chapter twenty.

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( ACT II; the age of the dragon. )
โŸต โ—Š โŸถ
chapter 20: the dragon of three heads.


THE throne of the Great Pyramid was made of smooth, solid stone, much like the structure it was housed in. Vaegon liked to think that it was akin to sitting on the iron throne, a seat of similar constitution. Even though the seat signified his power, his ruling over one of the largest cities in Essos, the Targaryen hated sitting sitting there, taking the day's supplicants and hearing their complaints and pleas. A selfish part of him wanted to continue to have Daenerys and Raina sit in court for him, but he wouldn't do that to them.

After delegating the issues of court to his future queens for so long, the king had most definitely forgotten how kind numbing it was. Most of the day was filled with complaints over trade, laws that were being broken and often thieves. These minuscule issues alone angered him when he could be further planning their journey to Westeros, a subject he was still torn on considering many factors. Mainly that of arriving with three full grown dragons, ready to instill fear into the lords that wished to defy him.

Would the lords of his country fear him, but in a tyrannical way? He did not wish to take back his throne with his people fearing him as a ruthless, bloodthirsty king, a Maegor the Cruel reborn. Fear was necessary, to a degree, but Vaegon wanted to be seen as his ancestor Jaehaerys I. He wanted to bring about decades of peace in the same manner, when dragons soared and the Realm remained well fed and prosperous.

His daydreaming of an ideal Westeros under his rule was cut short once a well put together older man was brought into the receiving chambers. He bows respectfully to Vaegon before speaking.

"Your Grace," the man spoke in High Valyrian. "Thank you for receiving me."

Vaegon nodded, replying in the same language. "What do you come here for?"

Changing his spoken language to the Common Tongue, something not many of the people of Mereen knew, Vaegon knew immediately this man was well educated. "My name is Fennesz, Your Grace. I come to ask for your leave to return to my old master's possession."

Vaegon immediately met eyes with Daenerys, then Raina, whom both held expression of utter confusion at the request. He looked back to the man, who didn't seem to show any signs that he was here against his will. He was calm and waiting, perhaps even hopeful.

"You wish to be a slave again?" Vaegon questioned. Why had they freed those of Slaver's Bay for some to ask permission to return to their bondage?

"Yes, Your Grace. I was not a slave that toiled in hard labor. I was a teacher and servant to Master Mighdal, whose children I educated," he looked between Daenerys and Vaegon in particular. "My master's seven-year-old daughter Calla admires your house, particularly you, princess. She has learned much from my teachings."

Still not understanding, Vaegon looked back to Daenerys and Raina for their input. Their opinions were valued in his court.

"See what else he has to say," Raina murmured low enough that they could only hear. When Vaegon looked back to the former slave, he continued.

"With my Master, I was treated well, even respected within his household," he clicked his ring before continuing. "When you forcibly released the slaves of Mereen, Your Grace, I do not believe you understand the full-scale complications of suddenly having to care for so many people."

The man's words were true enough, Vaegon realized, a complication of their works none of them had considered. Yet, they had never assumed there would be slaves that were treated well. Not with Mereen's particular prolificacy for slave treatment.

"Originally," Fenessz went on. "I stayed in my old master's care after the city was taken. The children begged me to stay, but Master Mighdal and I agreed that I just part ways to avoid reprisal. I was left homeless."

"Mess halls and barracks have been set aside to compensate for those that were freed," Daenerys stated from Vaegon's side.

"I have visited these refugee centers, princess," Fenessz replied. "They are not safe. The young prey on the old."

"We will have the Unsullied restore order, then," Vaegon said in hopes of providing a good enough solution that would end the man's complaint.

"Even then, Your Grace, I am too old to start anew. I come here to beg for your permission to sell myself back to my old Master."

"It is strange that a man would wish to be owned as a goat or a chair," Raina stated lowly that Vaegon may only hear. He agreed whole heartedly with her, but this was a culture that Westeros had done away with long ago.

"The world you have built is for the young," Fenessz stated, a tired look of years lived in his eyes. "But those that are old, like me, only have fear and squalor to face. Nor am I the only one that wishes to be seen for such an issue, Your Grace. There are plenty outside that wish to see you for the same reason."

Utterly crestfallen at the man's request, Vaegon sighs. Clicking his tongue, he says, "We did not liberate the slaves of Mereen to preside of the same injustice we sought to get rid of." He rubs the bridge of his nose.

"But freedom means making one's own decisions," Daenerys murmured at his side. When he looked, he saw a wisdom in her eyes that seemed to ease his frustration. She was right. If this man wishes to be sold as a slave once more, it was his choice to do so. He looked back to Fenessz, who still held a hopefulness about him.

"I will permit you to enter a contract with your former master," Vaegon sighed, his words hardly above a murmur. "But no more than a year."

Immediately stricken with thankfulness, Fennesz began to vehemently praise Vaegon for his kindness. "Thank you, Your Grace! Oh, thank you!" His excited chatter could be heard traveling down the hallway, where others coming to stand before the king for the same reason likely heard of the good news. Perhaps it would convince them all to leave. Vaegon prayed so.

