vii. another step forward

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We know how to find out what it is. See if you have a beastiary by any chance, if not, we have a backup. Come to LAX game tonight. Meet you there.

The message had been sent from Stiles' phone, and without hesitation Anna was running to the unknown room kept downstairs, hidden from the public eye. Down in the basement Anna's family kept mostly quiet, they had enchanted a room specifically for the use of magic, and that only. It wasn't the safest of places, in fact, Anna felt a shiver along her spine and the cold feeling of strange discomfort whenever she was in there- especially alone. But despite this, the young witch made her way there faster than lightning. A small, barely audible whisper came from her lips as she murmured a small enchantment to reveal the small cavern. A green glow had lit up the once dark area of the basement. A strong scent of spice wafted out with the chilling air, hitting Anna's face and pushing her hair back. She stepped into the room, cautiously ignoring the sound of stone moving to cover the entryway she had just passed through. 

"The things I do." Anna muttered, her eyes floating around the room. It was fairly sized, a not-so-warm glow steaming off the place. The walls were covered in shelves, books of all shapes and sizes crammed into them, majority barely having words still readable on them or pages completely intact. Thanks to her knowledge as a necromancer, she'd known what a beastiary was when reading Stiles' text. Rounding a rotting wooden table in the middle of the room, Anna beelined for the back of the room and over to the shelves supporting books of basic knowledge on the supernatural, if anywhere, it ought to be there instead of with books containing information such as spells or maps, etc. 

Her finger trailed along the spines of the books, the rough material balancing the weight of her soft skin. The amount of peculiar words that infiltrated her brain as she read the titles were off the charts, but not one of them read 'beastiary'. Anna knew her family owned one, but unless one of her siblings had took it, it wasn't here. There was the possibility it was left back in North Carolina, but the brunette girl would truly never knew. With a sigh, she stepped back, examining the wall. She could look for other books similar to it and skim through them, but that would take too long.

Nothing here. I checked.

She quickly typed to Stiles. Her foot turned on the dirty floor, a little too ready to make her way out of the spellbind room before she thought over her previous idea. If they ended up getting the beastiary from somewhere else, they could potentially get their finger stamped onto this creature which stood blindly in front of them, but if not, would it really hurt to spend a few extra hours looking just incase? Anna ran back to the shelves, gathering a few books in her arms and then bewitching a few to float alongside her head. At almost a running pace, she left the small cavern, the stone wall sliding open to let her leave before echoing as it fell back into place.

The sky had fallen to rest, the only lively part of the night being the endless chatter from the crowd and the high pitched sounds singing from the referee's whistles. Darkness had blanketed the earth, little stars littering the heavens above as the young witch avoided staring straight into the blinding lights set out to illuminate the playing field of the lacrosse game. After a long lecture from Tallula, Anna had faked a case of exhaustion and went to her room, staying prisoner there until once again leaving through her bedroom window and into Stiles' car.

Of course, not without enchanting Tutu to make it sound as if she were in there.

It was obvious that Tallula would not let her stay in her room alone without constant checkups for the next few nights at the very least, but Anna was out of the house now, and her older sister would not have a way of finding her unless she went through the trouble of a tracking spell, but that would all be up to her. It wasn't Anna's problem now.

Crossing her arms over her sweater to keep out the cold, Anna leaned against the bleachers, waiting for Stiles as he had said just a few minutes prior that he was going to check in with Scott. Before coming to the game, Anna had managed to fix herself up. Her hair was no longer a tangled mess, instead laying completely brushed-through over her shoulders. She had an actual outfit on, alternatively to the thin tank tops and old jeans she'd pick up immediately after setting her eyes on them. There was nothing much to be done about the tired look her expression carried or the bags that still remained under her eyes, but she managed to have an upbeat energy to her when talking to people if it made any difference. She was trying, and hopefully that'd be enough to get by for now.

"As I said, I haven't been to one of these games before, so just remember to fill me in on what's going on, will you?" An elderly gruff voice came into earshot behind Anna.

