chapter eighteen.

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( ACT I; sleeping dragon. )
⟵ ◊ ⟶

chapter 18: stolen riches.

WITH Rhaellor clinging to his shoulder and Haelyx perched in his arms, Vaegon walks alongside Daenerys through Xaro's villa. Drokar hangs on her shoulder as they determinedly make their way to find the back-stabbing merchant that had caused so much grief on them in the first place. The Dothraki and Jorah follow close behind while Vaegon fumed at the thought of catching Xaro, dwelling on the thought of what he planned to do to him.

After his escape from the House of the Undying with their dragons in tow, Vaegon knew immediately who had been the other culprit in the kidnapping of their dragons. He'd fumed up until he had been found by Jorah and the Dothraki.

Upon entering the merchant's villa, they burst through the door of Xaro's quarters only to find him in bed with none other than Doreah. The two of them scramble to cover their naked selves with the silken sheets as Vaegon and Daenerys stop just in front of the bed.

"Ah, our generous host," Vaegon grins devilishly. He stands just inches from the bed. "How wonderful it is to see you again."

"Your Grace. You found your dragons-," Xaro tries to speak, but Vaegon is quick to order the Dothraki to rip them from the bed with a single wave of his hand.

"Khaleesi," Doreah tries frantically to speak to Daenerys, but she too is livid at their discovery.

"I'll hear none of it," Vaegon muttered, waving his hand in dismissal. "You're going to open your vault. Now."

They soon arrive at the massive Valyrian stone vault deeper in the villa. Doreah is weeping quietly as Xaro holds a disgusted expression. Vaegon stands next to the opening mechanism, motioning for the merchant to begin unlocking it. Xaro recently steps forward, presenting the giant amulet he'd worn since they first arrived at Qarth. He begins using it to open the vault while still clinging to the silken sheet around his waist.

The mechanism clicks and groans until finally the seal breaks. A Dothraki slowly pulls the door open for Vaegon, who stands directly in view of the riches he is anticipating. Rhaellor nuzzles against his next affectionately as the door comes to a stop.

Vaegon is barely capable of holding together his utter rage. The vault is empty save for the presence of cobwebs and dust when he'd been expecting bricks of gold and chests overflowing with coin and jewels.

The Targaryen let out a chuckle as he cracks his knuckles. "I see now why you wished to marry my sister," He grins wildly as he whirls around to face Xaro and Doreah. "I'm sure you planned on having me killed. Taking my dragons and reaping the riches while you would try to call yourself a king with my sister at your side."

"I have many powerful allies that I can-," Xaro makes his best effort to defend himself.

"That's great," Vaegon grins. On his shoulder, the pearlescent Rhaellor hisses. "When I return to Qarth to enact my revenge, I'll be sure to go to them as well."

"Khaleesi, please!" Doreah began to beg Daenerys, who stands at Vaegon's side. She holds a disgusted look as Drokar lets out a hiss. "He told me you'd never return! I didn't know what he had planned!"

"Do not fret," Daenerys tells her with a cold stone expression. "You will repay your indiscretions. It is apparent that something can easily come from nothing. For which you will pay for."

Daenerys waves her hand to the Dothraki, pointing toward the vault. They begin shoving the half-naked two into the vault where they stand in utter panic.

"Khaleesi, please!" Doreah begins sobbing, dropping to her knees. At her side, Xaro drops as well, beginning to beg for their forgiveness.

"Your Grace, please, I can get you the
the army you need, the ships, the coin-" He begs and begs.

Neither Vaegon nor Daenerys flinches one bit as the Dothraki close the vault, the screams of Doreah and Xaro being cut off with its seal. Vaegon trembles with rage as the complications of buying an army become an issue once more. He turns to Jorah, who stands behind him.

"What now?" Vaegon asked. "What will we do for an army?"

Jorah looks around until he spots a golden statue in a corner. An idea seems to make its way a crossed his thoughts as he looks back to Vaegon, pointing at the gold.

"We'll take from his villa," the knight suggests. "Surely there is enough here for us to buy a ship for Astapor."

Vaegon, pleased with the thought, looks to Daenerys. She nods with a slight smirk. She turns to her Dothraki, whom she begins ordering to seize all that is of value in the villa. Soon enough, it is only Daenerys and Vaegon together making their way through as the Dothraki grabbed any and everything they could get their hands on.

"It is all finally coming together," Daenerys remarked as they leisurely walked. She rubs under the chin of Drokar. "Once we arrive at Astapor we should begin finding an army. But how will we pay for it?"

The thought had appeared in Vaegon's mind a time or two after they'd just learned of Xaro's false riches. It was likely they would only be able to gather just enough to buy a ship. A miracle would be in order once they arrived at the slaver city.

"We will figure it out once the time comes," He reassures her. "We will get our army soon enough."

"What did you mean when you said that Xaro intended to take me as his wife?" Daenerys asked.

Vaegon sighed. "After the festivities in the gardens, he approached me asking for my blessing. I vehemently refused."

"Why did you?" She asked. "With prior knowledge that Xaro supposedly possessed enough riches for you to return back to Westeros with an army, why didn't you use me as a bargaining chip?"

The thought of using her to get his throne hadn't even appeared in his mind once. He never intended on selling her off in the manner Viserys had.

"I'm not our brother," He stated plainly. "Already, an arranged marriage has caused complications between us both. I do not wish to create more."

They stop in the main living area of the villa while the Dothraki still gathered riches around them.

"Do you intend on me becoming your queen?" She asked softly.

"Would that be wrong?" He asked her. "I love you, why would I not?"

Daenerys quieted for a moment, emotion seeming to fill her face. She takes a moment to wipe a tear that had begun to slowly roll down her cheek.

"How can I be your queen? After I lost Rhaego, the witch told me I would never carry another child again."

Vaegon is hit with a tragic realization. He must have forgotten or never been told of such information that would guide the future of their relationship in such a way. If Daenerys couldn't provide an heir... there was nearly no reason for her to be his queen other than their love for each other. Would the Seven Kingdoms stand for such logic?

"We will... find a healer," Vaegon promises her. "There must be someone in Essos that can heal you of your ailment. Then everything will be just fine."

"We can try," Daenerys agreed. "But given that I am unable to be healed... you will need to find another woman. One of nobility from one of the great houses. It would buy you their loyalty more if you were not married to me."

"Don't speak nonsense," He tells her. "We will both rule from the Iron Throne together and our dragons will fly in the skies of Westeros. I promise you."

Vaegon spent more energy trying to convince himself that what he said would work and that Daenerys would be able to carry another child. Yet, his denial could not keep him from acknowledging the reality: he would need to find a different queen.

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