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The sandlot kids were in the middle of a game, it was very intense, with Benny dashing to all the bases, while everyone else was against him, shouting and screaming to get him out.

Jordan was cheering for her best friend on the sidelines, with a coke cola bottle in her hand.

She was dripped in sweat, from running all the bases like a total manic, a round ago, and was still completely filled with adrenaline.

"Pickle!" Ham shouts, as they try to ram Benny to stay between 3rd base and home plate.

All the kids cheer on for DeNunez and Yeah-Yeah, who went back and forward to try and get him out.

After a quick few times of monkey and the middle, Benny darts to home plate, as soon as the baseball was thrown to Yeah-Yeah, who was at 3rd base.

As soon as the Rodriguez boy stepped onto home plate, the whole sandlot team, except Jordan, groaned out of frustration, thinking they would actually get him this time.

The blonde girl chuckles to her friends, while walking over to Benny.

"Nicely done, Benjamin."

The hispanic boy didn't reply in a witty comment, like typically. They both high-five, before Benny pulls Jordan close to his side, with his arm around her waist.

Ever since the fourth of July, they haven't really put a label on their relationship.
They weren't a couple but they sure as hell weren't friends.

Everyone in the sandlot knew that the two would get together; it would only be at a matter of time.

"Oh, no!"

But that all had to be put on pause for a second.

Everyone turns their attention to Squints, who spotted Phillips and his baseball team - the Tigers - ride their bikes toward them.

"Fucking hell," Jordan mutters to herself, grabbing a strong hold on her bat, which was on the ground.

Ham had a snake-eyed death glare on Phillips, who he hated with passion, just like most of the sandlot.

All the kids slammed their gloves onto the ground, while following Ham, walking to the biked enemies, ready to either smack talk them or physically fight them.
Benny also followed the Watts girls lead and grabbed a bat from the ground, too.

Soon the rivals met at the middle of the baseball field.
Tension filled the atmosphere thickly, with everyone eyeing one another, and just the natural vibe of pure hatred was very suffocating.

"It's easy when you play with a bunch of rejects, a fat kid, and a girl, Rodriguez," Phillips, the main leader of the opposite team, spoke up.

"Shut your mouth, Phillips," Benny barks.

"What'd you say, crap face?" Ham screams.

"I said you shouldn't even be allowed to touch a baseball. Except for Rodriguez, you're all an insult to the game."

That last comment was directed to Jordan, who she had little to no patience with.

In summary, Phillips, Benny, and Jordan were a team, but Phillips grew an ego, which made the two other kids distance themselves from him. Obviously, he got mad and shouted a bunch of petty, mean words to the two, when's she realized that they were leaving him.
Phillips ended up calling Jordan an insult to baseball and that her mother left her because of it.

It was a real low blow.

The three-way friendship parted their ways quickly, and hated each other for multiple reasons, as they grew up.

"Come on! We'll take you on right here, right now! Come on!" Hamilton shouts to the kid, with confidence, which led all the sandlot kids to roar in agreement.

"We play on a real diamond, Porter. You ain't good enough to lick the dirt off our cleats," Phillips brags.

"Watch it, jerk."
"Shut up, idiot!"
"Scab eater!"
"Butt sniffer!"
"Pus licker!"
"Fart smeller!"

Bertram then sniffles the air, obviously mocking the boy, making the sandlot kids laugh a bit.

"You eat dog crap for breakfast, geek."

"You mix your Wheaties with your mama's toe jam!"

As the sandlot boys cheer, Jordan just wanted the childish insults to stop, so that she could just skip to the part where she beats the Phillips boy with her bat, which was something she was really itching to do.

"You bob for apples in the toilet and you like it," Phillips states.

This got Ham to become livid. So livid, he needed to throw in the last insult in his book.

"You play ball like a girl!"

Silence rained on them all.
Jaws were dropped and shock threw them all off.
It was obviously awkward, given that Jordan was standing right beside him.

A literal girl who can play baseball like a champ.

"Shorty can play baseball 10 times better than you, dipshit," Ham adds in.

The blonde girl smirked, knowing that Ham was just in the moment, and would never intentionally hurt her by saying what he said.
If he even dared, Jordan wouldn't even let the first word come out of his mouth.

"What did you say?" Phillips scoffs, clearly offended.

"You heard me."

The bully kid shakes his head, knowing what was going to go down.
"Tomorrow. Noon. At our field. Be there, buffalo-butt breath."
"Count on it, pee-drinking crap face!"

The sandlot cheer in response, as their rivals bike themselves away.
When the Tigers all left the field, the sandlot went back to their business, going back to the game.

When walking, Jordan pats the freckled boy's shoulders, when hearing him mutter, in total frustration.


It was the next day and everyone was at the other team's field, ready to beat the Tiger's ass.

This was a game that the sandlot could not afford to lose, because their reputation of being better than the league team was on the line, and that they couldn't rub it in their faces.

"Play ball!" Ham shouts, as Jordan stood inside the dugout, hearing everything Ham was saying to the batters.

