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─── ・ 。:゚♡: *. Señorita .*♡ :゚. ───ˊˎ˗

                                                   ━━━ The Start of Nicknames. . .

Fourteenth of February woke up to a crisp dawn. The sun was slowly rising; the atmosphere, a pleasant picturesque. The view from Sirius's bedroom window was as pretty as a picture. He sighed in contentment and watched the mist of his breath evaporate.

Swinging his legs off the bed in an attempt to wake up his sleeping Godson, he got up. His plan paid off and little Harry opened his eyes, albeit slowly. "Morning, kid."

"Morming, Pafoot!" Harry exclaimed, chop and changing into an energetic four-year-old's personality from that of a lethargic cat.

"All right, bud. Get ready real quick! Moony is gonna give you something!" Ruffling the little boy's hair, Sirius encouraged Harry.

"Oky, Pafoot! Ima ge' reddy 'oon!"  Harry jumped off the bed and scampered towards the bathroom to wait for Sirius to brush his milk teeth. Feeling slightly dazed about Harry's slowly growing pronunciation, Sirius followed him. Oh, I really have to work on his pronunciation.

After an hour of enjoying themselves in the shower, Sirius and Harry plopped down on the sofa set in front of a serious looking Remus Lupin.

"You look tired, Moony," Sirius chided.

"Moomy! Moomy!"

"Why, thank you. You look wild, Padfoot."

"Pafoot! Pafoot!"

Sirius grinned, ignoring Harry's routinely miming of his and Remus's names. After all, 'wild' was one of his favorite adjectives, especially when it was used to describe him. "Ah, that's a great compliment coming from you on such a fine day."

"I am in no mood to banter with you, Padfoot."

"Pafoot! Pafoot!"

"Let's just move on to the present, shall we, Harry?"

"'Ell yes!"

Remus fought back a laugh; Sirius did not. "Gosh, shut up, Sirius. He's just a poor kid and you are teaching him all sorts of wrong words!"

"Wong wods, 'amn!" Harry swore, without quite realising he did. Sirius's laughter only intensified. Sighing, Remus stepped in and took control over the situation, which if left carelessly would result in havoc.

"Here you go, pup. This is something that I made for you," Remus said, digging into his bag and taking out a book. He proffered it to the boy.

"Here you go, pup. This is something that I made for you," Remus said, digging into his bag and taking out a book. He proffered it to the boy.

"'Hanks, Moomy!"

"Hey! I was the brilliant mastermind behind the idea!" Sirius piped in. Alongside Remus and McGonagall, Sirius invented a diary which, when written by Harry, would result in getting a response from his dead parents. Yes, it was indeed charmed to be like James's and Lily's brains. It had taken years, quite a considerate number at that, to develop this, but when Harry would grow up with the realisation that his parents were still close to him, there would be no solitude in his innocent mind.

Harry was flipping the book over in his tiny hands with Remus instructing him how to make it work. The little boy's curiosity sparked a wire in Sirius's mind.

"A new word for the day, Harry!" It was common practice for either Sirius or Remus to teach Harry a new word every day to help better his vocabulary and pronunciation. This included swear words too, because Sirius just could not live without yelling profanities.

"Wot?" Harry asked, seemingly forgetting the book. Remus frowned.

"Don't you dare teach him a profanity, Sirius."

"Not really! Repeat after me, pup. Señorita!"

"Are you serious?" Remus breathed before facepalming. "Nevermi–"

"How could I not mind? I am Sirius with an 'i' not Serious with an 'e' and I'm totally serious about that!" he grinned. "Now, after me. Señorita," he added, seeing the blank look on Harry's face.

"Seno!" Harry exclaimed, clapping his hands excitedly.

"Brilliant! Keep repeating that!"

"Seno! Ita! Senoita!"

"It means a young girl, but when you use it, it should be sarcastic. You'll be called the King of Sarcasm if you do," Sirius winked. Harry giggled and Remus made to retort but Sirius spoke up much faster. "You might have to work on the 'n' pronunciation there, kid. Otherwise, you are faring better than a cranky werewolf on a full moon night!"

Remus, who was watching the exchange in silence until then, perked up. "Oi! C'mon, Harry, let's visit the Weasleys. At least, I would be away from the rabid dog for a while," Remus smirked.

"I wanna geoff fro ya bot!"

The two best friends exchanged a look before the wisest one spoke up in a hoarse tone. "That's called emotional damage, man!"

The wind was wintry and fresh. Harry cuddled with his Godfather – or rather – Dogfather. Pulling rather harshly on the leash, Remus led Padfoot and motioned Harry to follow them. Padfoot barked in annoyance when Remus intentionally broke into a run. Harry tried to keep up with the tired man but soon fell over onto the white snow, panting and laughing.

"Herry?" a familiar voice asked. Harry turned around to lie on his back. He was met by Ron, who was keeping one of his fingers in his mouth, and Ginny, who was chewing on a lolly.

"Ro! Geeny!" The two kids fell onto the snow, each on the other side of him. They giggled together and watched the sky quietly. A sudden urge to smash Ron's face with a snowball tempted Harry and he worked on it. Grabbing a handful of snow, he dropped it on Ron's face.

"Blime me!" Ron exclaimed, feeling the frost bite and trying to get off the snow on his face. Harry laughed hard at his friend's expression but the laughter on his face died away when Ginny aimed a snowball at the back of his head. He toppled over, and his eyes grazed her mischievous expression. A word flew to the tip of his tongue, something that should be used sarcastically, as thought by Sirius.

Just as he uttered it, Ginny's face turned blank and pink; but Harry was smirking at succeeding in pronouncing one word perfectly. "Señorita!"

The start of something new. Your thoughts on this story? Let me know!

And here's a small guide to the next chapter:

Bold, italics, underline: James's or Lily's response in the diary.

Italics: Harry's thoughts and writings on the diary.

On a side note, Harry's spelling
mistakes are totally intentional to
make his baby pronunciation more realistic.

Word Count: 1021 words

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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