Chapter - 22

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Don't drown yourself deep in staring
at the sky,
Dreaming about your bright future.
That you forget the darkness which is swallowing you from below.

Author's pov

A man was quivering in fear, while his moist eyes were peering into a well-built man who was looking at the evidence in his hands with his sharp eyes. His face was blank but his fisted hands were implying his disposition. The fearful man crouched his head down knowing what was coming next.

"Are you that desperate to die, joe?" The well-built man taunted tilting his head.

Creep! That's what someone would say looking at his behaviour and aura. He was an aged man but masculine even youngsters wouldn't have such a well-built figure as him. His strong cologne filled the entire place. His broad forehead, eagle eyes, pointed nose and clenched jaw all screamed wrath. His aura was enough to get people on their knees.

Joe's eyes dilated and he shook his head with all his might.
"I...s-sorry. Forgive-" Even before Joe could plead for his dear life. The man slapped Joe in the face making him stumble.
"You jerk! Didn't I warn you? Don't show me your shitty face unless you get the thing I wanted." The man howled grabbing Joe's collar.
"I t-tried my best, sir." Joe voiced lowly in the hope to escape.
The man pushed him back and threw those papers in his face which he was examining a while ago.
"Look at those! These are the same gibberish you presented me earlier when I asked you about the progress. Yet again you dared to come in front of me with empty hands!" The man's voice was increasing with each word.

Good that he was seated on a private jet which was about to take off or else the poor humans would witness his demonic wrath.

"But...there's nothing more sir." Joe tried to speak formally but his voice came out as a cry.
"You are good for nothing! You had been working under me for years now but yet you couldn't get a tiny bit of information. Huh?" He uproared again.
"Please-" Joe tried to speak but the man's cold voice cut him off.

The mere word made Joe stumble on his feet and exit the place cause working for years under this man he knows the consequences of provoking him.
"I can't get angry on this day. The least I can do for her." He sighed and massaged his forehead.

"You oldie!" Someone yelled while getting comfortable on a seat which was right beside the one to whom he was yelling.
"Jihoon, it's Hwang." Spitted Mr Hwang while shaking his head with a sigh knowing he is going to be blessed with burning ears till they reach their destination.
"You deserve to be called an oldie. Just because you sought out your work soon you can't cancel my schedule and drag me to Daegu." Whined Ji-hoon.

Hwang's cold face left its intenseness for a while chuckling at his aged friend and watching him whining like a kid. But soon his face got deadpanned while remembering the reason to go back to Daegu. Jihoon was not so whiny as to not notice this. The playfulness fell off his face and got replaced by worry.

"Did you find something?" Jihoon asked.
"No! My men are good for nothing! They just know to lavishly leave on my money. That punks got me the same appointment letter and report of her when she last visited there." His rough voice trailed off with her mention.

Jihoon dropped his shoulders in gloom knowing how difficult it is for Hwang to talk about someone whom he loved to the moon but is no more with him.

"Don't worry now that we are going back. The possibility of things being hidden is impossible." He spoke grinning bringing a cunning and malignant smirk to Hwang's face.

"Of course!" Hwang snickered while leaning back on the seat.
"Let's relax for now. Since I don't want to waste even a minute after reaching there. Also, we must visit her today." Jihoon nodded at Hwang's words.
"Shall I inform Mr Jung?" Jihoon asked making him shake his head while removing his gun from his suit.

Though Jihoon didn't complete his words Hwang knew what he was talking about.

"But why? Jihoon frowned.
"A surprise, moreover I don't want him to know my every move," Hwang exclaimed while playing with his gun.
"What? But why? Weren't you the one to inform him about your arrival?" Asked Jihoon.
Hwang nodded with his face playing a malicious smirk and hand playing with the gun.
"You know, a rat comes out of his shelter, I mean a tiny little hole only when he knows his shelter or life is in danger. And that's what I did." Hwang spoke making Jihoon's eyes wide upon it. While Hwang kept the gun to a side relaxing on the seat.

"Which means you think Mr Jung is the culprit?" Jihoon asked more like shrieked though he didn't believe it himself.
"When did I say that? It may be him or someone nearer to him, nearer to us." Hwang's blood boiled remembering how his close ones might be the reason for her death.