"It may be a fix for the moment," Raina sighed once the three of them were left alone once more, nothing but the dancing of the torch flames interrupting the silence. "But the masters will likely see this as an opportunity and take advantage of it. Making contracts with those that are freed until they are all enslaved once more in all but name."

Raina's observation was that of a leader, someone who analyzed keenly in situations that were necessary. It didn't change the fact that Vaegon remained even more troubled with the realization. "Perhaps next time I won't make such a hasty decision," he half muttered to himself as he leaned forward and braced his elbows on his knees. His mind swirled with his mistake.

"You are learning as things go," Daenerys reminded him. "You will not always have the right answer."

Looking to her, he nodded despite the guilt he felt inside. "Uneasiness within our people, opposition from those we've already liberated in the other cities," he muttered. "A dragon on the loose, wrecking havoc on those we are to be protecting and leading. I'm not sure what else could go wrong."


RELATIONS with the public was an ideal move for the Targaryen's to maintain a good image, Selmy had insisted to Vaegon and the girls after the hearing with the former slave, Fennesz. Seeing how the people were fairing in the mess halls and barracks were a must, sending the Unsullied to do routine checks as Vaegon had promised. Especially with the uneasiness that had made its way among the population since they'd ascended the pyramid weeks ago. Therefore, a visit with the intent to create good connections with the people as well as to see the conditions of the city for themselves.

Daenerys and Raina chose to find time for visiting the largest of the orphanages in Mereen while the appointed areas for those freed were inspected and properly managed at the lead of Grey Worm. With plenty of protection from the Second Sons, the women chose to give food and clothing and what toys they could acquire from the market to bring some shred of happiness to the children; most orphaned from the execution of the masters. Coin would be offered to the masters of the orphanage to better support its infrastructure.

Garbed in robes of a commoner that would frequent Mereen's streets, the two remained flanked protectively by a handful of the Second Sons as they made their way to the orphanage, able to blend in entirely. Raina knew that Daenerys, coming from a hard background after so many years of fleeing assassins with Vaegon, knew what the streets of a big city were like after living in many of the Free Cities as a refugee. The midnight-haired princess kept close to her lover, as she was the stonewall of the two that would defend her tooth and nail despite never touching a weapon.

The fire to her ice, as Vaegon has dabbled on before, when they'd first kissed on the pyramid's balcony when he had hoped to see Rhaellor somewhere in the sky. The Stark woman couldn't help but recall the kiss even as she stayed close to Daenerys, whose own lips she'd tasted more times than she could count since they'd arrived to Mereen. A taste she often could not get enough of.

"Toys and clothing for the children," Daenerys was reminding her as they finally arrived to the orphanage, the wagon they scheduled to deliver the items they'd purchased ready and waiting for them. They stopped near the wagon, looking inside to see the haul items they'd brought for the orphanage. "The gold and food will go straight to the masters of the house."

"Of course," Raina chirped. She hadn't been around children in ages, the woman only able to think of her younger siblings. The Old only knew if they were still alive and well. She didn't like to think on the actuality of it.

Raina was sifting through one of the boxes for a moment before she realized Daenerys' gaze had focused on her. The Stark woman's dark eyes looked to her, seeing the warm, gentle expression in her violet eyes shadowed by the hood of her robes.

"Already you are becoming much like a queen," Dany murmured. "I've seen the way you have grown. You are no longer the quiet emissary. You will be a Targaryen and one day a dragon rider."

Dany's words seemed to melt Raina's heart. "If it means that I got to live the rest of my days with you and Vaegon," she stated with a smile. "I'll be anything I need to be." It was the truth. More than she ever had living within Winterfell's walls had she felt more herself than with them.

Daenerys chuckled. "You remind me of Rhaenys," she stated as leaned forward and pulled a couple of wooden toys from one of the open crates. "More gentle than her sister-wife counterpart. Very beautiful, from what is told."

"As are you," Raina replied mattarfactly. "They is why it is hard for me to keep my hands off of you."

The two soon gathered what they could carry and entered the orphanage, which immediately drew the attention of the children. As soon as the toys were seen, the princess' were the only thing that matter as they passed around every toy that had been purchased in the market. Clothes followed, as each child was given two complete sets of clothing and a pair of shoes. The masters of the orphanage were beyond grateful for their assistance, accepting the gold and food with tear filled eyes as they praised the king for his kindness.

Vehement gratitude is given to the point that Raina and Daenerys had to make their exit as quickly as they could, otherwise the masters might have kept them there all night. They shared a laugh once back in the street, where the Second Sons had waited vigilantly.

Vaegon had been quite against the two of them going onto the streets in general, but with the Second Sons he'd just barely allowed them to leave, only for safeties sake. They were a third of the way on their journey back on the pyramid before Raina began feel uneasy. Something felt off the longer they walked. Very off. Despite the surrounding protection the two had as they made their leisure way back to their home, the Stark woman could feel eyes watching from the milling crowd.ย 

The calm that seemed to hum before the chaos was unsettling, until it wasn't. Her gut feeling proved to be right when one of the Second Sons were suddenly stabbed in the back by a phantom dagger, the assailant too quick to be seen before disappearing back into the cover of the milling crowd. Already, people were screaming as chaos enveloped the alleyway.

