Chapter - 11

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Our love is like an ocean, so deep.
Do people like drowning?
Yes, I would, if it's our ocean of love.
Before I used to drown to feel loved.
But now, I want to drown to the deepest to know the hidden enigmas of our love -Yn.

A figure was seated on the bed of the room whose walls were painted purple with panelling of coffee brown floral flowers, and the morning sun rays peeking through the half-opened curtains added a more delighted visual to it. A sweet fragrance danced in the air, not to overlook the way all of the fixtures were placed graciously which were simple but still, gave an elegant manner. "Gummy bear.." The figure's voice trailed off with an unsteady sigh.

Yes, it was Yoongi's bedroom which was soon going to be 'their shared bedroom' after Yn shifts in it. Though it was a rented apartment Yoongi made sure that everything he could change with the owner's consent will be of Yn's choice, every single interior of his room.

Yn was staring at the beautiful wall in front of her aimlessly. Her one hand hanging freely in the air beside her legs and the other one roughly caressing the fabric of the crimson red pyjama which was resting on her lap. Every time she looks at this room makes her feel blessed to have such a lover who cares about her tiny bit of things. But today it wasn't her eyes wandering around the room but her mind which strolled to varied thoughts, searching for the answer which kept bothering her since yesterday night.

She sighed and looked at her lap which had the soggy fabric laying upon it. She stood up clutching the fabric and stridden towards the waste bin deciding whether to throw it off or keep it with her while inquiring about the things from Yoongi. She was frustrated why not? It's been years of them being together but every time she asked Yoongi about his uneasiness whenever she noticed him with a pained expression, he either shrugged it off or gave an insufficient reason and that's it. Thinking about all of this, frustration took the best of her and she threw it off in the waste bin and stomped her feet outside the room.

Climbing down the stairs Yn was entering the kitchen. She halted when a thought struck her head. How should she forget him? Namjoon, Yoongi's co-worker yet his best friend. He can surely help her, no doubt! Since they have been living together for three years now. Sometimes Yn felt jealous of Namjoon, knowing he stays with Yoongi from almost twenty-four bar seven, they work together and stay in the same apartment.

Yn's chain of thoughts broke when she heard someone unlocking the main door. She frowned and turned around taking a few steps ahead and saw Namjoon entering inside in his formal yet cool-fashioned clothing with his favourite side bag hanging over his shoulder.

As soon as Namjoon saw her, he gave his dimple smile and took a seat on the couch and kept the bag on his lap.
"Good morning little one." Namjoon greeted while rummaging through his bag. Namjoon would always call her this way not because she is five years smaller than him but because he sees her as his little cute sister.
"Good morning Oppa." Yn greeted back.
She pressed her lips into a thin line and crushed the material of her dress debating whether she should ask Namjoon about Yoongi's whereabouts or even more by digging in about the things she want to know.

"Do you need something to eat Oppa?" Yn asked softly wanting to start a conversation on good terms.
"No, I'm fine. Also, I just came back to freshen up and rest for a while since the studio out of sudden asked me to be a substitute for one of the rappers in an event occurring in the evening." Namjoon explained and leaned on the couch with an exhausted sigh.

Yn has drowned in her thoughts again. No, she can't hesitate, not now at least. Because no one could answer her better than Namjoon. Legit no one!

Namjoon was about to get up from the couch when Yn voiced herself.
"Oppa!" Listening to Yn, Namjoon shifted his gaze towards her.
"Yes, wanna say something?" Namjoon asked softly. Yn nodded her head hesitantly.
"Can we have a seat first?" Yn requested, Namjoon felt unusual since Yn was never this rigid in conversations but made himself comfortable on the couch once again. Yn sat beside him and took a deep breath.

"I- actually.." Yn hesitated since she never queried about Yoongi to someone.
"What happen Yn? You seem nervous! Don't hesitate to ask me anything, I'm like your brother." Namjoon ensured squeezing her hand softly when he noticed her uneasiness.
"I want to ask you something about Gummy bear." Namjoon hummed indicating for her to continue while he observed her getting anxious with each growing second.

"I-I don't know how to start, but the first thing could be his whereabouts, where is he right now?" Yn asked timidly.
"I called him in the early morning to ask when will he join me in the studio but he retorted that he talked with the manager about his leg injury and took an off for today." Namjoon finished.
"Did he tell something more?" Yn questioned desperately.
"Eh, yes, When we were talking I could hear the vehicle's sound from behind and asked him about it. He said he is driving to Hoseok's house for some important work." Namjoon spoke.
"Hoseok oppa's house?" Yn muttered under her breath and frowned, Yoongi does visit his friend now and then but why today? When his leg is injured. Was the thing that important?