"Oh, yeah, of course." A second person had replied. The voice was much younger and feminine. As much as it seemed sweet and truthful, Anna couldn't help but notice a little bit of agitation, or tension, to it. In fact, the vocal sound itself seemed very familiar.

The brunette girl turned her head as the pair walked next to her, and unintentionally caught contact with the younger person. Surprise must have been apparent on her features, because it was on the other girl's as well. Allison. That's who she'd been hearing. She was walking arm in arm with an older man who was clearly her grandfather, who Anna recognized as the principal of Beacon Hills Highschool. He seemed confused as to why Allison had stopped short randomly, turning his head around to face the witch.

"Is this one of your friends, Allison?" He asked the brown eyed girl next to him. He smiled warmly at Anna, and she quickly returned the gesture.

"Oh, um-" The huntress began her reply, but was cut off by Stiles' running up to them quickly. He too seemed a little shocked at the three of them together, but instead clapped his hands together before opening his arms in a 'well, look at this!' kind of indication.

"Great!" He said. "You both are here, actually, I was just going to come ask you to help me find them." Stiles turned his body around to Anna, snapping his fingers as he pointed to her.

"Right, well, lucky day!" Anna laughed awkwardly. She unfolded her arms and twisted her fingers around nervously, she knew the plan already, getting the keys from Allison's grandfather to unlock his office and see if he had the supernatural book they needed somewhere in there, but she wasn't actually planning on seeing them. She barely knew the other girl, she was just there to help Stiles once the keys were in his hands.

"Stiles. Nice to see you again." The new principal said stiffly. Obviously, he was still holding a few grudges against the boy, to put it nicely.

"Aha, right back at 'ya." Stiles quipped. A whistle shrieked in the background before an angry voice called out an insult to him, a comment about getting his ass back over to the bench being thrown somewhere in there. "Oh! And that's coach for you, games' going to start soon, so I'll meet with you guys later." 

Unrevealed to the old man within their circle, Stiles shot both Anna and Allison a knowing look that was reciprocated by the both of them before he left, running over and standing by Coach Finstock who had one hand firmly on his hip and the other massaging his chin unkindly. Turning back to the two Argents, Anna had yet to make a comment about finding a seat before the raven haired girl spoke up.

"Do you want to come sit with us? We wouldn't mind at all." She smiled. Her grandfather raised his eyebrows, humming to himself.

"Ah, yes. I think that'd be a great idea. I'd love to get to know some more of Allison's friends, I see some seats over there. Let's get to them before the game starts, shall we?" He spoke up. His eyes flickered between the two of them before settling on Anna, her mouth slightly open in surprise.

"Yeah, yeah of course, I'd love to." She nodded, following them as they climbed the bleachers and settled into a row. Allison's grandfather walked in first, his granddaughter following and then ending with Anna next to her.

Despite being covered in cloth, the blue eyed girl's legs still shivered slightly in the wind. She rubbed them together as she clasped her hands tightly, warming them vaguely as a protectant. Her eyes scanned the field, watching as players tackled each other and fought ferociously over the ball. The sight made her mind flicker with deja vu, remembering sitting on those very same bleachers when she went to Isaac's games. Unfortunately, the spell she had placed upon him was not permanent, meaning he was still known as a fugitive to the public, ultimately deciding he wouldn't be attending that game, though Anna didn't really know whether she actually viewed that as unfortunate or not. 

"My name is Gerard." The same older voice sounded again. Anna whipped her head to the side, seeing the elderly man bend down slightly to get a better view of her. 

"Anna." The witch nodded. "I'm familiar. You're the principal." 

"Of course, of course. I'm too old for this, I forget sometimes, you know?" He chuckled. Through the corner of her eyes, Anna could see Allison swallow a little nervously.

"Yeah." Anna nodded with a small laugh herself in hopes of seeming more friendly. The last encounter she had with him had been when she, Stiles, and Scott had been sent to the office for disrupting Mr. Harris's class to eavesdrop on Jackson. Sometime after that she'd been filled in on all the information the two had of him, and regardless of his nice front he put on, she couldn't help but feel a little queasy. 

