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i watched matt grab my suitcase and put it on the ground, handing it to me.

"did you leave anything in the car?" he asked.

i hesitantly shook my head and ran over to check.

i walked back over, smiling.

"nope, nothing." i told him.

"alright. i'm gonna miss you, lee." he said, pulling me into a hug.

"me too." chris said, hugging us.

"ugh, me too." nick hugged us as well, making me laugh.

once they all stepped back i smiled.

"i'm gonna miss you all, so much." i told them.

"don't forget to call every night." matt pointed his finger at me.

"ok, ok, i will." i laughed.

i grabbed my bags as they all said goodbye to johnny.

i saw matt whisper something to him and rolled my eyes.

"what's he saying now?" i muttered to nick who only shrugged.

"probably nothing. i wouldn't worry about it. tell everyone we all said hi and miss them so much."

"i will." i nodded as johnny turned and looked at me.

he met my eyes and gave me a smile.

he said something to matt and then walked towards me.

"you ready to go?" he asked.

"yup. ok, goodbye." i waved at my brothers. "i love you guys."

"we love you." they all said at the same time.

they started to walk back to the car as johnny and i made our way inside.

we got checked in and went through security.

we made our way to our terminal and found seats.

the sun had already set, meaning by the time we got to boston it would be 3 in the morning.

i was about to say something before i saw johnny grab the neck pillow he had around his bag.

i started laughing as he put it around his neck.

"what?" he asked, grinning.

"i can't believe you wear that." i giggled.

"well, i want to be comfortable. i don't want my neck to hurt."

"hm, must be nice." i nodded.

"are you not gonna sleep?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

i shook my head.

"i can't sleep on planes."


"yeah, they're to uncomfortable and i'm never tired when i fly." i explained.

he nodded to show he understood. we kept talking until we were called to board.

once we finally got on the plane and put our stuff up, we sat down.

i sat in the window seat and he sat in the middle.

a short girl came and sat down next him in the aisle seat.

i went to the planes website to turn on the free wifi and free texting so i could text my brothers and everyone in boston to tell them i was on the plane.

i connected but it only said 'no internet connection'.

i groaned. "the stupid wifi isn't working. i'm trying to text everyone but i can't even get to the website."

i flashed my screen at johnny as he frowned and took a closer look.

"that's weird..." he mumbled.

"the wifi only works ten minutes after take off." the girl sitting next to him spoke up.

we both looked at her.

"i dealt with the same thing last time." she said, her lips pulled into a small frown.

she was younger than johnny and i. about 16.

she had big brown eyes and thick, wavy, brown hair. it was long, reaching her abdomen.

she was pretty, i felt a tad bit of jealousy rush through me when i realized she was sitting next to johnny.

"i'm lily." she smiled, sweetly.

"i'm lia. this is johnny." i smiled back. she seemed nice.

she asked us the reason we were heading to boston and we answered before asking her why.

she had just finished telling us she going to visit her sister when the captain's voice came over the intercom.

he said all the basic stuff and the flight attends starting showing us how to use the life vests and oxygen masks.

i looked out the window as the plane finally started to take off.

i settled into my seat, the airpod in my left ear playing 'Flight 22' by Kali Uchis.

i finally got the wifi to work and sent a text to everyone telling them we were on the plane.

i started playing games on my phone to try and pass the time.

the plane ride was gonna be five hours long.

i looked at johnny, hoping to get some conversation with him, but his eyes were closed.

i decided against bothering him and looked back at my phone.

i stole a glance at the girl next to him. she seemed to be typing on her phone.

her fingers were moving fast on the keyboard, she looked very concentrated. i could tell she wasn't texting, but writing something.

i shrugged and looked back at my own phone.

two hours later, i was terribly bored. i lost interest in the games on my phone. i had spent ten minutes looking through the movies on the website. i tried to start three but none captured my interest.

i sighed as i found myself growing more tired. i looked out the window and yawned. it was almost pitch black other than the bright city lights.

i laid my head on johnny shoulder as i stifled another yawn. i guess he wasn't asleep because i felt his head move to look down at me.

his right hand lifted up to brush the hair out of my face and tuck loose strands behind my ear.

"are you tired, angel?" he mumbled.

i felt a blush creep up my cheeks from the new nickname.

"exhausted." i whispered.

he lowered his right hand as his left arm snaked behind me. i felt his fingers gently rub up and down my arm.

his touch sent the slightest chill down my spine. but instead of cringing away to hide my red face, i closed my eyes and leaned more into him.

i fell asleep in a matter of minutes.

lilys words💜



im am so sorry i've been gone forever

writing this was so hard i can't lie

i'm trying to work on the next chapter for meddle about but it's just not working 😭

i have missed you all so much

bye bye <3

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