twelve // so this is what you wanted

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Exiting the elevator, the hotel staff member showed us to our room, stopping in front of a set of large double doors at the end of a corridor. The wallpaper on the walls were slightly warping, my vision still affected by the drugs Solus had slipped us.

Fuck you Solus.

The staff member swiped our security card against the door, introducing us to the luxury suite we were apparently staying in. It was huge, probably half the size of my family's entire apartment - the bed was custom made bigger than I had ever seen before.

"If you need anything, please do not hesitate to call us via the front desk extension on the main hologram screen," the man smiled, leaving the room.

"You still feeling the effects of the drugs?" I asked Y/N, falling back on the large couch in our suite. I knew that despite Solus drugging us, they wouldn't include footage of me openly speaking about it.

Y/N nodded, running along the side of the room and leaping onto the plush bed, the pillows gently bouncing as she landed. She was laughing to herself as I watched her; she was in a much better mood than how I found her earlier in the night.

Tom, there's some clothes to change into inside the closet on your right. Go have a look

I pulled myself off the couch and opened the sliding mirrored doors to see a few things hanging inside the wardrobe. A pair of luxurious looking pajamas for both of us and a business suit hanging next to them. I checked the dry cleaners tag hanging off the set:

'This is for you to wear to work tomorrow, saves you going home in the morning'.

I tossed the women's pajama set to Y/N who squealed and held them up. I got changed, turning around to have my back towards her; giving her privacy. Obviously I would have preferred to watch, but the girl just got dumped because of me... It's probably not a wise move to hit on her too quickly.

"Wanna tell me why you went to such a sleazy bar tonight? Guys would've bought you drinks in any of the bars in your area... Why go all the way down to Sub-Zero?" I asked her, reaching over the side of the couch to raid the complimentary mini bar.

"Solus sent me there on a task. They told me to ask the bartender for Sugar, which led me out the back to one of the sex rooms where I met a girl called Sugar," Y/N said staring up at the roof, her arms and legs speared out like a starfish on the bed.

"You had sex with a girl called Sugar?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at the fact Solus asked her to fuck someone as a task.

"No! Oh my god, no. Sugar was fucking Ashton. Solus sent me there because my piece of shit ex boyfriend dumped me and a few hours later went and paid some whore to sleep with him," Y/N continued.

She looked so sad now, the drugs obviously affecting our emotions in a heightened manner whether they were positive or negative. I was furious though, if I ever saw that prick near her again after watching what he said to her today, I will fucking hit him.

"He's an asshole Y/N. Plus he could've gone to like a hundred sex clubs better than where we ended up tonight so that proves he's even worse than I thought," I joked, laughing at myself before noticing she wasn't laughing with me.

"Y-you okay?" I said standing up from the couch and moving over to the bed, sitting on the edge next to her as she still laid splayed out.

"I don't really know. I feel everything and nothing all at the same time. Like, a part of me wants to cry and yell and punch a wall. And then another part of me is almost relieved he's gone. Especially after hearing the things he called me today, I know he mustn't have really loved me," she said gently.

Her voice was soft, barely above a whisper but you could hear her words crack as she tried to suppress her emotions. With a loud sigh, she covered her eyes with her arm, groaning and apologising for getting sappy with me.

"No seriously Y/N, you're allowed to be upset over a break up. It was a pretty fucked up day for you today," I said laying down next to her and holding back a smile.

She couldn't see me thankfully, but being with her right now made me happy; even though she was an emotional drug affected wreck. She explained herself as feeling two things at once before right? I feel the same way.

One half of me wants to fuck the shit out of her and make her forget Ashton even existed. Yet the other half of me just wanted to hold her, to play with her hair and let her cry against my chest until all of the sadness left her heart.

She rolled over and leant her head up onto my arm, curling her knees up and taking a deep breath. Her eyelashes were wet, her cheeks were glistening from her tears. I told her to sit up for a second before I adjusted the bed covers from under us and extended my arm underneath her, pulling the covers back up.

"Solus really wants us to give them drama hey? You know, always making us run into each other and shit," she chuckled, nuzzling her head into my chest as I curled my arm around her.

"You think they gave us this fancy hotel room tonight hoping that we'd have a one night stand and that they could film the lead up before the classic fade to black they always do when players are about to have sex?" I joked, insinuating the fact that yes, I agree with Solus that we should definitely have sex.

"Probably, but having sex when you're sad and have tears drying down your face isn't the sexiest situation to be in," she laughed.

"We should probably sleep anyway... You've had a long day and I have dumb law things to do tomorrow," I yawn, tilting my head to rest against the top of hers as both of us drifted into a deep slumber.

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