𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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"Hey, wake up! Jay, don't make me roll you off this bed!" A familiar voice sounded in his ears, the boys eyes fluttering open after a few seconds.

His eyes were blurry from sleep but he was more definitely awake because of his shoulders being shaken back and forth. "Harold what's the rush? I didn't sleep in again did I?" He asked him, rubbing his eyes with a hand as he sat in the bed. He heard the wooden beams beneath creaking as Harold shifted himself into a sitting position.

"No, it's actually early in the morning." He snickered softly, yelping as a punch connected with his shoulder. "Then why did you wake me?" Jay hissed at him, though he wasn't really mad. He would get woken up by Harold way earlier than the others. Sometimes it was for a good reason, like a sudden early training sessions, or it could just be more Harold's entertainment. He couldn't make sense on how he was an early bird. Jay liked to have his sleep.

He let out a groan as he pushed his feet over the bed, grabbing his pants and slipping his ankles through the legs. "Is the sun up?" He asked him softly, not wanting to wake the others in the room. Though, he could already hear some grumbles of annoyance because of the two. "No, I wanted to watch it rise with you." He told him, looking at him expectantly. A flush immediately colored Jay's cheeks, turning his head away so the other boy couldn't see it.

Even though he was sure Harold didn't feel the same way about him, his words always caught him off-guard. They sounded too flirtatious for his own good and always left his heart racing in his chest. "Can you not say it like that?" He mumbled, pulling his cotton shirt over his head. Before he could get his shoes on he felt a large hand grab his arm, pulling him from his bed. He let out a sigh, feeling the cold temperature of the ground shoot up his legs. It was usually like this, if he took to long to get ready.

Harold would get impatient and grabbed him before he could gather his things. The only good thing about it, was that they woke up early enough so they could come back to get the rest of their things before the day actually began. He looked down at the hand gripped his arm, another flush covering his cheeks. He didn't want him to let go but after a few seconds Harold's hand fell from it's grasp on his arm because he knew Jay would still follow him.

Their walk was silent but that didn't bother them, just the knowledge of them beside each other was good enough. A cool breeze blew across Jay's darkened skin as they walked out onto the overpass that connected two towers. The stone walkway was large enough for four people to walk side by side and the walls on either side of them were cleanly shaped. They both turned towards the backside of the castle, to where the sun would rise up. The sky was still darkened and stars twinkled above them.

Though, minute by minute it was starting to get lighter. "One more day before we travel out to that village inn." Harold murmured aloud, his gaze ahead as he leaned against the wall. Jay stood beside him, lifting his head slightly to get a better look of his face. They were close to the same height but Jay was only a few inches shorter. "Do you really think the Queen is simply going to capture them unharmed?" He asked him, turning his head sharply to stare down at him.

Jay took in his gaze, brown searching blue as he thought of the questions going through his head. "I'm not sure." He said truthfully, his voice quiet as he turned his head to look ahead. The dark blue was fading into a more lighter color and the familiar orange and pink color was starting to show. "We've been preparing for a few weeks ever since we got our inside sources about where they were hiding. And when she heard about it she doubled our training time. Even though their a bunch of small kids." He mumbled with a shrug, biting the inside of his cheek.

He heard Harold let out a sigh, his blue gaze returning to the sky. He leaned toward Jay, pushing his elbow against his. His skin immediately heated from the contact but he stayed still. It had to be weird seeing the two together. One's skin was so pale with blue eyes while the other was dark skinned with brown eyes. One's hair was short and close to his head while the others was thick, curly and slightly falling over the sides of his head. It wouldn't work out for them. "You know I like you right, Jay." He said suddenly, his voice calm. The silence around them seemed to crack.

Jay's head turned sharply towards him, eyes narrowing as he processed his words. He knew Harold was straight-forward, but what did he just say? Did he heard him correctly? His mind wasn't just messing with him because of the lack of sleep and waking up a few hours early. "I already knew that, we're friends." He told him, chuckling softly. Though, it was sort of forced and he was sure it didn't sound genuine. "I'm being serious Jay. I like you, don't you feel the same way? I thought you did, you always blush around me and I can feel you heart racing." Harold asked him, turning his head to stare at him with a raised brow.

The sudden confession made his skin turn cold, his brows furrowing as he leaned away from the ledge. His hands gripped the stone, his nails digging into the stone. He was surprised that his nails didn't split from the pressure. "Y-You just confused Harold." He started off slowly, eyes narrowing slightly as he stared at him. What? What are you doing? Why are you running away? Isn't this what you were wanting? Don't you want him? Questions prodded his mind, he was battling with his conscious always, nothing could be figured out in there.

Hurt flashed in the males eyes, a brow raising as he turned his body towards him as well. "How can you tell me I'm confused about my own feelings?" He asked him, taking a step towards him. Now his blue eyes held a bit of anger, his hands slowly closing into fists. "Because I know how you are. We just hang out too much, if we we apart then you wouldn't feel this way." Jay said sharply, not leaning or backing away. He wasn't afraid of him, why should he be. His head was tilted to glare up at him, his eyes holding defiance.

"Really, you know me?" He asked him, his voice low as he brought the distance between them closer. Yet it felt so far away. Jay was confused and afraid. He was the one that was supposed to only have feelings for him, not the other way around. The peak of sun was slowly rising up, light makings its way into this part of the world. Pink blended in with orange as well as blue. The light hit Harold's eyes, the blue color turning the color of ice. Jay could hear his breath deepen and shivers rolled down his spine.

"I like you Jay, there I said it again." He said once more, his right hand reaching upward. Jay was too busy staring into his eyes to realize it, flinching when he felt the contact on his skin. However, Harold still reached forward and brought his hand to his neck, his thumb running across his jawline. Jay felt as if electricity was running in his veins at his touch, he could feel like his brain was about to override with these new emotions. His stomach churned and his mind was whirling around like a storm was about to break loose, he could himself starting to cave him and...

Harold pressed his lips against his, taking the initiative. Jay's mind went blank for a second, eyes closing as he pressed into him as well. How could this feel so good yet so frightening at the same time? Their lips molded against one another, flesh connecting for a few mere seconds. Jay was the one that broke the kiss, his shoulders going up and down slowly as he looked up at him. Harold's chest was falling and rising, and Jay could have swore he could hear his heart beating against his rib cage. His own was going crazy and he felt as if it would never be able to settle.

"You don't have to say it. But that kiss told me enough." Harold muttered, still holding his neck in his hand. Instead of his hand feeling cold it felt warm, and Jay leaned into it unconsciously. He breathed in his scent, eyes still closed as he thought about what just happened. "Thank you." He told him, a smile on his face as he opened his eyes once more. He looked up into his eyes, the sun half-way up over the edge. A breeze rustled against them and he could feel his curls being pushed back. He liked him, he liked him so much. And Harold liked him back. Was this a feeling of accomplishment, relief, maybe it was both?

He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him in for a hug. He felt his own arms run against him as well, hands squeezing his sides slightly. Jay didn't know when but soon, he was going to tell him, that not only he liked him. He loved him as well. They were going to stay together and after serving the Queen and saving up money, they would get their own place. To wake up beside each other and be their for each other. It was going to be perfect.

( okay so, I know it's not that good.
hopefully I portrayed Harold like Dan would have

also I tried with the edit but I feel like I could have done better )

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