"Hey, I remember you." He said suddenly. "You came to my office my first day with that boy who just left. And the other one, Allison's boyfriend."

"Ex." Allison interrupted quickly. "Ex-boyfriend."

Gerard waved his hand. "You weren't much of a talker, were you? Must've been why you slipped my mind. My apologies."

"Oh, don't worry about it." Anna said rapidly. If possible, she wanted to make a good impression, considering that he'd almost forgotten before hand, this could be her chance to get on his good side as much as she could. But unfortunately, when you know Scott and Stiles that's not always a very likely chance. "You see so many people everyday anyway, I wouldn't expect you to."

"Ah, yes. But I will remember you now, Anna." He raised an eyebrow knowingly. "Don't you worry."

"Not worrying, got it." The brunette girl's weak grin practically dragging itself off her face. Sitting back up straight again, she inhaled a breath through her mouth pressing her lips together.

"You look a little different now, as well, don't you think?" Gerard's voice cut through the loud air again, just as an angry shout erupted from the crowd when a rather large player from the opposing team pummeled multiple from theirs.

Allison let out a freakishly high laugh as she knocked her knee into his, signaling him to quit it with the comments. Anna could barely hear a 'what?' escaping his frail mouth as her lips parted and her eyes widened. 

"Totally, just going through a little change, you know?" She bent down again to see him, and he nodded casually, ignoring the horrific look on his granddaughters face. As her posture straightened again, Anna could see the apologetic look sent from Allison, but she just shook her head in a 'don't worry about it' way. In fact, she kind of fought a giggle back from his bluntness.

Still rather rude, though. She thought to herself.

The game played on, but Anna didn't really know how they would get the keys, it being the only thing stuck to the surface on her brain. She knew Stiles didn't have them yet, so did Allison? She glanced over at her questioningly, and the archer seemed to get the hint. She straightened a bit, running her fingers over the leather of her coffee brown jacket before speaking up.

"I knew I should of brought a warmer jacket." She said looking over at her grandfather. She tapped her legs repeatedly along the metal of the bleachers.

"You're cold. Here, take my coat." Gerard offered, standing up. The thick material of the black outerwear fell off his body and was gifted into the hands of Allison. 

"Are you sure?" She asked, sounding a little hesitant, but the cloth was already in her grasp. She sent a small wink down to Anna, and the witch propped her knees up, hiding a glee expression in them.

"Oh, yeah." The older Argent brushed it off, slipping the coat onto the girl's body before assisting her in sitting back down. Once his attention was turned back to the game, Allison's hands fell down into the pockets, searching around in one before continuing onto the other.

Silently, Anna pleaded for the keys to be in there, for just one thing to go right for once. Granted, Allison retracted her arm, metal glinting in the artificial light. Letting out a sigh of relief, the Forester girl looked back at the game watching as the players in maroon continued to be violently swept off their feet. Noticing this, Allison's grandfather turned to the two of them, making a judgmental comment as Allison hid her fist faster than the speed of light.

That was nearly too close. Both girls shared a look, knowing they couldn't take chances like that. It was too risky. Nudging Anna with her arm, Allison just barely brought the keys away from her body and towards the other girl's direction. Understanding the clues she laid out, Anna covered the Argent girl's hand with her own, invisibly taking the keys from her and hiding them in her own hand. Looking up from his spot by the coach, Stiles made a small motion with his fingers, signaling keys jingling in his hands. Anna nodded back.

