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Third person POV

After his performance Taehyung went to the changing room and wore his clothes with his mask and cap.
When he was going to his boss's room he heard some conversations and the deep voice was a new unfamiliar voice.

He leaned to the door where the conversations were going on.
"What's wrong Jackson? I just wanna spend one night with him.You know"
Taehyung shivered at the thought of sleeping with someone that too a stranger. He pressed his ears abit more to hear clearly.

"No!! I can't do that. Never in million years! He is like my brother and i ain't gonna sell him to a rich brat like you!"
"Psstt Jackson you know! I can give you alot of money right"

"Thanks for the offer Sir. But I'm sorry i didn't started this club to sell people. Now the door is there,you can go now please"

Taehyung sighed in relief. He always trusted his Hyung. Infact when Taehyung had no job it was Jackson himself who offered him this job while promising his safety too. He even asked his friend to let Taehyung work at the restaurant. Taehyung owes Jackson he thinks but Jackson as a person was a very decent man.

After a few minutes the door creaked open and Taehyung was quick to move to the other side. He saw some men in black with whom was an old man.After they went out Taehyung sighed and went to Jackson and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much hyung!! Thank you for always protecting me!"
Jackson gave a warm smile and hugged back the latter. When they pulled apart another person jumped on them to hug them. Both of them knew who it was so they again hugged each other.

"Mark,look at your little brother getting emotional again" -Jackson
"Awww Is my brother really emotional let me see"-Mark said while checking Taehyung's face. Taehyung pouted and said "Hyungie I'm not emotional just i was...scared when that man said that h-he wanted to s-sleep with me...but Hyung Shooed tgem away!!"

Both the couple smiled at each other and then Mark started "Tae it's getting late you should go now" Taehyung nodded his head happily and Hugged them and went out of the club.
It was late at night and the way to home was so silent and creepy but Taehyung wasn't afraid of ghosts or something but he surely didn't wanna meet a creep.

Suddenly a black car stopped by him which startled him. The window opened and there was Jeon Jungkook
Taehyung was surprised and scared.
He quickly faced away on the other side of the road. Thinking of what was incoming his way but his train of thoughts was disturbed with a deep raspy voice.

"Um..Sorry but you shouldn't roam around at this street Mr...."
At first Taehyung thought that how can this mean person be kind but he needed to answer the raven-haired so he started "I was just going back home   
so I'm alright Mr. and thank you for your concern" he was glad he didn't stuttered in front of the mysterious man.

Jungkook was astonished to hear the deep velvety voice which was so smooth like music to his ears. But Jungkook felt the urge to help the boy so he started "How about i drop you?"
"Um no need i can go on my own Thank you for your concern though"
replied Taehyung with a serious tone.
"oh ok then bye" and Jungkook started his car and started going. Taehyung sighed nth time that day.

He quickly went to his home. Softly knocking before opening the door so his sister would know. He took off his shoes and went to the couch and dozed off feeling tired. A few minutes after he felt someone stroking his hair gently it was Jennie. She looked at her brother and smiled warmly. She knew how much her brother was going through but they were helpless so they never complained much of their life. She then put some blankets on her brother and went to sleep with her niece.

The morning came and Taehyung felt someone stradling on his stomach. He fluttered opened his eyes slowly and  saw his cute fluff ball. "Eomma! Wake up! wake up! The Sun ish  awake swo I'm awake  and swo you have to wake up!"
Taehyung chuckled at the cute fluff ball and started tickling his daughter
and soon the silent room was filled with laughter and giggles.
"Ah-ah! E-eomma s-stwop itt! It ish Ha-ha t-ticklish!!"
Then Taehyung stopped at last both dad and daughter still giggling.
Jennie was cooking and hearing the laughters that echoed throughout the room.She was smiling by herself.

The duo took their baths and ate their breakfasts with Jennie. Jennie took her niece and went to their way on school and Taehyung got ready for his work.Taehyung took his keys and went out to the bus stop to go to his destination.

Sorry for the late and short chapter😳
But i was being lazy af and idk why😳
Anygays how was it??
So my bish liv__bee how is it??

Stay safe y'all💜💜
Me wuvs chu all💟💟

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