iv. witches have love triangles?

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allison hid behind the door. florence behind a table, and florence couldn't see where max and dani had went. " oh, sweet revenge! you see, sisters? my curse worked perfectly " winnie exclaimed. " that's because thou art perfect! " mary flatted her. damn these people needed a dictionary for this year

" i knew i left this cauldron on. didn't i tell you? oh, i knew it! " mary smiled, sarah stood still for second florence was scared she knew that they were still there until she reached her and grabbed something, " my lucky rat tail! just where i left it " sarah smiled, florence cringed

" but who lit the black flame candle? " winnie furrowed her eyebrows. before gasping being florence flinch, but she just walked to her spell book, " wake up, wake up sleepyhead. oh how i've missed you! " she smiled

" did you miss me too? " winifred looked down at the book. " come on, now we've got work to do! " winnie exclaimed. " winnie, i smell children " mary informed. " sic'em "

" it's a little girl! seven—maybe eight in a half " mary told them, " ooh! let's play with her " sarah nodded happily. " come, little children, i'll take thee away in " winnie covered sarah mouth, " come out my dear! we will not harm thee "

" we love children! " mary added. dani showed her face, " i though thou'd never come, sisters. " dani spoke like them. amusing the three, " greeting little ones " winifred put her hand on the counter, " twas i who brought you back " dani lied. " imagine. . ." the three looked at each other, " such a pretty little. . .child " she grunted

" look at her, she so well-fed isn't she? " mary said, doing something couldn't quite see but florence could tell dani didn't like it because of dani screams, " plump. plump. plump " mary smiled wickedly. " shish kebaby! "

" tell me darling. . .what is the year? " winifred asked, " 1993 " dani informed, the three sisters gasped and widened their eyes as they put dani to sit on a chair, " sisters! we have been gone 300 years " winifred announced, " well. winnie, how time flies huh? " mary added, " when your dead! " sarah smiled. the group laughed, dani faking it

" it's been great fun. . .but i guess i'd better be going " dani was soon pushed back down, " oh stay for supper " winifred said, " im not hungry. . " dani trailed off

" but we are " the three sister than grabbed the little girl and dragged her to the cauldron. florence was about to speak but max beat her too it, " hey! let go of my sister " max warned walking to them

" roast him winnie! "
" no, let me play with him! "

electricity then came out of winnie hand pushing him back. florence covered her mouth to prevent her from screaming. she then pushed him to the wall. " you, there! " she pointed. when he did she laughed and clapped, " i haven't lost my touch, sisters see? " she cheered

dani screamed, " hello. good bye! " winifred waved, florence furrowed her eyebrows but winnie started dragging him up the wall, as the brunette boy groaned. florence came to her senses as she grabbed a frying pan and hit mary in the head with it. dani out of mary grip ran to winnie and started hitting her repeatedly with trick-or-treat bag, " you leave my brother alone! " , allison grabbed a broom and hit sarah

florence ran to max. as dani went over to allison. winifred walked up to the two until the same black cat started biting her and she yelled, get him off me!. " max, come on! " florence helped max up as he leaned on her body, the three ran out but florence stopped when realizing max didn't she confused came back inside

he climbed up, " hey! you've messed with the great and powerful max and now must suffer the consequences " max exclaimed, " i summon the burning rain of death " florence scoffed at him. the three sisters looked at each other confused, max opened the lighter, " he makes fire with his hand! " winnie observed

he put the fire against a pipe, as water started pouring out making the three sisters scream their heads off. max jumped down but soon slipped making florence laugh, she was about to help him until the black cat got on his chest, " nice going, max. " the cat said. as the two teens eye widened. max looked at florence making sure she heard this too

" you can talk! " max exclaimed, " yeah, no kidding now get the spell book! " the cat ordered. " why should he listen to a cut — unless, your thackeray! " florence raised her eyebrows in shock. max furrowed his eyebrows looking between the two confused. " come on, move it! " thackery and florence yelled

he broke the glass covering the book as florence picked up thackery getting ready to run. but thackeray informed her she would lead the way and she put him down. max came with the spell book in his arms. florence grabbed his hand before following allison as they ran

       the group ended up at the graveyard, " whoa, whoa, whoa! come on this is a graveyard! " max exclaimed, " he smarter than you, he's lived more than you! " florence told max, as he rolled his eyes. thackery nodded a bit agreeing with florence, " it's hallowed ground witches can't set foot here " thackery explained

allison and dani looked at the two, " he talks? " max said, " he's thackery binx! " florence smiled, allison and dani eyes widened. " follow me! " he went inside as they followed. " over here, i want to show you something give you an idea of exactly what we're dealing with " thackery stopped at a grave

" william butcherson? lost soul? " max read. " billy butcherson was winifred's lover " max and florence lightly glanced at each other, " but she found him sporting with his sister sarah, so she poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle " thackery exclaimed, " so he couldn't tell her secret even in death, winifred was always the jealous type "

" witches have long triangles? " florence raised her eyebrows not impressed. " so the legends are true. . ." allison mumbled. florence fought the urge to say, " ya think? " but she ended up not doing it. " we'll come along i want to show you something else " he walked to a grave

thackery explained his story, " because of me, my little sisters life was stolen for years i waited for my life to end so i could be reunited with my family but winifred curse of immortality kept me alive then one day i figured out what to do with my eternal life, now i'd failed emily but i wouldn't fail again when winifred and her sisters returned, i'd be there to stop them so for three centuries i've guarded their house on all hallows' night, when i knew some airhead virgin might light that candle " he glared

" nice going, airhead! " dani added on, " hey, look im sorry! okay " he stood up but turned back, " we're talking about three ancient hags versus the 20th century. how bad can it be? " max exclaimed, " bad "

allison opened the spell book, " stay out of there! " thackery warned. " why? " allison furrowed her eyebrows, " it holds winifred most dangerous spells she must not get it! "

" well, let's torch the sucker " he tried to burn the book but the fires just went the other way instead. " it's protected by magic " thackery sighed, the then heard cackling making them look up in the sky as they saw the witches. " it's just a bunch of hocus-pocus! " winnie quoted.

" sarah, mary " she pointed in two opposite directions. " brave little virgin who lit the candle, i'll be thy friend " sarah smiled at max. florence grabbed a rock, " bye! " she threw it and sarah went back up. " book! " winifred hummed, the book started floating but thackery stood on it, " afraid not! "

" thackery binx, thou mangy feline, still alive? " winifred laughed, " and waiting for you! " he yelled back. " thou hast waited in vain, and thou will fail to save thy friends just as thou failed to save thy sister! " thackery hissed. anger vibrating off him, " speak english! we don't know what your saying half the time " florence shouted at him

winnie flew down as the group ran from her, they ended up back at billy grave. " they can't touch us here, right? " max asked, " well. . .they can't " thackery said, " i don't like how you said that " florence shook her head.

" unfaithful lover long since dead, deal as,eep in thy wormy bed wiggle thy toes open thine eyes twist thy finger towards the sky, life is sweet be not shy. on thy feet so sayeth! " winifred spelled, the three felt the billy grave shake

before the boy looking like einstein awakened

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