama Islands, Bahamas

lina.rousseau tagged @charles_leclerc16 and @pierregasly

lina.rousseau tagged @pierregasly

lina.rousseau tagged @maxverstappen1

lina.rousseau tagged @camiarcher19, @charles_leclerc16, @maxverstappen1 and @pierregasly

lina.rousseau tagged @charles_leclerc16

lina.rousseau tagged @camiarcher19, @charles_leclerc16, @maxverstappen1 and @pierregasly

lina.rousseau tagged @camiarcher19

lina.rousseau our little group... oh, and camille was there

camiarcher19 i didn't hear you complain when you stole that dress from me🙄
lina.rousseau i have no idea what you're talking about

camiarcher19 daddy indeed
maxverstappen1 😏
lina.rousseau EW

luxtonbella cant believe we weren't invited
camiarcher19 sorry babes, this was drivers only

Today was the last day of their vocation, and to say Max was frustrated was an understatement. He tried to get Camille to go to bed with him ever since they arrived and every time she managed to come up with some sort of excuse.

That's why when she went out for a run this morning he also got up. He knew she would go straight to the kitchen when she arrives back home so he wanted to make sure to wait for her.

A few minutes of Max slicing up fruit passed until he heard the sound of the huge front door open and close. "You know, there wasn't a single thing to eat in the kitchen until you came in." he teased, not looking up from his bowl of fruit.

"Nice to see you too Max, although I doubt it was me you were waiting for." Charles smiled sarcastically as he took a bottle of water from the fridge.

Max just glared in Charles's direction, not bothering to say anything back. When he seemed to satisfy his thirst, Charles started to walk out. "Do me a favor, will you? Please say that again when Cami walks in, I'd love to see her reaction." the Monegasque teased, which made Max throw a grape at him.

A few minutes later Camille walked in. She was still a bit sweaty and breathless from her run, but nonetheless Max swore he was never more attracted to her.

"Do you know how beautiful you are? It's truly distracting." Max said as he pointed to her outfit. Camille then gave him a funny look. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a sports bra, and she probably stank because of her run, so obviously she didn't look very beautiful.

So either Max screwed something up, or he wanted to have sex, there was no other option.

"I think you used the better pick up line on Charles." Camille teased as she tried to change the subject. She then leaned onto the table next to Max and started stealing bits of fruit from his plate.

"You know, I'm holding back from fucking you over the kitchen counter, so don't push your luck." he smirked and leaned into a kiss. Just as his lips were about to reach Camille, someone walked into the room.

"Please don't have sex in common areas. That was the only rule we had coming here." Pierre begged as he covered his eyes with his hand.

Max then closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. He was seriously starting to get annoyed and this wasn't helping at all.

The last day went by pretty boring. The drivers mostly spent their time either packing or resting by the pool. The nighttime finally arrived which meant they should probably all go to sleep, considering they had a 7am flight tomorrow.

Camille just walked out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around her, which ignited an idea within Max. He then approached his girlfriend from behind while she was trying to find a shirt to sleep in.

"It's our last night here." Max whispered, as he left a few sloppy kisses on Camille's neck. The Swiss girl just shivered in return. She tried her hardest to stop a moan coming out from her lips, which made it impossible for her to say something.

Max took it as a sign to keep going, so he did. He kept leaving kisses on her neck and started moving lower and lower. He quickly made his way to the hem of the towel, and with one swift tug he managed to pull it completely down.

Considering him and Camille slept together maybe a handful of times during the last two months, he sure wasn't gonna waste too much time on foreplay.

Instead, in his usual manner, he went straight to the point. At this point, neither him nor Camille made much effort to silence themselves, so Max was sure they will never hear the end of it from others.

The sounds Camille was making only encouraged him to go ever faster. While kissing her neck, a sense of possessiveness suddenly filed Max's mind. He then stopped kissing her, and slightly tugged on her hair to make her look at him.

"You're all mine baby, say it!" he growled at the girl beneath him, and in that moment Camille knew they won't be getting any sleep that night.

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞:
When it comes fo me writing its either two chapters in the same day or no chapters in two weeks. Anyways, here's chapter 4 and i hope you liked it.

I hope i didn't make the friend group too confusing, bc basically they don't really like each other but are still acting as friends???

Which friendship pair is your favorite.

What do you think about Max and Cami? this is the first time we see them together in the rewriting.

I hope you like this chapter as much as i do, please tell me your opinions in the comments.

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