Walking up the stairs, Stiles let his hand fall a little out as the witch silently passed the ring containing many various keys on them to his own pale appendages. Averting her eyes away from him, she drummed her fingers along her legs, watching carelessly as the game continued on. Without Isaac there, it seemed rather boring, actually. She couldn't give a lesser shit about any team winning, because when Beacon Hills won a game, the only real winner actually there was Isaac, in her eyes. Sighing, Anna waiting for any sign from Stiles for multiple minutes on end, alas, there were none. In the game, things were headed downsouth as well. Beacon Hills was short on players, thanks to Stiles' disappearance. In utter frustration and desperation, Coach swept his gaze over the crowds from his place at the edge of the field. Not one person went unnoticed by his gaze, every last one being devoured by his eyes as he sought a rightful player to walk up and save his team. Just as he about gave up, he stopped, a touch of excitement puddled across his face as he seemingly found his player.

Anna straightened, looking over to where Finstock was looking, and when she saw who he had set his mind on, her heart nearly dropped.


What was he doing there? And not only that, but his blonde packmate was seated right beside him. If they were there, Anna had a gut feeling Derek was too, and he certainly wasn't at a highschool lacrosse game for the fun of it. Tapping Allison's leg, the witch gestured over to the two wolves, which the other girl quickly took notice of. They shared a worried look as the coach called out to Boyd, giving him a stick and jersey before sending him off into the playing field. Anna's stomach clutched, Boyd was just so recently turned, she knew he wouldn't be able to control himself, especially with all the excitement and attention drowning him from all sides. She quickly glanced at her phone, but nothing popped up, Stiles still hadn't found the beastiary. Her leg shook uncontrollably as she watched the game, the wolf from the Hale pack colliding with multiple players in green and sending them flying. The game was slowly turning itself back around, an abundant amount of cheers deafening the crowd. Still, one specific player on the other team had yet to go down, and from the looks of him, he was a perfect target for a fresh beta.

"This is not good." Anna's voice was lost, carried away and stampeded over in the midst of the applause. She bit her lip harshly as Boyd's eyes steadily drifted over to the insignificantly large player that'd been brutally sending the team members from Beacon Hills off to the sidelines. His eyes glowed a magnificent yellow, the golden colors reflecting off of the surrounding lights. Tension settled in the air as the crowd lowered to a hum, everyone was waiting for one person to be the victor. Knowing who would win, Anna's knuckles began to crackle as she nervously stood up. She didn't need to see another person get hurt tonight, and if anything, Stiles needed her attention more than a lacrosse game.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back." The blue eyed girl raised her voice for the Argents to hear. Allison nodded, seeming to understand her message. Gerard, on the other hand, barely acknowledged her words as he furrowed his eyebrows in deep anticipation, watching the game- or more specifically, Boyd.

Anna quickly got off the bleachers, running behind them to get to the school. From the roaring in the crowd that she left behind, she knew which player had dominated the other. Opening the door, the girl made a mad dash for the principal's office, hoping to find Stiles with the beastiary safe in his hands. She had the room in her sights before a footstep sounded behind her. Faster than a speeding bullet, she spun around, throwing her hand out in an attempt to freeze the person behind her in place, but they were faster than she was. The spell she had cast just barely missed the person she was aiming for, instead hitting a locker on the opposite side of her. 

"Jesus." Someone said to the side of her. Anna turned towards them, mouth agape as she took in their presence.

"Isaac?" Anna's voice was practically soaking in shock. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Me? What the hell are you doing here?" Isaac scoffed back at her. The same leather jacket she'd seen on him a few days earlier at the ice rink was covering the red shirt she'd seen him in that morning. It felt like forever since she was last with him, even though it was just a few hours. Time really did work wonders. 

"I'm-" Anna began her sentence, but then paused. She'd seen Boyd and Erica at the game just a few minutes ago, meaning that if Isaac was here, then Derek most definitely was. "I asked you first."

"That's so childish. Why are you here?" The wolf snapped. He stood a good few feet away from her, brows narrowed and eyes like slits as he stared at her.

"I don't need your permission to go anywhere." Anna shrugged as she crossed her arms. She listened closely for any sound of Stiles in the room behind Isaac, but only silence remained.

"That's not what I said."

"That's what it sounded like."

"Well that's not how I meant it." Isaac defended himself. 