"Believing and forgiving someone is not my cup of tea." Hwang chuckled darkly making Jihoon gulp and remember how he shot a traitor once not caring about the ten years of his work and being like a family to him.

"Even you don't disclose anything to someone after reaching there. They are only allowed to know the things I want them to." Hwang declared making Jihoon nod his head.

Hwang was someone who never trusted his own shadow. He was never someone to be humble or considerate about others except her but the unfortunate storm took her away from him and made him more ruthless and desperate to know the culprit. He promised himself to give the worst death to the killer.


Meanwhile at Yoongi's place

The protagonist has such a well-toned body. Gosh! I love it." Yn squealed but cringed internally at what she said but this can be overlooked in the enjoyment of watching her bear's reaction.

Of course! he is a Jealous bear. She smirked preparing herself for all the things coming her way. But what Yoongi did made her startled.

He pulled her on his lap wrapping his arms around her waist and encircling his legs around her body.

He placed his chin on Yn's shoulder and mumbled, "Repeat," his mere whisper was enough to bring back Yn to her perceptions. Her whole body surged with a current and her stomach did a flip at their closeness.
"Jagi, you were saying something and unfortunately I didn't hear it. Please repeat for me." Yoongi voiced again enjoying watching his frozen Angel.

They had always been this close, but today's intimidating Yoongi was something which swallowed Yn's boldness. She licked her lips and tried moving them. But her words were something which Yoongi's intimidation have cursed to come out.
"I was-" before she could even give a fail try Yoongi pulled her closer leaving no gap between them.

"Okay, you are more handsome you are the only man in this world who is handsome. I didn't mean what I said earlier about that random guy I don't even know him. Gummy bears are cute and kind they shouldn't trouble someone. So be the Gummy bear not an intimidating mafia." Yn spoke in one breath and this made Yoongi believe that one day she will break Jin's fastest rapping record.

He had enough of controlling by now but can't anymore and he busted out laughing making Yn feel embarrassed and angry with herself about the confession earlier.ย She tried to get up but he held her tighter and peck her cheek.

"Sorry, I'm sorry. But I must say you rap so well." He concluded and started cracking up again. Yn sulked and tried to get up again.
"Okay, sorry I won't laugh again."
"Better for you." Saying this Yn leaned her head on his shoulder closing her eyes.
Yoongi smiled at her living this ecstatic moment to the fullest and caressed her hair.
"Angel," Yoongi called out softly while Yn hummed.
"I will be going out for a while. Eat something and sleep if you want." Yoongi informed while Yn turned her head around and looked into his eyes.

"I will come with you," Yn spoke.
"Why? Don't come, stay at home." Yoongi retorted.
"I know where you are going and I want to accompany you," Yn affirmed and got up, and walked to the kitchen not letting Yoongi argue.

Yoongi sighed knowing he can't win over her stubbornness. What a balance, both are stubborn but know when to win or lose over the other.

Yoongi sighed remembering something he had decided to do, something good for everyone. He took his phone out texting someone. He once again read the text before sending it.

Inform your husband that I will come to meet him after a day of Yn shifting to my house.

Yes, Yoongi was messaging Mrs Min. He had decided that he will end it once and for all, he will inform his father that he is not at all interested in his money, and will leave all things behind and start a new life with his Angel.

He clicked the send icon and within a few seconds, he saw her typing something. He rolled his eyes.

"Expected her to check my message these soon, of course! what more she can do than use the phone and mess around."

He muttered and tsked before blocking her number not in any mood to listen to her babble. He sighed staring at his phone, its screen was cracked a bit due to being smashed on the floor yesterday.

"This lady is nothing but trouble. Now I have to buy a new phone." He muttered under his breath walking to the kitchen to know what his Angel might be doing.


Who felt chills reading Hwang's entry? Me for sure! Trust me, there's more hideous coming from him sooner.

I'm an evil author because I will be leaving you all with this huge cliffhanger. But can't help TT

My exams date are out and the next chapter will be updated after my exams :(((

Till then take care.
Borahae ๐Ÿ’œ

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