30 day Arrow challenge!

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1. Your favorite male character: Oliver. Because- duh. He's just freaking awesome, and no, not just my favorite because he's the main character.

2. Your favorite female character: Thea! She's just such a freaking badass and I love her

3. Your favorite hero: The Green Arrow. What kinda question is that?

4. Your favorite couple: OLICITY. Duh.

5. Your favorite episode: I don't actually know. Maybe Pilot? I liked Deathstroke Returns, too. And Fallout. Can I say all of them?

6. Your least favorite episode: Fadeout...

7. Your favorite scene: I have so many! I love the scene of Thea first being Speedy. I think the first episode of season 4? But really, all of them.

8. Your least favorite scene: That one scene in season one where Laurel and Oliver- you know- and then Tommy walks by the apartment... That sucked.

9. Your favorite brother/sister relationship: Oliver and Thea. They're just- perfect

10. Your least favorite character: Rene. You're not Oliver, get used to it, bud. I don't not like him, I just like everyone else more... Except the villains, but I don't want to use them for this question.

11. Your favorite friendship: Oliver and Diggle

12. Your favorite quote: There are wayyy too many, but... "Someone once told me that the essence of heroism is to die so others can live"

13. Your least favorite couple: Um, I don't actually have one at the moment.

14. Your favorite actor: Stephen Amell 100%

15. Your least favorite actor: Again, don't have one.

16. Your favorite actress: Willa Holland

17. Your least favorite actress: I don't have oneee

18. Favorite kiss: Okay, okay, time to be unpopular, but in the episode Legends of Yesterday, when Oliver kissed Felicity, and then they went to go save the world or something, I don't remember... Maybe that was actually in the Flash's episode of the crossover...

But yeah, that's a super super random one for you.

19. Least favorite kiss: That one kiss in season one where Laurel and Oliver- you know- and then Tommy walks by the apartment... That sucked.
Same as number 8...

20. Your favorite cast member: Uh- all of them? Stephen Amel, though, come on, how could he not be?

21. Your favorite fight scene: Season two finale, Death Stroke vs Oliver.

22. Favorite recurring character: I won't use the main characters for this, cuz you all know my favorite (OLLIE). So maybe... Malcolm Merlyn? I love him sooo much.

23. A death you wanted to happen: Ricardo Diaz. Could not stand that dude.

24. A death you can't get over: 


Oliver... Jonas... Queen...

25. Something you love about Arrow: Literally everything. I just love the characters, and how team Arrow really doesn't have superpowers or super advanced technology to do things for them, and they're still so amazing.

26. Something you hate about Arrow: Some of the villains really weren't- good enough. Not like, nice, but I usually like villains, at least at some point, and I didn't like some of these people at all... And when things get super unrealistic, but it's not in a way that they explain well.
Like- yes, metas are fine because they explain it in a way that stupid people (me) would believe is true.

27. Your favorite season: Season two!

28. Your least favorite season: Season four or eight? I'm not really sure, to be honest.

29. Your favorite character overall: OLIVER

30: Comic character you would love to see: Oh uh I didn't actually read the comics lmao

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