"Okay! Then let's drop it. Alright?" Anna threw her hands up, thoroughly worn out from a thirty second conversation. She watched as Isaac hesitated, but then sighed, eventually agreeing.

"You're not supposed to be in public." The witch said cautiously, testing the waters. She walked towards the blue eyed boy in front of her just a few steps.

"No one is here besides us." He replied. His voice had a strain on it, clearly still angered by the fight they had earlier that day. Could it even be called a fight? Truthfully, it wasn't really that bad, no 'fight-like' things were really said, maybe a few questionable, but it wasn't an all out screaming argument. Maybe it was just the way Anna could read the unspeakably hot anger and confusion burning Isaac from the inside out that made her view it that way. She wasn't too happy herself, but the way he seemed to feel so strongly about everything made the whole situation worse. It's possible he wasn't even that mad over her not being truthful, but the fact she didn't want to tell him what really happened over something so threatening to her. There were so many layers to a cake made out of pure agony and scraped feet from walking on eggshells that Anna seemed lost as she tried to dig her way to the bottom and understand everything. Without him talking to her, without him communicating, she would never really know what the cause of his feelings were or why they were so intoxicatingly sick. But then again, how could she expect him to talk to her when she wouldn't talk to him?

"That's not true." Anna said. "You need to be more careful."

"I think I can decide that for myself." Isaac snapped. A glare was shining through his eyes, like hellfire using the cool of the blue hues to find a way to balance everything out as it found an escape from the burning inside.

"Okay, what is wrong with you?" Anna raised her voice. Of course she knew, but she didn't understand. Maybe a screaming argument is actually what they needed to get their points and feelings across, even if it ended badly. Anna would find a way to patch it back up.

"There's nothing wrong with me, you're hiding something. You were hiding something this morning and you're hiding something now. My fault for being pissed off that I have to put up with that." He said angrily.

"Put up with? I'm sorry, I didn't know I was something you had to 'put up with', Isaac. You know what? I'll leave you alone now so that you don't have to keep doing that." Anna yelled back. Spinning on her heel, she began to walk back the way she came.

"No, Anna." He called after her. "Don't go that way."

Anna's face twisted in confusion as she turned back around. "What? So now you have a problem with what way I decide to leave the school building? Honestly, Isaac, that's one of the stupidest things you've ever said to me, and you've said a lot of stupid-"

"Shh! That's not why!" Isaac whisper yelled at her. He held a finger up to his lips as his eyes began to wander around nervously.

"What? What are you talking about?" Anna's voice lowered itself, a strange feeling beginning to tingle her fingers.

"I heard something." The werewolf spoke barely above a whisper. He held his hand out to her, moving his fingers in a 'come here' movement. With what Anna knew was an odd look on her face, she moved towards him, taking his hand and placing her other hand on her knife, hidden beneath her sweater and in her belt loop. Isaac lead them to a random classroom, locking the door once they were inside.

"What did you hear?" Anna asked him once they stepped back and further into the room. A spiking sensation was running over her back, her hand never once leaving the handle of her blade.

"I'm not really sure. It was kind of like a roar, or a hiss, or something." Isaac said carefully, his arm crossing over her body to push her back a little more.

"A roar and a hiss are two very different things, Isaac." Anna whispered.

Isaac turned his head around to flash her another glare before turning back to the door. He halted, staring at the wood before slowly turning around to the witch behind him. Fear was written across his face as he silently parted his lips.

"I really don't mean to scare you, but whatever it was is coming towards us. Right now." He said. His voice cracked slightly as he pressed his lips together. 

Anna felt the blood drain from her face. "Right now? Like it'll be here in a few seconds right now?"

"Yes." Isaac confirmed. "In fact, I think it's here already-"

A large crash cut Isaac off completely. The wooden door that was once locked was obliterated into a thousand pieces as a large creature came in through the new entryway. Isaac, who had previously bent down over Anna to guard themselves from the mess had stood back up, now standing next to the girl in complete shock.

Anna raised her hand, a crackling glow beginning to gather itself around her palm. "Isaac, get behind me."

