chapter three.

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( ACT II; age of the dragon. )
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chapter 3: bargaining.

THE Walk of Punishment was a seaside wall that was one of the most gruesome and saddening things Vaegon has ever seen. He can hardly force himself to look upon the many, many slaves that are strapped to a cross and left to die, many dead already are scarily close to it. Many are horrible beaten, with broken limbs and open wounds that have festered. The slaves keep their gaze trained to the ground, not even acknowledging the presence of the Targaryen or his colleagues. Vaegon mentally thanked himself for choosing to not bring Daenerys, for she would have wept at the sight. It was hard enough for Vaegon to see, he could only imagine how she might react.

"Why are they here?" Vaegon asks Jorah and Selmy, who follow him close behind.

"When a slave shows any form of insubordination, they are brought here to die," Jorah informs Vaegon. "It is a warning to all other slaves to obey their masters."

Deciding he would try to ease at least one of their sufferings, he asks for Selmy's canteen. The king offers water to a dying man by bringing it to his lips, but the man turns his head in rejection.

"nyke sepār jaelagon naejot morghūljagon," the man utters in low Valyrian, saying his wishes to only die.

Vaegon frowns as he goes to leave the man where he is, handing Selmy back his canteen. They continue their walk down the sea-wall, Jorah and Selmy continuing to disagree over whether or not it would be a wise decision to bring a a slave army to Westeros, weighing the pros and cons. Jorah insists that their only chance chance to get an army was with the Unsullied, yet Selmy argues that it is dishonorable and abhorred in the Seven Kingdoms. Vaegon can't help but wish there was another option for acquiring an army after see the Walk of Punishment, but he knew there wasn't one.

"They would be treated better in his service," Jorah argued. "Innocent people will also be spared in war; they only do as they are ordered. With no human or masculine urges in their bodies, we have no worry of them killing or raping women unlike most soldiers would succumb to in the heat of battle."

"When I fought under his brother Rhaegar at the battle of the Trident, men fought and died for him because they believed in him," Selmy retorted. "Because they loved him- not because they were slave soldiers whose free will and humanity had been stripped away."

Vaegon continues to listen to their conversation, he himself considering what he wanted to do after see the Walk of Punishment. He was conflicted, to say the least.

Jorah sighed. "Rhaegar indeed fought honorably and nobly, but in the end he died."

Once they have made their way off of the sea-wall, Vaegon turns to them both. He has made his decision after weighing his options and is ready to share with his advisors. He clears his throat and begins to speak.

"I agree with you, Ser Barristan, that having an army of slaves would most likely be seen as dishonorable in Westeros," He says to the King's Guard. "But Ser Jorah is right. I would make sure the Unsullied were treated like human once more. I would give them their freedom and ask only for their loyalty if they choose to stay. If I am worthy, they will. As well as having no other option than to buy the Unsullied, I believe it is the best course of action."

Understanding that Vaegon's plan was to purchase the Unsullied, the two older men nod in understanding.

"How do you plan to purchase them?" Selmy asks Vaegon. "Did you not use all of your riches acquired from Qarth on your ship?"

Vaegon knew what he had to do, but telling the two older men was not a wise decision. He'd decided they would find out when the time came.

"I have a plan," he tells them. "Now, let's go retrieve my army."

LISTENING to the slave-master Kraznys mo Nakloz was not easy for Daenerys, not after he'd said so many distasteful things about her at their last visit. She follows close behind Vaegon as they are shown the Unsullied once more, the soldiers positioned still as can be in the open training yard for inspection. She is surprised to hear that Kraznys is now insulting Vaegon as well, calling him just as distasteful things as he had called her their previous visit.

The woman who acted as Kraznys' translator told them everything he said, yet Daenerys noticed the woman cleaned up his crude and very insulting words into more respectful language. When they stop to discuss their final decision, she sees Vaegon pause after a particularly coarse insult from Kraznys. Daenerys noticed the woman's reluctance to directly translate.

"Well," Vaegon is the first to speak. He looks to the translator. "I think I will take all eight-thousand. Including those in training."

The translator tells Kraznys, who scoffs and claims that Vaegon can barely afford one-hundred Unsullied. The slave-master waves his hand in dismissal, beginning to make his way toward the exit to end their seemingly dead-end transaction. The woman hesitates for a moment before deciding it was best to follow her master, leaving their presence.

"I have dragons," Vaegon calls to her. "I'm willing to trade one for the Unsullied."

Daenerys is at a loss of words, unable to get a sound out of her mouth. She looks to Jorah and Selmy for support or an explanation, but they can only offer the same fearful expressions. After a hasty translation to Kraznys, the slaver stops in his tracks, his eyes widen at the proposal. In Low Valyrian, he quickly demands two dragons. Vaegon reaffirms to the translator that he will only trade one. Luckily, the slave-master agrees.

Daenerys is utterly dumbfounded that he would be willing to trade one of their children for an army. "Vaegon!" She retorts. "What are you doing?!"

Selmy and Jorah join in to quickly change his mind, but they are silenced by a deathly glare from the king. Daenerys' heart pounds in her chest as she watches her brother close the deal with the slave-master, providing their largest dragon, Rhaellor, for the Unsullied. She feared if their chances of taking back the Iron Throne were even possible now. If Vaegon gave away his bonded dragon, they would be left without an alpha.

"I will have you as well," Vaegon tells the translator. "As a token of good faith."

The woman looks utterly shocked, but proceeds to translate to her master. Kraznys looks annoyed with the thought, but ultimately concedes. The woman is given to Vaegon and soon Kraznys gleefully leaves their presence.

"What have you done?!" Daenerys exclaimed. "You've sold away Rhaellor!"

"I have done nothing of the sort," he muttered in annoyance at her. He looks to Jorah and Selmy. "I appreciate your counsel, but never again question me in public."

Vaegon storms away toward the direction they had entered the barracks in, Selmy and Jorah in tow, leaving Daenerys with the translator. They begin following, but at a slower pace.

"What is your name?" Daenerys asks the woman.

"Missandei of Naath," she replies. She seems to be on edge, most likely not understanding what had just happened.

"You have no worries with us," Daenerys assured her. "You will not be a slave in our eyes. You are free to go as you wish. If I am being honest, I am sure my brother asked for you because of me. I am lacking female companionship as of late."

Missandei nods. "Are you ruler?" she asks.

Daenerys sighs. "Of sorts, yes. My brother is the king, but we share responsibility with each other. I am a Khaleesi, of the Dothraki. We came in search of an army to retake our ancestral throne in Westeros. Tell me, Missandei, do you have a family you wish to return to?"

"I have no one," she tells Daenerys.

"Well, I promise to treat you kindly, Missandei," the Targaryen says. "All I ask of you is loyalty."

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