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Steve, Tony, Scott, and Bruce, flashed into an alleyway in the midst of battle.

"Okay, Park Avenue's that way. Let's huddle up. Suits off," Tony said.

Everyone's suits retracted into their watches immediately.

"We've all got our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone down. Stay low, keep an eye on the time-" Steve was cut off by the Hulk from the past jumping down the street, smashing random cars and buildings

"And Bruce?" Steve looked at the large green scientist. "Maybe smash a few things along the way. For the appearances."

Bruce ripped off his white collared shirt with a sigh. "All right, but I have to say, it seems gratuitous."

He walked over to a nearby car. "Argh!" he yelled, smashing his fist into the windshield half-heartedly. "Grrr. Grr..."


Rocket and Thor stood behind a large column, Rocket holding a large syringe-looking extraction device.

"That's Jane," Thor gestured to a pretty auburn-haired woman who was sitting on the couch in the room just ahead.

"Okay, here's the deal. You're going to charm her, and I'm going to poke her with this thing, extract the reality stone, and get gone lickety-split," Rocket explained to Thor.

Thor looked off in a different direction, anxiously peeking over his shoulder. "Um, I'll be right back. My wine cellar is just down here. My father used to have this barrel of Aakonian ale." He demonstrated how big the barrel was with his hands. "Felt like getting hit in the face with a pole axe. I'll see if the scullery has a couple of to-go cups-"

Thor stopped abruptly as Rocket yanked him back behind the column. Frigga and her handmaidens entered the corridor, engaged in conversation.

Thor stared blankly at them as they disappeared down the hallway.

"Who's the fancy broad?" Rocket asked.

"My mother." Thor's face fell. "She dies today."

Rocket sighed, "Oh, jeez."

MORAG 2014

"That's it, right on that line, Blue. Keep dropping it," Rhodey called up to Nebula, who was bringing the Benatar down to Morag's surface.

Nico felt sick. It was his first time in space, and somehow it felt even worse than that time when he was melting into a puddle of shadows.

Clint looked around, frowning at the strange oddities of the planet. A nearby geyser exploded. A little lizard looking creature bit Natasha's boot. Scowling, she kicked it away.

"Hey, can we hurry it up?" Clint complained to Rhodey.

"Yeah, come on, chop chop, we're on the clock, here," Natasha added.

Rhodey huffed. "All that? Really helpful!"

"Let's go, Nico," Clint called to him, gesturing to the Benatar.

Nico squinted at the ship. "I'm not fucking getting on that."

"It's either on that, or with them," Clint shrugged, pointing at an arguing Nebula and Rhodey, Natasha trying to break up the fight.

"Ugh," Nico groaned and followed Clint into the Benatar.

"Take care of yourself," Natasha said to Clint and Nico.

"Get that stone and come back. No messing around. You guys watch each other's six," Rhodey said sternly.

Nico nodded uneasily. He wasn't quite sure what to expect on Vormir. He had encountered Titans, Giants, Fates, and Gods, but aliens? Maniacal power-hungry wrinkled grapes? That was not in his job description.

"Take care of the kid, Clint," Natasha called one last time as the Benatar's door began to close.

"I'm not a kid!" Nico yelled into the distance as the ship began to take off.

Rhodey, Nebula, and Natasha watched as the Benatar left the surface of Morag.

"Coordinates for Vormir are laid in. All they have to do is not fall out," Nebula commented.


Clint laughed as Nico struggled to interpret the controls of the ship.

"What?" Nico scowled, clicking a button on the dashboard that turned the spaceship lights purple.

"Nothing," Clint said fondly. "It's just... we're a long way from camp."

Nico found the throttle on the dashboard and pushed it, remembering why he was doing this. For Will. "Further every second," Nico agreed.

MORAG 2014

Rhodey scanned his surroundings. "So, all we have to do is hang out, wait for this 'Quill' guy, and follow him to the Power Stone, right?"

Natasha looked at Nebula expectantly.

"Let's take cover." Nebula looked at the sky as if a bomb was about to drop at her feet. "We're not the only ones in this reality looking for the stones."

Natasha stopped in her tracks. "Hey, who are you talking about right now? Who else is looking for the stones?"

Nebula sighed. "My father. My sister. And... me."

Rhodey frowned. "You? Where are you?"


"Father's plan is finally in motion," Nebula from the past said, narrowing her eyes at the wasted battlefield before her.

"One stone isn't six," past Gamora scoffed.

Nebula drowned out the screaming of the planet's dying inhabitants. "It's a start. If he gets them all..."

Thanos stepped out of the smoke, carrying a large blade. His eyes glinted with malice.

"We'll never have to do this again," Gamora murmured, mind going back to her own planet's massacre.

Thanos beheaded three aliens at once, grinning as his blade dripped with blood.

"He'll miss it," Nebula smirked.Β 


"Ronan has located the Power Stone. I'm dispatching you to his ship," Thanos said to Gamora and Nebula.Β 

"He won't like it," Gamora raised an eyebrow.

ThanosΒ wiped blood off his blade. "His alternative is death. Ronan's obsession clouds his judgement. After Loki, I'm taking no chances."

"We will not fail you, father," Nebula said solemnly. Gamora internally rolled her eyes.

Thanos looked at Nebula with interest. "No. You won't."

Β "I swear. I will make you proud-" Nebula let out a gut wrenching scream, staggering against the wall.

"Sister, what's-" Gamora rushed to her side.

Nebula dropped to one knee, breathing heavily. Thanos simply watched curiously.

Suddenly, a holographic projection emitted from her robotic eye. It was an image of an unfamiliar human man.

"So, all we have to do is hang out, wait for this 'Quill' guy, and follow him to the Power Stone, right?" the man said. He wore a metal suit that looked quite futuristic, even for them. A red-haired woman was with them, though she said nothing.

What came next interested Thanos even more. It was Nebula herself. "Let's take cover. We're not the only ones in this reality looking for the stones."Β 

Nebula slumped against the wall, the projection disappearing.

"Who was that?" Gamora asked, concerned.

"I... I don't know," Nebula breathed. "My head is splitting." She winced.

Gamora turned to Thanos. "Her synaptic drive was probably damaged in battle."

"Shhh," Thanos spoke.Β 

Turning to Nebula, he lifted her head with his blade. Β "Bring her to my ship."

BαΊ‘n Δ‘ang đọc truyện trΓͺn: Truyen2U.Pro