"What? No, you can't take that thing on yourself, it'll kill you!" He protested, beginning to pull her backwards. The creature hissed at them, though the sound was so loud Anna thought her eardrums might erode. It's skin was covered head to toe in green leather, almost like a lizard. It's head was completely rounded and a large tail slithered behind it. Despite the frightening appearance it took on, there was really only one thing Anna could focus on, that being its eyes. Her mind flashed back to what Stiles had said when describing the murderous creature he had crossed paths with, and everything he mentioned had checked off on the list as she stared at it. It's eyes were yellow and reptilian, looking at her with an unmistakable recognition, as if it knew her to just the smallest degree, a flicker of identification. It was like seeing an old teacher at the grocery store, or seeing an old picture of your parent's childhood and spotting them amongst all the kids, it was like seeing a friend in a Halloween mask.

Anna barely had time to reply back to Isaac before the creature lunged at them. Diving to opposite sides, Anna and Isaac just merely escaped the attack it threw at them. Anna's hand flew out again as she blasted it backwards, sending it flying into a bookshelf.

"Go, now!" She called out to Isaac as they stood up. Making a beeline for the doorway, Isaac's hand was on hers before the thing was back on it's feet and coming at them again. Anna turned around, sending it through the air and to the other side of the room once more as they ran through a mob of desks. Quickly thinking, the witch sent a hoard of them towards the reptile-like creature, trying her hardest to buy them as much time as possible. It had worked long enough for them to get to the broken entrance before it broke out again, sending the small tables flying at them. Shielding her body with his, Isaac was left with no choice but to tackle Anna to the ground, their bodies colliding with the cold floor. The beast charged towards them again, but Anna's arms were trapped next to her as she was still underneath Isaac, who managed to at least get a kick to its face before pulling the witch up with him.

As quick as he was, the supernatural monster seemed to be faster, dodging Anna's next defense mechanism, continuing its race towards them. With no more space around them, thanks to all the flipped desks, and time thinning expeditiously, Isaac shoved Anna into a pile of desks, farther away from the creature in front of them. With no time to figure out a plan to help himself, Isaac remained in the path of the bloodthirsty thing, its mouth opening to let loose another sound of strangled cries.

Anna climbed her way out of the desks as fast as she could, but the creature already swiped its claws onto the back of Isaac's neck. He winced with a sharp inhale, stumbling backwards a bit but never falling, in fact, he didn't seem very phased at all. Both teenagers stared at each other with the same confusion before Anna felt what seemed like a deep and large paper cut on the back of her neck.

The girl gasped at the sudden sensation, fingers raising to touch the injury before Isaac's knees collapsed in front of her, his body falling to the floor. His name escaped her lips in a panic as she ran over to him, lifting him up as best she could by his underarms until he was in a seated position, leaning against a fallen desk.

"What was that?" She asked breathlessly. 

"I don't know, but I can barely move." Isaac said, he grunted softly as he fought whatever it was keeping him down, but he failed immensely. "How are you still-"

From her mid-thighs down, Anna suddenly went numb, falling onto Isaac. It was like an infection, slowly spreading up her body. Isaac cursed silently as he used the rest of the feeling he had in his arm to assist her in using the last of her upper body strength to seat herself next to him. Her whole body suddenly buzzed, like when your foot falls asleep after sitting on it for too long. No matter how hard she attempted to, she couldn't move a muscle that was located anywhere but her face.

"Well, at least we aren't dead." Isaac offered. The room was still, the creature having ran off through the halls to somewhere unbeknownst to them. The thought of Stiles being in there alone had occurred to her, but if it hadn't killed him once then she was positive it wouldn't try and kill him again.

"Just shut up." She muttered. Thankfully, nothing else was said as both supernaturals sat in a rather uncomfortable silence. Anna never found silence with Isaac uncomfortable. Back in freshman year, they used to do it all the time. Such as when they were reading, or studying next to each other- which the brunette girl used to often force him to do. Other times as well, like watching TV or just laying in bed because they were too tired to do anything else. It was normal for them. Of course, people change with circumstances, such as when a deadly unknown creature is running around your town killing people and nearly had you as its victims. But then again, Anna never really expected her and Isaac to change, and if they did, certainly not for the worse. 