"Hurry up, batter. It's gonna be a short game, and I gotta get home for lunch."

Of course due to his side comments, the batters would get distracted, which makes them strike out.

The ball went right past the first batter.
Ham snickers, "That's one."

The second time came around and the side comments would start again...

"You know, if I had a dog as ugly as you, I'd shave his butt and tell him to walk backwards."

And again...

"The heater. Here it comes. I dare you. Strike three. You're out."

And again.

"Hey, is that your sister out there in left field, naked? She's naked."

Of course Phillips, the batter this round, missed the ball because of Ham, and got furious.
"Shut up, Porter!" He yells.

"Hey, hey, hey. I'm just trying to have a little friendly conversation," The boy innocently talked, "Come on. You think she'd go out with me?"

And with each and every time Jordan would laugh her ass off.

It didn't take long for the teams to switch, with the sandlot now being the batters.

"Come on, show me your stuff. Let's see what you got," Ham says, readying his bat.

The pitcher threw the ball, which Hamilton hit hard, so hard that it ended up becoming a home run.

Then it came to Bertram, DeNunez, Squints, and Smalls, until they had 3 outs.
With the sandlot being about 5 points head of the Tigers.

This round would be different, was because this time Jordan got to pitch, instead of DeNunez.

"Hey, hey. Don't hurt yourself up there. We don't want you breaking a nail, all right?" The batter comments, snarlingly.

As all the Tigers were laughing at his joke, the sandlot were rolling their eyes and having to cheer their blonde friend on.

Jordan only gave the boy a fake smile, before throwing the ball directly on the batters helmet, on purpose.

The boy groaned when the impact happened, having him fall down on the ground.
This made her friends laugh, while Phillips scream at her, as angry as he typically is.

"What the fuck, you moron?! Get off the damn field!"

Jordan only ignore the angry kid, looked down at the batter boy, who got up from the ground, only to have her reply, "Oops."

Over and over, Jordan pitched well, striking batters out and having them become angry as hell.
It didn't take long, at all, for the teams to switch again.

Yeah-Yeah, Tommy, Timmy, went to bat good, making the sandlot team having points by a long shot.


It was soon Benny's turn and the team backs itself up, knowing how good the kid was.
It was what everyone expected from him, he earned himself a home run.

The team cheers him on, obviously glad that they had a clear shot of victory, but it wasn't over, because Jordan had to bat, to make everything finish.

"Show them no mercy!"
"Come on, you can beat them!"
"Hit it out!"
The team shouts for her.

When she stepped into home plate, with her own bat in hand. The whole Tiger's team glare at her, ready to strike her out at any given moment.

She felt an odd glare coming from behind her, who just so happen to be Phillips.
Something about him was off, as if he was done with the her.

The pitcher threw the ball and Jordan made the baseball go flying up and into the air.

She ran for dear life, when going from base to base, seeing that she didn't make the ball go out of the field, only to be landed at the out field.

The sandlot kept their shouting, to cheer her on and make it to home plate.

"Oh, man," The Rodriguez awed to himself, seeing his blonde beauty dash.

Benny and the team saw the ball fly from outfield all the way to Phillips, who was standing in Jordan's way, right between her and home plate.

The Watts realizes tried to make herself stop to go back to 3rd base, seeing Phillips with the ball in his glove.

But it was too late.

As soon as the girl came up to him, trying to stop herself, Phillips forcefully grabbed a hold of her shoulder and jabbed the baseball right above her stomach, below her chest.

Jordan yells as she fell down to the ground, holding her abdomen, obviously in a lot of pain.

"You're out," Phillips sneers.

"You motherfucker, why the hell did you do that for?!" Ham screams.

It was clear that the sandlot boys were very anger, but not as angry as Benny, who was already storming to Phillips, with almost red eyes and his fist already forming for a fight.

"She wanted to mess with the big dogs, that's what she gets."


The Rodriguez boy stopped himself, in his traces, completely surprised.
It was then that Jordan was the one to punch Phillips down to the ground, before she winces to herself, from the slight sting on her body and from her knuckles, and still bruised abdomen.

All the boys just too from shock from the girl's powerful punch.
The sandlot boys all knew Jordan wasn't someone to be messed with and it clearly was showing.

What made them all snap out of their minds, was that the Watts girl was now beating Phillips to a pulp.

Benny had to grab her waist and pull her away from Phillips, who was bleeding from his both his nostrils and forming a black eye.
The rude boy stayed silent, as his team helped him up, with Jordan beginning to shout at him in anger.

"Don't you ever fuck with me, again! You never hit a girl, you fucking asshole!"

After that, the day needed to be over.
In the end, the sandlot was the winner. Victorious once again.

On their way home, Benny help Jordan to her house, by holding onto her side as she walked.

The entire team learned that how a mean person, like Phillips, could be the cruelest person, and how a person, like Jordan, could shut them up, easily.

All they needed to do, was punch the shit out of them.

What they also learned was that, as much as they respect Jordan and defend her, there will be boys who won't be the same.

All because she was a girl.

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