Chapter- 29

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Reunion with your loved ones strains the spiral of a part of your forgotten self.

"Some more?" Namjoon stretched his hands which held a plate of choco pies but the uninvited guest denied it with a curt nod.

"I'm going to my room. Do call if you both need something." Namjoon informed eyeing both of them. He had no reason to go into his room but sensing the tension in the air, he believed they both need some time, all alone.

Shortly after Namjoon left, Mr Hwang cleared his throat.

" have you been, Yoongi?" Mr Hwang uttered softly, eyeing the latter who was looking at the cup of unfinished tea in his hands.

The sudden appearance of his uncle after years wasn't easy to digest and accept after reminiscing about the last bitter impression Mr Hwang stained in his teenage self.

"Fine, I guess," Yoongi answered rather blankly. He didn't know if he felt happy to see his dearest Uncle, the brother of his late mother or if he wanted to turn his back on the older being in front of him—who left his nephew in the cold shadow of his father.

"Won't you ask me the same?" Mr Hwang asked, landing the empty plate on the table in the living area followed by Yoongi who placed his cup of unfinished tea

"Why are you here?"

Utter silence plagued the if Yoongi's question harmoniously crumbled the little hopes of Mr Hwang to expect a speck of warmth welcoming from Yoongi.

Yoongi's cold behaviour ever since he barged into the room wasn't unnoticed by Mr Hwang, yet he let it hide the way Yoongi was trying to.

"I'm sorry, son" Mr Hwang finally confessed his heartfelt. His heart ached at the fact that his nephew, whom he loved beyond anything was suffering at the hands of Min's family; one more reason to despise the Min bloodline.

"But why are you apologizing?" Yoongi questioned now staring down at the frowning Uncle of his. As if the sugary taste of pies from earlier evoked his bitterness to spew out, he let out his next words crammed with harshness. "I'm just the son of your sister, not your family... so my safety and comfort weren't upon you."

The words did nothing more than dig into the old wounds and smear Mr Hwang's eyes with tears. He understood the pain Yoongi was trying to conceal behind his unconcerned words; that it was not just his, but even Yoongi's wounds of betrayal were sore once again.

On the other side, Yoongi could barely control himself any longer and started biting his inner cheeks, out of habit when pushed into such emotional trials. The memories came gushing where he screaming for his saviour Uncle to rescue him from the locked room, the way his eyes searched every time the room was opened thrice a day to provide him food— how badly he wished it was Mr Hwang. But what he did do? Returned to Seoul leaving him alone, to suffer.

The only words his mind struck onto were...he left you.

Yoongi didn't realise Mr Hwang coming nearer until he felt a coldness swiping onto his hands. Raising his eyebrows he saw Mr Hwang kneeling and looking at him with tears brimming in his eyes.

"Please, Yoongi...don't say that. You are like my son. You are my only family after your mother left." Mr Hwang's words wobbled as he kept stroking Yoongi's warm hands.
"Oh, yes. I'm your family who you left to suffer." Yoongi mocked, at last confessing his emotional breakdown. He stood up and turned around, not wanting to let the tears look evident in his eyes.

Mr Hwang looked at the fine marble beneath him and sighed. He wished to turn back time.

Standing up he made Yoongi face him. A small gasp left his lips watching Yoongi in tears. Despising the view, he pulled Yoongi in a tight hug and cried himself.

"I-I was helpless, my son. You know...I'm a mafia, danger lurks around me. I couldn't risk your life taking you with me." Sinffling, Hwang continued, "All these years I was clearing every danger around me. Believe me, I left that filthy world to come back to you, to my family." When he heard no more sobs, he pulled back and looked at Yoongi who looked anywhere but Mr Hwang.

Mr Hwang patted Yoongi's head, which made him raise his red eyes and witness the love he wished to receive years back. But maybe moving on and getting back to normal was good for everyone, thought Yoongi.

"Please forgive your Uncle."

Yoongi smiled lightly, wiping the tears off Hwang's cheeks.

"Okay, I forgive you but you must make a promise to me." Yoongi made him sit back on the edge of the couch and stood in front of him.

The sweet memory of the time when little Yoongi used to jump onto Mr Hwang's lap and take a promise of bringing him a big gift the next time he visits flashed their mind and both broke in a light chuckle.

"Promise me you will never leave me again."

Without a speck of hesitancy, Hwang placed his palm on the stretched hand of his nephew.

"I promise, I will never leave you now."

Both of them smiled widely, but the moment didn't last long when Mr Hwang's phone rang. Effrotelsy, pulling the phone out of his jacket pocket he saw the number. Within a second, his demeanour changed, a hazy look wrapped his face and posture which didn't go unnoticed by Yoongi.

"What happened Uncle-" Hwang stood abruptly, making Yoongi stop.
"Sorry, son. I have to leave, it's an emergency." Hwang spoke sadly, as his plans of spending the whole night at Yoongi's place had to be cancelled.

"It's okay, Uncle. Let's meet tomorrow. But how do I contact you?" Yoongi asked Hwang who was picking up his belonging. After putting on his jacket, he grinned at Yoongi.

"I know your home address, about your studio, your studies. So, rest assured. I will come back and take you with me." Yoongi got confused hearing the last sentence.

I will come back and take you with me.

Nonetheless, he responded to the quick hug given by his Uncle and waved at him.

Just when Mr Hwang was about to step out, he turned back and smirked.

"I even know about Y/n, your angel. Good choice I must say." Winking he left the room leaving a blushing Yoongi.

Mrs Min was helping Jungkook with his new project. She smiled proudly watching how brilliant he was in everything. He kept working on his project conveniently while she only watched him— when she was supposed to help her school-going child.

She scoffed at the thought of how Yoongi used to struggle to complete his academic work— for she failed to understand that not everyone is the same. And forgot how every time Jungkook needs good supervision from Yoongi for his singing competitions and anything related to music.

Her trance of pride broke when she received a text.

Want to destroy your stepson and kick him away from your family will? Then meet me in the cafe near your mansion.

Mrs Min was anxious about the fact that someone knew her dark secrets and more shockingly, wants to help her. She clenched her sweaty hand, contemplating what to do.


I know it was a short chapter but if I write more, it will get too long. Also, have to maintain the ritual of cliffhangers, shouldn't we XD

So what do you think? Who texted Mrs Min?

And thank you so much for the support until now. Your feedback is highly appreciated.

Lots of love ❤️

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