002. unwanted daddy issues, unwanted child

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"Home's not home, weird girl."

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ

ANDIE stared at the boy. He was knocked out, literally. Grover stood there, next to her, explaining the story.
"Dude, I swear, Andie! It was crazy!" Grover exclaimed.

The girl shushed the satyr.

"He slayed the Minotaur?" She whispered and it was clear that the demigod didn't believe her goat friend. Not one bit.

"Yeah! And then, his mom— she just evaporated? And after killing the Minotaur he just.. you know... fainted?" Grover whisper-yelled.

"Grover." Andie shook her head. "You know he's gonna hate all of us after this, right?" she chuckled silently.

The satyr looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"I wouldn't be too fond of camp if my mom would be dead, and we all just let it happen, y'know? God, imagine how he feels. And all this crap, he just got told in a night? Like, 'oh yeah, by the way, you're a demigod.' That must suck, Grover." Andromeda frowned.

"Oh." Suddenly Grover looked really sad. Super sad. And really guilty. That made Andie feel horrible.

"No, no! Grover, c'mon! I'm sure he'll forgive you. Don't worry, I'll make it happen." She nodded.
"I hope so." The satyr mumbled.

"Elllie! Ellie!" Andie ran to her other step sister, Eleanor.

WITH her curly strawberry blonde hair and her pretty green eyes, Eleanor Schuyler was definitely known around camp. Just like Andie she was very persuasive. The only difference was just the fact she had the gift of Charmspeak. Just like her sister, she was the daughter of Aphrodite.

She was a charmer, according to Luke.

"Yes, Andie?" The girl smiled kindly.

"The new guy, he killed a Minotaur!" Andromeda exclaimed.

She told the story thoroughly, not missing a single detail Grover told her prior. And once she was done she was met by a knowing smile by her half sister.


"Nothing Andie, really." Eleanor chuckled.

Though, Andie noticed her knowing smile. It was the same smile she used to give her when she used to gush about her former cabin 11 friend. She chose to ignore it this time.

As Andie kept rambling about the new boy at camp, she realised that her empathy was going out to a person she's never even spoken to.

Was she an empath? Certainly not. Atleast, that's the answer she'd give you if she was asked.

Her job was to heal the hurt demigods at camp. Not to empathise with them.

In her peripheral vision she could see her sister sitting there with an expression that said something similar to "Oh Gods, she's doing it again."

"Well anyway, don't try to charmspeak him, Ells."
Andie finally requested.

"Nah, not this time. Not feeling it. He doesn't seem my type. I promise." Eleanor shook her head teasingly.

Andie exhaled, celebrating Eleanor's promise internally. It's not like she would care or something
— just that she didn't want a new camper to fall in love with her sister so soon. Or more precisely, she didn't want her sister charming a new camper.

Not yet at least.

The Minotaur-slayer eventually woke up, confused, and disoriented.

"You drool when you sleep." Andie stated.

He shook his head with a groan, and went to sleep again.

Poor new kid. All alone, with no answers.

Andromeda felt sick to her stomach. Because how could this happen to someone like him? This never happened. No kid showed up out of the blue, killed a monster like that.

He was different.

And not only in the mental way like she was.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ

Soon later, the unclaimed new kid woke up. And with his messy hair, he quickly left too. Probably to find some sort of God.

Andie couldn't help it, and just silently watched as he tried to talk to Mr. D

"Peter Johnson is here!" Mr. D yelled. She snickered.

"It's Percy." The boy replied angrily.

"Okay, Peter, now—" Mr. D continued.

Percy wanted to argue, when he saw a girl standing next to this God, or whoever Mr. D was.
Percy recognised her instantly. The girl from the infirmary.

She had wavy dark blonde hair, hazel eyes and kind smile on her face. The first thing he noticed was her little constellation of freckles.

"He's no help, stranger." Andie chuckled.

Why the hell was she laughing? Percy thought.

"Andromeda, dear! Won't you show this kid where to get the wine? I'll claim him if he does." Mr. D nodded eagerly.

Andromeda? So that was this girl's name. He also made a mental note to remember that. She seemed somewhat friendly, and she didn't look like she'd kill him.

"That's not your dad, and don't get him wine, you'll just get into trouble with Chiron."

"Who's Chiron—" Percy started, before being interrupted by a centaur.

"I'm Chiron, Percy." He smiled warmly.

"Mr. Brunner? What are you doing here?" Percy was utterly confused, his face made Andie want to grin.

After a long explanation, Andie was tasked to show him around Camp.

˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ

"That's the Hermes cabin. Where you'll be staying."

"Hermes... that's my father? Hermes?" The boy's eyebrows raised. "How do you know that?"

"No, that's just where all the unclaimed go."


"Yeah. You basically do stuff to figure out where you belong until your parent claims you."

"I'm sorry, what?" Percy froze.
"Well yeah—" he interrupted her instantly.

"You're telling me, I'm here, not by choice, my mother is dead, and I have to prove to my dad, who never had the time to show up, to wish me a 'happy birthday', to just be here, that I'm worthy enough to be called his son?"

"Pretty much." Andie sighed. He was stubborn. She could tell.

"That's so stupid." He muttered. "I mean, he didn't want anything to do with me, Andromeda. He never visited, never talked to me. As if I wanted to be some stupid half-blood. I don't. I don't want to be here. At all. And I can't go home." He frowned.

"Look, uhm, it's not that bad here, you'll fit in here nicely."

"I don't care if I belong here. I don't want to be here, and to prove myself to some guy who doesn't want anything to do with me." He insisted.

Andie sighed. "I'm sure he'll claim you."

"Why is he waiting then? I'm not stupid, Andromeda. And I don't need him. I've managed myself nicely without him. I don't want him." He shook his head.

"I think he'll claim you quickly, though. It's not everyday someone kills the Minotaur."

"It's not everyday someone's mother evaporates into dust." He muttered bitterly.

That shut her up quickly.

"Look, I'm sure you'll get claimed. If not, you'll go home after the summer. And you won't be back here until June. Home's good." Andie finally muttered.

"Home's not home, weird girl. My mother is gone. And staying with my stepdad?" he scoffed. "Hell is probably better than this place. And everyone keeps staring at me like I'm a piece of meat," Percy was clearly frustrated.

'Weird girl? Fine then, weird boy.' Is what Andie wanted to say, but she refrained. He was dealing with a lot. Wasn't worth giving him a hard time for it. Even if he just snapped at her.

She also didn't really get what was so wrong with staying with a step dad.

Mr. Schuyler wasn't that bad. Though, not everyone was that lucky.

Andie felt such empathy for this boy. And she really wished at least some of his sorrow could be hers.

He was different.

But she was different too.

blue speaks!

Sooo... they're already bickering.. hope this was semi-entertaining and semi-realistic (bear with me) and I hope you liked it cause I enjoyed it.

Anyway, I totally fucked up my math test, got even the date wrong (😖😖) but other than that school is okay..
if this is messy and makes no sense, I'm sorry 😖😖 I didn't have the energy to proofread...

Oh yeah, also, we're too many pictures in the story?? 😨

Anyway enough with me yapping, I hope you guys liked it, I'll leave some notes for suggestions here and/or ideas for the other chapters though I can't guarantee they'll all be included!

leave your notes here !! 🌱🌞🌊

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