"If I'll be honest, will you?" Anna asked quietly. The roar of the crowd came through the walls like sunshine through a dusty window, it being the only thing except for their voices to cut through the thick silence like a freshly sharpened knife.

"Yeah." Isaac said. From the position they were in, their hands overlapped each others, Anna's laying atop Isaac's. The physical touch made her a little nervous, especially with where she was leading the conversation herself, but she closed her eyes and fought it off, blinking rapidly.

"I was trying to help Scott and Stiles find out what that thing that just attacked us was." She spoke up. "That's why I was out. I had them drop me off at Deaton's after, but something was wrong with him, I mean, something was really, really wrong with him, and some of the things I saw there scared me, so I left. I got lost and then you found me. I was still a little messed up from that night, and I was afraid that I might get you into bad things if I told you what happened, so I didn't say anything. I also didn't know what would happen if I told you about Scott and Stiles because of Derek. And I was also afraid you might get mad."

Isaac said nothing after she finished, and he was kind of relieved she couldn't move her head to see his face. He didn't exactly know what to say back to her, there were so many different things he could choose to go with, but all the ones off the top of his head weren't right. So he just stayed quiet for a bit. 

Anna's heart was nearly in her throat, she thought she could taste it. He wasn't saying anything. Why wasn't he saying anything? Was opening up a bad decision? She was just about to conclude she was stupid for even opening her mouth before he spoke.

"Why would I be mad at you?"

Anna glanced down at their hands, hers of which was growing sweaty from the nerves that were having a total blackout drunk party inside her.

He can probably smell that. She thought to herself.

"I'm not sure. Maybe because we were on different sides, I guess. Or because I was helping them, just being with them more than I was with you." Anna replied.

"So you were afraid I'd be jealous?" Isaac tried to confirm.

"No!" Anna said speedily. "No. I'm not really a hundred percent positive what I was afraid of. I just was. It was stupid. I don't know, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong really, I kind of understand what you mean, actually." Isaac admitted from beside her. If Anna could, she would've turned her head around to look at him so fast her neck might've snapped.


"Yeah, I would explain it to you but it's hard. I get that." 

"When?" Anna asked curiously.

"When what?" Isaac responded. 

"When were you afraid?" Anna clarified. Interest took hold of her, overpowering the numb feeling she felt. For a moment, she'd forgotten about the buzzing in her body, it almost seemed peaceful.

"Oh." Isaac said, Anna could practically feel the heat from the blush gathering on his face. "When I first got the bite. I was afraid of what you'd think, that you might be disappointed in me."

If Anna could move, she'd be shaking her head. "But you didn't even know I was here when you got the bite."

"Doesn't mean I still didn't think of you." Isaac said. "I thought about you more than you would expect, Anna. I still do."

Anna's whole body might as well have just combusted at that point. All the air in her lungs escaped violently, and she had to remind herself to breathe.

"Why were you out there, Isaac?" She asked. Anna didn't know if it was just her or not, but the whole room seemed to quiet down in anticipation. Everything in the room including herself held it's breath as she awaited his answer. Why was he out in the middle of nowhere while a chaotic and brutal storm beat away at him? What was going through his mind as he trudged through that mess? Call her dramatic, but Anna was being eaten from the inside out as she tried to find the reason Isaac had for being there, especially when he wasn't supposed to be out in public at any cost.

"Because," Isaac said finally. "I was looking for you." 

a/n - i'm sorry y'all but this chapter is gonna have to leave on a little cliff hanger for a while, i wanted to post a chapter before i left for camp so there'd be something left, but as soon as i get back the next part will be posted, pinky promise. also, i'm starting another fanfic when i get back as well, if anyone watches twd i hope u will be interested, the love interest is carl grimes :) 

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