"Run," Daenerys uttered quickly to Raina as the Second Sons were already drawing their weapons and goading them on toward the pyramid and away from the danger. Another member of their protection was taken. Then another. The closer they grew to the pyramid as they ran, their lungs burning and breath jagged, the assailants seemed to grow themselves. It was a miracle that they had managed to reach the basin, where Unsullied were always posted to protect the entrance pyramid.


VAEGON was unable to contain the utter horror he felt once Raina and Daenerys arrived back to the pyramid, returning from the visit to orphanage they had convinced him to allow. It wasn't the white hot rage that typically coursed through him in events such as this. No, this was a heart wrenching fear that he had lost the two women he loved because he'd allowed them to do something potentially dangerous. Perhaps it was guilt, fury, fear and disgust with himself. Either way, he was crestfallen.

When the two of them had entered the common room, robes covered in blood he prayed was not theirs, he'd already been pacing for quite some time since a handful of the Second Sons had quickly ascended the pyramid to warn the king. It had taken everything in him not to immediately shatter the closest object in front of his audience of Selmy, Missandei, and Grey Worm, all for the anger that was not directed at the girls, but at himself. For his negligence to not send more well armored guards. By the Seven, he should have gone himself. He would have seen the phantom assailants in pieces.

"Come here," he almost demanded, pulling them both into each of his arms as their heads rested on his chest, side by side. One of his hands rested at the base of Daenerys' skull, while the other gripped on the curve of Raina's waist almost possessively. The gentle scent of each of them, a mingling of the scented oils they often bathed in, was calming as he placed kisses on each other their heads. He didn't care that the members of his council were present to see the intimate exchange between the king and his future queens.

"I thought I'd lost you," he told them both, the fear evident in the tone of his voice. Part of him felt like he might shed real tears over the thought. They pulled back, violet and onyx eyes looking up to him. He thanked whatever gods would listen for letting him see them safe.

"We are safe," Daenerys stated, though the fear was still present in her demeanor. "We're fine. We're here." Gods be damned, Vaegon would see the end those that had instilled such fear into his queens.

"I won't see you unprotected like that again," he stated firmly. "You will have an entire company of Unsullied with you for now on. Anywhere you go. None of these mercenaries. I will not risk such a thing again." The Unsullied would always be loyal, no matter what.

One day, they would have dragons to protect them, he told himself. Until then, Vaegon would need to do his due diligence. The two of them nodded without argument, that of which the king might have expected. Raina pursed her lips and said softly, "We're tired after such an ordeal. We just want to go to sleep now."

Nodding immediately, Vaegon looked to those of his counsel, particularly Selmy. He would stay up all night if it meant the two of them could rest easy knowing they were protected, even if they were at the top of the colossal pyramid. "I will see to it that the princess' are taken care of for tonight," he stated. "Ser Barristan, I trust you can handle the evenings events."

"Of course, Your Grace," Selmy nodded dutifully.

Vaegon may call himself overly protective in any other scenario, overbearing at his worst, but in the instances that their lives might be in danger, he didn't give less of a damn what anyone might think. He'd lose sleep ensuring they were safe. A lot of the time, he almost convinced himself they were all he needed. Them and their dragons.

Leading them to his own chambers, that of which had the largest bed of any of the bed chambers in the pyramid, Vaegon ensured they were freed of the robes splattered with the blood of slain Second Sons. Throwing them to marble floor like dirty rags, he drew a bath for each of them until they were both cleansed and dressed in simple shirts of his own that hung on their frames like a cotton shift. Only then was he able to take a moment to assess that they were well and alive.

Once he saw to it that they were tucked under the sheets of his bed, snuggled against each other as Raina's head rested in the crook of Daenerys' neck, did he decide he would join them. To provide comfort, if anything, he told himself. Easing down next to Raina, who was now sandwiched between him and Daenerys, Vaegon took a while to listen to the quiet as he held them both. Only once he was calmed and his heartbeat evenly did he realize how Raina's ass pressed against him as he held her, and his right hand reached over her to grip on Daenerys' hip.

Something primal inside him felt pleasure at having these two beautiful women in his bed, one he has bedded many times and the other likely a virgin he would take so much pleasure in pleasing. As the adrenaline high seemed to tumble down inside him, his mind wandered to many places that involved every inch of their bodies with his mouth and his cock.

The peacefulness of their slumber after such a harsh day was more than enough to damper the longing in his heart and the bulge in his pants. His need for them would most definitely wait. He'd spent so much time since they'd taken Mereen worrying about the journey to Westeros and maintaining their hold on the freedom of Slaver's Bay that he overlooked just how badly he wanted them. How badly he wanted them both, at the same time. Beginning to accept the realization he'd almost lost them that day had awoken some innate desire to claim them both, as they were his and he would burn the world for them.

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