"But why are you asking this out of a sudden?" Namjoon asked being clueless right from the onset of the conversation.
"Is he avoiding me?" Yn muttered under her breath.
"Did you say something?" Namjoon asked confused.
"No," Yn responded, why would she elaborate 'cause she had asked that to herself.
"Wait- how did Yoongi injure his leg? When I asked him, he seemed in rush and assured me that he will tell me later on." Namjoon questioned while Yn deliberated whether to recite the whole matter to him or just tell him the thing said by Yoongi. Anyhow she decided to tell him everything, all her worries since Namjoon was like a family to both Yoongi and Yn.

Yn explained everything to Namjoon. He was perplexed when he heard Yn saying all those things, Yoongi's odd behaviour, his screams at midnight, the ripped bloody pyjama but when she disclosed the most suspected thing which she saw on the bathroom's floor, Namjoon couldn't stop himself from getting shocked with what he heard.

"I should have been here yesterday," Namjoon spoke with disappointment, Yn shook her head.
"It's not your fault Oppa, but I want to know a few things," Yn's words earned a nod from Namjoon to continue.
"Do bear take some pills.." Yn hesitated to continue but asked anyhow, "daily?"
Namjoon thought for a while and spoke, "Yes. he does take some pills, but neither on daily basis nor rarely. You can say something like at time intervals." Namjoon's declaration made Yn outraged because Yoongi never mentioned taking any sort of pills. But she assembled herself, this is not a moment to process things.
"Do you know what those pills are actually for?" Yn questioned.
"Whenever he consumed the pills in front of me, I asked him the reason. Every time he used to give a different term like sleeping pills, pain killers and much more." Namjoon spoke and with every new thing getting known Yn got more restless.

One more thing knocked her thoughts.

"Did you ever listen to Gummy bear screaming at midnight?" Yn asked.
"We live in different rooms and you know right this apartment belongs to our producer-nim and he designed this apartment in a way he could use it as a studio. So the walls are soundproof." Namjoon spoke with a sigh.
Yn nodded but her mind was glued on a few things.

The person she loved to her fullest and believed their relationship to be translucent was insulated by so many lies and secrets.

What was her Gummy bear hiding?

But the only thing she could yearn for was that things to get better soon. But how mistaken she was. Things just started. Every destruction has a beginning. Was it theirs too?


A woman was creepily gazing at a teenage girl standing at a distance while she was hiding behind a tree. The woman's actual focus was on the food which the teenage girl held. Her mouth started watering watching the delicious food covered in a translucent sheet in her hand. She gaped at her surroundings making sure no one was nearer.

The moment she confirmed it, her feet took her to the girl who was scrolling through her phone while carrying the food in her hand. She stood right behind her making sure not to make a sound.

The woman tapped on the teenager's shoulder and as soon as the girl turned she gathered her forefinger and middle finger together in a tight grip and hit the girl right at the vein in her neck which made her unconscious. The woman laughed maniacally watching the girl falling with a thud.

"Tsk..tsk..honey, teenagers like you should not roam around alone." She said mockingly to the unconscious teenager. Who talks to an unconscious body? Probably someone who is mentally ill.

The woman bend down and pick the food from her hand and savour the food like she didn't get to eat for days which was true. After finishing she bend down again and scanned the girl's body and found a cute kitten-printed wallet and rummaged through it and found some money. She threw the wallet not before stuffing the money in her jacket which she stole after escaping from the asylum.

"Finally I'm back to Daegu. The trip to Busan turned out so horrible. That bitch betrayed me and put me in an asylum." She spoke while gritting her teeth remembering her boyfriend who tricked her and put her in an asylum to get all of her property.
"No worries, now that I'm back my first motive is to.." the woman paused and smirked looking at the sky.
"Find Yn." The woman blurted out and her eyes turn dark.

"I'm craving to kill you little girl but I don't want to get in trouble just the moment I came back to my hometown." She pouted looking at the girl and left not before kicking the teenager's stomach.

Hope you enjoyed reading the chapter.
Why did Yn out of the blue ask Namjoon about the pills?
Who is the woman and why is she behind Yn?

I'm going to mess a little more with your brain cells in upcoming chapters. HAHAHA!!!

I know my writing style is changing drastically but it's because I'm trying to add more words to my vocabulary and improve my grammar. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Also did you all notice, that I have rated this book as mature recently. Well, there won't be any smut but mention of violence, self-harm and child abuse. Don't worry I will add a warning at the beginning of the scenario if you feel uncomfortable reading, you can skip the part.

Thank you for reading.

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